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Jina Kim JinA0218
CS undergrad @ KAIST
Doojin Baek DoojinBaek
School of Computing @ KAIST     AI Research Internship @ Spidercore Inc. Lab Internship @ MLML, KAIST
Yeahoon Kim Yeahoon-Kim
M.S. in KAIST, MLML & B.S. in Korea University, CYDF

KAIST Daejeon, South Korea

Junyeong Park frechele

KAIST Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Adeeb Islam adeebislam8

KAIST Daejeon, South Korea

Ahmed Magd AMagd
AI research Intern @ Johns Hopkins University | Prev researcher @ KAIST | AI & Computer Vision MS graduate @ KAIST

KAIST S. Korea, Daejeon

Gautam Singh singhgautam
ML Postdoc @ LLNL. Formerly at NVIDIA Research, Amazon, IBM Research. B.Tech. from IIT Guwahati. PhD from Rutgers CS advised by Sungjin Ahn.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory San Francisco Bay Area