Changelog for NeoFS Monitor
- Go 1.23+ is required to build now (#148)
Please notice that "side_chain_supply" metric was renamed to "fs_chain_supply" in this release.
0.12.1 - 2024-09-03
- Go 1.22+ is required to build now (#149, #150)
- Dropped 'v' prefix from version metric (#151)
- Updated dependency to 0.7.0 (#150)
- Updated dependency to 2.0.3 (#150)
- Updated dependency to v1.20.2 (#150)
- Default dial timeout to one minute (#152)
- Default metric scraping interval to 15s (#152)
0.12.0 - 2024-06-19
Please notice that "neofs_net_monitor" prefix was changed to "neo_exporter" and update accordingly.
- Version metric (#143)
- Panics on RPC reconnection failure (#141)
- "neofs_net_monitor" prefix to "neo_exporter" (#143)
- Timestamps are no longer produced in logs if not running with TTY (#142)
0.11.3 - 2024-06-18
- Panic on RPC reconnection failure (#137)
0.11.2 - 2024-06-13
This release adds support for the Domovoi hardfork with no other functional changes.
- dependency from 0.106.0 to 0.106.2 (#135)
- NeoFS SDK dependency to RC12 (#135)
0.11.1 - 2024-05-22
- arm64 and darwin builds (#132)
- dependency from 1.32.0 to 1.33.0 (#129)
- dependency from 0.21.0 to 0.23.0 (#131)
- dependency from 0.105.1 to 0.106.0 (#133)
0.11.0 - 2024-03-07
Please notice that monitored NEP-17 accounts are exported in address form now and update your settings.
- Notary balance tracking (#122)
- Go 1.20+ is required to build now (#114)
- Accounts are exported as address now (#123)
- "label" label for tracked NEP-17 contracts (#126)
0.10.0 - 2024-02-16
- Height and state data export for a set of configured nodes (#96)
- NEP-17 balance tracking (#105)
- Go 1.19+ is required to build now (#92)
- Updated all dependencies (#92, #109)
- Contract wrappers are used now to interact with blockchain (#98)
- Usage of Locode DB Go package (#100)
- Configuration supports only one chain in a moment (#103)
- The tool is known as neo-exporter now (#112)
- Notary-less mode for FS chains (#97)
- Locode DB configuration options (#100)
The configuration sections mainnet
and morph
were replaced with similar chain
sections. To choice between
main (Neo) chain and side (NeoFS) chain, use chain.fschain
option. If true, exporter connects to the NeoFS chain,
otherwise, to the Neo chain. It no longer watches two chains at once, so to monitor NeoFS you need two instances
of the tool.
0.9.5 - 2022-12-29
- Removed neofs-node dependency (#75)
- Fixed compatibility with the netmap contract version 0.16.0 (#81)
0.9.0 - 2022-07-27
- Direct contract communication instead of having neofs-node wrappers (#73)
- Using
in docs (#76) - T5 Network support replaced T4 (#78)
0.8.0 - 2022-05-24
metric (#71)
0.7.1 - 2022-03-30
- Support rpc connection pool (#63)
0.7.0 - 2022-03-22
- Use
in grafana (#53)
- Log of storage node appearance in network map (#26)
- Dropdown list to pick storage node public keys (#4)
- Alphabet divergence metrics (#60)
- Update grafana image to v8.4.2 (#59)
- Update LOCODE db to v0.2.1
0.6.0 - 2021-11-02
- Support updated NNS contract (#49)
- Description for
make locode
command (#44) - Asset supply metrics of main and side chain economy (#45)
Specify main chain NeoFS contract address in NEOFS_NET_MONITOR_CONTRACTS_NEOFS
to enable main chain supply metric.
0.5.0 - 2021-10-08
- Geo position is retrieved from NeoFS locode database (#17)
- Prometheus labels that distinguish different networks (#31)
file for builds withoutgit
(#37)- Contract script-hashes auto negotiation (#33)
- Reusing
client (#3) - Notary balances of SN and IR (#36)
- Failing on initial startup (#32)
- Fetching geo position from external sources (#17)
envs now are optional if corresponding chain's NNS
contract contains corresponding contract script hashes.
External geoIP service support is dropped and NEOFS_NET_MONITOR_GEOIP_*
envs are not
used anymore.
env has been added. It is path to NeoFS locode
database. Optional.
0.4.0 - 2021-07-28
- Alphabet node gas balances in main chain (#8);
- Netmap new/dropped node candidates (#12).
- Missing TLS certificates in docker image (#14).
- Explicit
dependency in grafana (#21).
- Hosts and script-hashes in docker files for RC4 (#23);
- Go to 1.16 (#16).
There are two NEO RPC nodes that are used in neofs-net-monitor
(side and main chain) now.
envs were deleted.
to establish connection to the RC4 main chain and NEOFS_NET_MONITOR_MORPH_RPC_ENDPOINT
for the side chain instead.
env is now optional for notary disabled environments.