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Hao streamnz

Yoobee College Auckland

Ibrahim Mohammed mapsgeek
GIS Fullstack developer & Cartographer


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Joni Baboci dbaboci
I’m Joni Baboci! A dad, architect, planner, knowledge-seeker and all-around urban enthusiast. Tirana, Albania

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Alberto Ramirez arr175
Engineer and Geospatial Data Scientist in telecom, electric, and gas.

Frontier Communications Philadelphia, PA

Jay Harris fallaciousreasoning
I'm sophisticated, witty, charming, good looking and intelligent. At least, that's what my Mum tells me.

@brave Christchurch, New Zealand

Robert Coup rcoup
@koordinates founder, open source contributor, map geek, sailing enthusiast. Formerly of Auckland, New Zealand.

@koordinates Edinburgh, Scotland

H. jawahery
Industrial Designer


Nathan Zhou Dakskihedron
Developer of the software variety.

@cactuslab New Zealand

Jorge Thomas - Akrista Akrista
Currently i'm investing every minute of my free time to learn about web development and programming languages that allow me to grow professionally.

TBTBGlobal Venezuela

João Palmeiro joaopalmeiro
Data Visualization Engineer at Feedzai

Feedzai Lisboa, Portugal

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Michael Ransby ransbymich

@groq Wellington, NZ

Marc Lherbette scali

Montpellier, France

Bill Powell billypowell
Geoscience & python

Southampton, UK

Morgan Williams morganjwilliams

CSIRO Mineral Resources VIC, Australia

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

LINDA ANGULO LOPEZ lindangulopez
🐒🌺🌿Environmental Engineer :: passionate about open science and geospatial analysis :: expert in ecosystem restoration 🍂🍎🐾

2022 Paris, FRANCE

Adrián Di Paolo Adrok24
Interests: Physics, Astronomy, Programming. From Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. (The art cat was generated with TL)

Buenos Aires, Argentina.

XYCarto xycarto
Open source geospatial development, engineering, and cartography


Andrius Balčiūnas AndriusGeo
All about the open source GIS, web mapping and cartography



Frontier Geoscience Lab Lilongwe

Rose Pearson rosepearson
My research interests centre on surface generation and attribute mapping from a wide array of spatial and geospatial datasets.


Craig de Stigter craigds
I enjoy deleting things, emptying my spam folder, closing tabs, muting slack channels, blocking ads and smashing things with hammers

@koordinates Aotearoa / New Zealand

Ian Turton ianturton
I am a research software engineer in the Geospatial data and AI team at the University of Glasgow and contribute to @geotools and @geoserver.

University of Glasgow UK

Iniobong Benson linibensonjr
Backend Developer. GIS Analyst
Lumphead gusmacaulay

Gippsland, Australia