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lmangall lmangall
Coding at 42Berlin, teaching at FrenchezLeo (and bridging the gap between those). Also designing for Araki Cycles,

Araki Berlin - Wroclaw

Johnny Huynh johnnyhuynh-sportsbet

Sportsbet Melbourne, Australia

Galien Codes Muhindo-Galien
CTO & Blockchain Tech Lead @QuariLabs | Ai enthusiast | Solidity / Rust / Cairo / Typescript / Node / Web


KARANGWA Ntwali Josue Ntwali-Josue
Full Stack Software Developer | JavaScript | Typescript |React| Nextjs | Ruby| Ruby on Rails| Redux | Node.js | GraphQL | SQL

Kigali, Rwanda

sezerano jean chrysostome chrisostome01
Full Stack developer

Ape Unit Kigali , Rwanda

Jirina Jirina2181

Yannick Musafiri musayann
Fullstack developer

@octangroup Kigali, Rwanda