- Force loading libRBlas in macOS
- fix line wrapping for windows terminal (#484)
- fix color printing issue randy3k#468
- do not insert new line for carrage return
- require rchitect 0.4.6 and python 3.7
- require prompt-toolkit 3.0.41
- set LC_CTYPE to en_US.UTF-8 if it is not set
- Add support for
- set LC_CTYPE to en_US.UTF-8 if it is not set
- Use backported is_ascii (#415)
- Use simple ascii check instead (#416)
- only wrap text if the line length > 1000 (#389)
- implement ctrl_key_map option (#409)
- force utf8 encoding when triming history
- require rchitect 0.3.39 to fix a readconsole bug
- move parse_text_complete to rchitect
- fix a bug related askpass
- set LANG to en_US.UTF-8 if not set for R 4.2 windows
- strip ansi sequence
- check if text is empty in shell mode
- require at least prompt_toolkit 3.0.15
- python 3 only
- require prompt_toolkit 3.0
- a workaround when jedi crashes
- support jedi 0.18 in reticulate prompt
- enable autosuggestion
- enable toggling of autosuggestion feature via radian.auto_suggest
- add emacs keybindings to vi insert mode
- fix multiline raw string detection
- better handling reticulate python environment
- actually fix the XDG_CONFIG_HOME
- suggest user to switch radian for reticulate
- profile is now loaded from XDG_CONFIG_HOME instead of XDG_DATA_HOME
- new option: radian.completion_adding_spaces_around_equals
- allow custom history location
- load both global and local profiles if they both exist
- support microsoft store python
- reqiure rchitect 0.3.25
- reqiure rchitect 0.3.23
- better support of later::later with rchitect 0.3.23
- a workaround to make "print(" completion faster
- some code introduced in earlier to support later::later lead to high cpu loading, disable it for now
- fix a bug in malformed input
- revert: disable completion timeout in v0.5.0
- support of R 4.0 raw strings
- disable completion timeout
- require rchitect 0.3.20
- bug unicode rendering problem in python 2
- process events in rare mode
- better support later::later
- require rchitect 0.3.19
- switch from ANSICON to CMDER_ROOT to support crayon
- added history_search_ignore_case
- accept some common settings from plain R
- enable crayon via ANSICON env variable instead of options crayon.enabled
- fix a bug of nested read console when loading R.cache
- enable crayon on windows terminals
- allow c-x c-e to edit in editor
- support askpass
- add radian.highlight_matching_bracket
- latex completion
- require rchitect 0.3.16 for better windows support
- add a space before and after equal sign in completion
- requires rchitect 0.3.14 to fix a bug for R 3.6.2-dev
- handle carriage return in stderr
- make sure settings are in correct type
- stderr coloring for unix
- check if cursor is at an empty line when start a prompt
- add vi mode state in prompt
- support .radian_profile
- allow -q flag
- Added custom R lexer for better colour
- update rchitect to version 0.3
- add setting
- fix R_SHARE_DIR issues
- patch reticulate
- get R_SHARE_DIR etc from R if they don't exist
- fix reticulate repl completion error
- reband as radian
- use rchitect
- fix typo completion_timeout
- .py namespace is deprecated, use .pythonapi global var
- fix backspace
- bug fix for execv on linux
- enable suspension via ctrl+z
- bump minimum requirement of rapi to v0.1.2 to fix #64
- bump minimum requirement of rapi and lineedit
- new option
- improveLD_LIBRARY_PATH and R_LD_LIBRARY_PATH detection
- add backspace to exit reticulte repl mode
- do not pass
to R
- bump up rapi to 0.1.0
- bracketed paste check for empty data
- bump minimum requirement of linedit
- change default color scheme to "native"
- bump minimum requirement of rapi
rtichoke is undergoing a major refactoring to extract the R initialization code to rapi
. The hope is to make rtichoke more autonomous.
- Unicode support on Windows
- reticulate mode
- syntax highlight
- multiline
- autocompletion
Others: - change default to monokai