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Brian White BrianNathanWhite
Biostatistician III - Wake Forest School of Medicine | Statistics PhD Candidate - UNC Chapel Hill

Wake Forest School of Medice | UNC Chapel Hill Winston-Salem

Awais Jafar awaisjafar1
Web Developer


Always eager to embrace new technology, dedicated to finding innovative solutions that improve efficiency and quality. #SoftwareTesting #AutomationTesting.
Krunal Jadav Jkrunal7
Perpetual Learner


Brandt Cormorant brandtcormorant
Diving deep beneath the waves to get some dinner.
Ali Sabouni AliSabouni97

NET OCEANS Istanbul, Turkey

Rohan Sikand rosikand
CS @ Stanford🌲

Stanford University Stanford, CA | NJ

Francisco Agustín franciscoagustinrd
Diseñador, Front-end, Escritor aficionado.
Thomas Calloway idxExtropy

Midjourney San Francisco, CA

Roman Kunshin RomanK2311
I love Android and programs and I also love Material You and Goa Trance. ❤️

@Xiaomi @1Password Russian Federation, Republic of Udmurtia

Artin karimi Thecode764
Front end developer. @vercel fan, I love @nextjs , linux fan, i use @pnpm , i use @tailwindlabs, i use @primer

Thecode764 /Home/Earth/Iran/Gilan/Rasht

Pablo Chorda P. PabloChorda
Apasionado del desarrollo web.


McAnthomRoubert McAnthomRoubert

Gart Spain

Joanne naznah

University of Essex South West England

Borg Org Enterprises borgorg
Borg Org Enterprises is a non-profit organization with a noble mission: to provide robots and smart machines that can handle everyday chores for people.

Borg Org Enterprises United States

有绮念 有光风霁月伴我眠💤

@Shopee ShenZhen, China

Carlos M. Silva HariTrigger
IT Manager that likes tinkering
