This generator creates a Dockerfile and a script (
or dockerTask.ps1
) that helps you build and run your project inside of a Docker container. The following project types are currently supported:
- ASP.NET 5.0
- Go
- Node.js
Install the Docker generator:
npm install -g generator-docker
Run the generator in the same folder that your project is in:
yo docker
See Contributing for guidelines.
We are working on adding docker-compose support that will support multiple containers and multiple environments.
dockerTask compose dev
will issue a docker-compose up with the merged docker-compose files
dockerTask compose staging
will remove the volume mapping and other debug settings
To see and provide feedback, please take a look at: yo docker compose prototype
- Q: Are you building an abstraction layer over docker apis?
- A: No. These are your scripts. We're simply providing a starting point that docker developers would write themselves. These scripts are based on customers we've been working with
- Q: Are you taking feedback?
- A: Of course. Please open an issue at yodockerissues or choose to contribute
Generator-docker collects anonymized data on the options you selected in the tool to understand and improve the experience. You are given a choice to
opt-in or opt-out first time you run the tool. If you opt-in and decide to opt-out later, simply delete the ~/.config/configstore/generator-docker.json
file from your machine.
+ Added support for ASP.Net Core 5 RC2
+ BigFix: Optimized the creation of the node image to take advantage of caching
+ Fix for issue #34 (Update ASP.NET dockerfile and add support for RC)
+ Replaced .CMD file with PowerShell script.
+ Adding .debug and .release compose files.
+ Replaced ADD command with COPY command in dockerfile.
+ BugFix: fixing issues with the path on Windows when using volume sharing in Node.js projects.
+ BugFix: making sure config is defined before reading a property.
+ BugFix: tracking if users opted-in or out for data collection.
+ Docker-compose.yml files are being created now for all project types.
See LICENSE for full license text.