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Alex Fan alexfanqi


Chris Wood cwood1967

Stowers Institute Kansas City, MO

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd



Baltimore, MD

Embark on a journey through the intricate wonders of the mind with NeuroVerse, where science and art converge in a symphony of digital brilliance.


Alicia Lu aletheia88

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Yu Zhou audreyeternal

KTH institute of technology Stockholm, Sweden

urakubo urakubo
Researcher at a university.


William Ramos waramos
Molecular Engineering BS 21' @ UChicago Former RA II @MBL-ImageAnalysis Formerly Inceptive Interests: CV, ML, physical/stat models

Palo Alto, CA

Chris Liu urnotlcxz
A PhD student in Computational Neuroscience. Delving into the brain's structure and functional logic in model organisms to unravel neuronal mysteries.

Beijing Normal University Zhuhai

Mark Kittisopikul mkitti
Software Engineer II, Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Quantitative cell and systems biologist with an interest in microscopy and optics.

@JaneliaSciComp Ashburn, VA

Marvin Albert m-albert

Institut Pasteur Paris, France

Lenz JLrumberger
Computer Vision PhD student @Kainmueller-Lab and @compcancer graduate school, Charité/MDC-Berlin
John Bogovic bogovicj

HHMI Janelia Research Campus Washington DC metro area

Michael Shannon Michael-shannon
Image analyst, The Rockefeller University

The Rockefeller University New York City

Jean-Yves Tinevez tinevez
Facility engineer, microscopist, data analyst for Life-Sciences.

Institut Pasteur Paris, France

Robert Haase haesleinhuepf
Computer Vision & Language Models, [BioImage] Data Science, GPUs @ScaDS / Uni Leipzig, @NFDI4BIOIMAGE, @GloBIAS-BioimageAnalysts, @NEUBIAS

Data Science Center ScaDS.AI, Uni Leipzig Leipzig, Germany

Geneva Anderberg gschlafly
Medical Physics PhD student at the University of Chicago

University of Chicago Chicago

yinda chen ydchen0806
I am a Ph.D. candidate jointly trained by the USTC and Shanghai AI Lab, specializing in Information and Communication Engineering.

USTC HeFei, China

Ethan Tam ethan-tam33
Hello! My name is Ethan, and I'm a third-year studying at Berkeley. Here are a few of the projects I'm currently working on.
Benjamin Gallusser bentaculum
PhD student. Computer Vision, AI and biology.

EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

Manan Lalit lmanan

Janelia Research Campus Ashburn

Wei Huang weih527

USTC HeFei, AnHui, China

Surya bulbgod
Lazy researcher, applied mathematician, origamist, Hapkido-ist. Asst Prof, Biomedical Informatics - @CincyInformatix @CincyChildrens

Cincinnati Children's USA

Ziwei Xu xu-ziwei

University of Cppenhagen

Sheida RahnamaiKordasiabi shei-dark
Fondazione Human Technopole
Yash Mehta yashsmehta
Cognitive AI PhD student, JHU Previously @HHMIJanelia, @automl, @GatsbyUCL, @NTUsingapore, @AmazonSDE

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD

Hao Zhai JackieZhai
Ph.D. Student, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Research interests include Computer Vision and Connectomics.

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China

Baiyang Dai pmcesky

University of Chicago