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Elix GenericMage
Coder, 3D modeller, 2D artist.
Marcus Nölke ChuckNoelke
NLP/ Computer Linguist Academic

Student HHU Duesseldorf Germany, Ratingen

ashish ashish111333
contributing to OSS / Golang /



FU Berlin BErlin

Javier S javieromsal
Data Analyst & Storyteller | Fútbol Enthusiast ⚽ | Crossfitter 🏋️ | Life Lover & People Connector Have fun and help others :)

Data Analyst freelance Berlin

shane shanezhiu
Talk is cheap,Show me the code.

Globalization Beijing,China

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Minh Nguyen minh123viptanvan
DBA PostgreSQL

Ho Chi Minh City

Alan Szmyt szmyty

Boston, Massachusetts

Stefan Asanin asacrate
Senior Technical Product Marketing Manager at CrateDB

CrateDB Sweden

Masoud ~ 007dude
Driven by curiosity… Eternally curious, Effortlessly trying, Endlessly learning. Let’s connect and create something amazing.

@VectorDBCloud @ReguNav @LLMCompass @Monetizing-Cloud @LLMHubCo @SanctionMonitor

Stephan Hadan stiebke
💻 OSS enthusiast | 🔧 Mac & beyond sysadmin | 🤖 AI practitioner | 🆔 Zero Trust advocate | 🚀 Open Source > proprietary | Always exploring tech’s edge!

Pforzheim, Germany

Mahdi Khanmohammadi MehdioKhan
Python developer

@graph-inc Tehran

Johana Alarcon JohaAlarcon
"La única habilidad competitiva a largo plazo, es la habilidad para aprender." Seymour Papert


Ansif ansifi
Software Developer


Po AD2000X

Computational Linguist London, UK

Ajay Mali Ajay-Mali
Full Stack Developer with expertise in building scalable web applications. Proficient in front-end and back-end technologies
Pranav Rajput Pranav970
I am a passionate full stack developer specializing in the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), building dynamic, scalable web applications.
holmofy holmofy
Learning rust...


DNL yeahbutstill
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast 🍃

FreeDOOM! Depok, Indonesia

Miguel Martins omiguelsma
Tech, Data & AI | Simplex & Efficax

@unifeb-barretos Barretos, SP - BR

Kenneth Geisshirt kneth
Chemist by education. Geek by nature. Director at @crate

CrateDB Copenhagen, Denmark

blanpa blanpa
Aspiring IIOT Software Developer with Industrial Engineering background. My goal is to increase efficiency and productivity by applying modern methods


Sanskar Bajpai PawBud
Open-Source Enthusiast

University of Amsterdam & VU Amsterdam Amsterdam

Rahul Raut rahulmr
DevOps and Automation Head, a Freelancer and Algo Trader


Christopher Nelson ChrisNelsonOK OKC, OK Metro Area

Georvic Tur J0hnG4lt
A computer scientist who is interested in data science, big data, distributed systems, and scalability.
