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Toshiharu Kamishikiryo k5105880
psychiatry, neuroimaging, depression

Hiroshima University psychiatry Hiroshima

Kevin Sitek sitek
neuroimaging of speech and hearing

Northwestern University

Jack Van Horn jvanhorn
I don't do Python, so don't ask me. Ask me about ANSI-Standard C and Matlab! :-)

University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA

Joris Hijmans jorishijmans

@kairos-regenerative-agri-food-systems @SymBite-dev

Ariel Viña-González ing-avina
Pre-doctoral researcher at Fundación hmHospitales - hmCINAC| MSc. Neuroscience | BSc. Biomedical Engineering


Gustavo Juantorena GEJ1
PhD student | Cognitive Neuroscience | A.I. | Eye tracking

Buenos Aires, Argentina


London, UK

Jaime Rios Rios-Jaime
Research Coordinator for the Poldrack Lab at Stanford University

San Francisco, CA

Stephanie Noble SNeuroble
playing with brains, playing with code NeuroPRISM Lab github here:
Eric Bridgeford ebridge2
Biostatistics student at Johns Hopkins University
Firat Soylu firatsoylu
Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Alabama.

University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL

Joey Clark ajoeofalltrades

@Advance-Enterprises Seattle, Washington, USA

Glauber cancelei
Ruby on Rails developer building projects for Founders while not employed Full-time.

Prospera, Zede

Ladislas Nalborczyk lnalborczyk
Researcher in cognitive neuroscience

CNRS Aix-en-Provence, France

inês a. t. almeida ines-almeida
Researcher at Project EXCELScIOR (CIBB, University of Coimbra), in Meta-research.

CIBB, University of Coimbra University of Coimbra, Portugal

UEANeurolab UEANeuroLab
This page belongs to the Neuropsychology Lab at the University of East Anglia, UK.

@UEAPsychology Norwich, UK

Britt DeVries brittdev31
Data Scientist @ University of Miami / Founder & CEO @ Data Distillery, LLC

Data Distillery, LLC Atlanta, GA

Zhen-Qi Liu liuzhenqi77
neuroscience, machine learning, python and more

@netneurolab Montreal, Canada