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Orra CLI

The Orra CLI helps you manage your multi-agent apps in development and production.


Download the latest binary for your platform from our releases page:

# macOS/Linux: Move to your PATH
sudo mv ./orra /usr/local/bin/orra
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/orra

# Verify installation
orra version
# Client Version: v0.2.2

CLI Commands Reference

Command Description Example
orra projects add Add a new project orra projects add my-ai-app
orra projects ls List all projects orra projects ls
orra projects use Set the current project orra projects use my-ai-app
orra webhooks add Add a webhook to the project orra webhooks add http://localhost:3000/webhook
orra webhooks ls List all webhooks for a project orra webhooks ls
orra api-keys gen Generate an API key for a project orra api-keys gen production-key
orra api-keys ls List all API keys for a project orra api-keys ls
orra verify run Orchestrate an action with data parameters orra verify run "Process order" -d orderId:1234
orra verify webhooks start Start a webhook server for testing orra verify webhooks start http://localhost:3000/webhook
orra ps List orchestrated actions for a project orra ps
orra inspect Get detailed information about an orchestration orra inspect o_abc123
orra grounding apply Apply a grounding spec to a project orra grounding apply -f customer-support.yaml
orra grounding ls List all groundings in a project orra grounding ls
orra grounding rm Remove grounding from a project orra grounding rm customer-support
orra config reset Reset existing Orra configuration orra config reset
orra version Print the client and server version orra version

CLI flags:

  • --project, -p: Override the current project for a single command
  • --config: Specify an alternate config file path

Quick Start

1. Initial Setup

# Create a new project
orra projects add my-ai-app

# Add a webhook to receive results (assumes the control plane is running with docker compose)
orra webhooks add http://host.docker.internal:3000/webhooks/results

# Generate an API key for your services
orra api-keys gen production-key

2. Register Services

Use the generated API key in your Node.js services:

import { initService } from '';

// Initialize with the API key from step 1
const svc = initService({ 
  name: 'customer-service',
  orraUrl: process.env.ORRA_URL,
  orraKey: 'sk-orra-v1-xyz...' // From orra api-keys gen

// Register your service
await svc.register({
  description: 'Handles customer interactions',
  schema: {
    input: {
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        customerId: { type: 'string' },
        message: { type: 'string' }

// Start handling tasks
svc.start(async (task) => {
  // Your service logic here
  // Report progress during long-running tasks
  await task.pushUpdate({
    progress: 25,
    message: "Processing customer data..."
  // Continue processing and report more progress
  await task.pushUpdate({
    progress: 50,
    message: "Analyzing request..."
  // Complete the task with final result
  return { success: true, data: { /* your result */ } };

3. Verify Your Setup

Once your services are running:

# Test the orchestration
orra verify run "Help customer with delayed order" \
  -d customerId:CUST123 \
  -d orderId:ORD123

# Watch the orchestration progress
orra ps
# ◎ o_abc123  Help customer...  processing  5s ago

# Inspect the details
orra inspect o_abc123

Now your services are integrated with Orra and ready for orchestration!

Detailed Command Reference

Managing Projects

Projects are containers for orchestration of your multi-agent applications.

# Create a new project
orra projects add my-ai-app

# List all projects
orra projects ls
# * my-ai-app           Current project
#   customer-service    ID: p_xyz123

# Switch to another project
orra projects use customer-service

Webhooks Management

Webhooks allow Orra to send orchestration results back to your applications.

# Add a webhook to receive results
orra webhooks add http://localhost:3000/webhook

# List all configured webhooks
orra webhooks ls

# Start a local webhook server for testing
orra verify webhooks start http://localhost:3000/webhook

API Keys Management

API keys are used to authenticate your services with Orra.

# Generate a new API key
orra api-keys gen staging-key

# List all API keys
orra api-keys ls
# - production-key
#   KEY: sk-orra-v1-abc...
# - staging-key
#   KEY: sk-orra-v1-xyz...

Orchestration Actions

Manage and monitor the running of your multi-agent orchestrations.

# Submit an action with data
orra verify run "Process refund for order" \
  -d orderId:ORD123 \
  -d amount:99.99

# List all orchestrations
orra ps
# ◎ o_abc123  Process refund    processing  2m ago
# ● o_xyz789  Update inventory  completed   5m ago
# ✕ o_def456  Charge card      failed      8m ago

# Get detailed information about an orchestration
orra inspect o_abc123

# Get comprehensive details with inputs/outputs
orra inspect -d o_abc123

# View progress updates for tasks
orra inspect -d o_abc123 --updates

# View complete progress details for long-running tasks
orra inspect -d o_abc123 --long-updates

Grounding Management

Grounding helps define domain-specific behaviors for your Orra applications.

# Apply a grounding spec from a YAML file
orra grounding apply -f customer-support.grounding.yaml

# List all applied groundings
orra grounding ls

# Remove a specific grounding
orra grounding rm customer-support

# Remove all groundings
orra grounding rm --all

Configuration Management

# Reset the CLI configuration
orra config reset

Status Icons

◎ Processing    Task is running
● Completed     Successfully finished
✕ Failed        Error occurred
○ Pending       Waiting to start
⊘ Not Viable    Action cannot be completed
⏸ Paused        Temporarily paused

Tips for Success

  1. Local Development
# Start webhook server in one terminal
orra verify webhooks start http://localhost:3000/webhook

# Monitor actions in another
orra ps
  1. Debugging Failed Actions
# Get detailed execution info
orra inspect -d o_failed123

# Shows full task history, inputs, and outputs
orra inspect -d o_failed123 --updates

# View all progress updates for problematic tasks
orra inspect -d o_failed123 --long-updates
  1. Multiple Projects or environments
# Switch between projects
orra projects use proj-staging
orra projects use proj-production

# Or use -p flag for one-off commands
orra ps -p proj-production


The CLI stores configuration in ~/.orra/config.json:

  "current_project": "my-ai-app",
  "projects": {
    "my-ai-app": {
      "id": "p_abc123",
      "cli_auth": "sk-orra-v1-xyz...",
      "api_keys": {
        "production": "sk-orra-v1-789..."
      "server_addr": "http://localhost:8005"

Reset if needed:

orra config reset

Need Help?

  1. Check action status:

    orra inspect -d <action-id>
  2. View task progress and updates:

    orra inspect -d <action-id> --updates
  3. View recent actions:

    orra ps
  4. Visit our documentation: