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eric ericphilbaz
this is the way
Neuron Nazeerah Neuronazeerah
Neuroscience enthusiast. MSc. Graduate. Girl with different kinds of synapses consists of Neuron Nazeerah. Coding for Neural Computation.

Be Brain Bae Malaysia

Mojtahedzadeh mojtahedzadeh
Curiosity propels the exploration of memory's enigmas, from the human brain to singularity. Embracing new ideas and persistently broadening my grasp.

Institute for Cognitive Science Studies

Shaowei Gu PercyHayes

Tsinghua University Beijing

lwl lwlBCI
Undergraduate and master studies at the North University of China, as for the interpretability of EEG signal decoding and cognitive neuroscience

Taiyuan, China

QianhaoWang haoqingzhou
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Jindong Li adamgallas

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing

Weiyi Li 1412901807
Undergraduate student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing

Oscar oscar-schmidt
Independent undergraduate researcher excited about the future. Working in machine learning, robotics and new paradigms in artificial intelligence.

Melbourne, AU

Zhichao Zhu ZhichaoZhu

ISTBI, Fudan University China

Jonathan Choi conscious-choi
Artificial Intelligence for All Beings

Artificial Intelligence Institute of SNU Seoul National University

Xiao Wang(王逍) wangxiao5791509
Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Technology, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui Province, China

Anhui University (安徽大学) Hefei, Anhui Province, China


University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing

The_Hurricane Hurricane1224

Beijing China

Xiang He ppx-hub
PHD candidate,CASIA

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science Beijing

Yi Zeng yizeng-ai
Professor and Director of the Brain-inspired Cognitive Intelligence Lab, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences