A specialized UI test framework for PowerToys that makes it easy to write UI tests for PowerToys modules or settings. Let's start writing UI tests!
Install Windows Application Driver v1.2.1 from https://github.com/microsoft/WinAppDriver/releases/tag/v1.2.1 to the default directory (
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Application Driver
) -
Enable Developer Mode in Windows settings
Exit PowerToys if it's running.
in Visual Studio and build the solution. -
Run tests in the Test Explorer (
Test > Test Explorer
orCtrl+E, T
Create a new project and add the following references to the project file. Change the OutputPath to your own module's path.
<PropertyGroup> <OutputType>Library</OutputType> <!-- This is a UI test, so don't run as part of MSBuild --> <RunVSTest>false</RunVSTest> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup> <OutputPath>..\..\..\..\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\tests\KeyboardManagerUITests\</OutputPath> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="MSTest" /> <ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\common\UITestAutomation\UITestAutomation.csproj" /> <Folder Include="Properties\" /> </ItemGroup>
Inherit your test class from UITestBase.
Set Scope: The default scope starts from the PowerToys settings UI. If you want to start from your own module, set the constructor as shown below:
Specify Scope:
[TestClass] public class RunFancyZonesTest : UITestBase { public RunFancyZonesTest() : base(PowerToysModule.FancyZone) { } }
Then you can start using session to perform the UI operations.
using Microsoft.PowerToys.UITest;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace UITests_KeyboardManager
public class RunKeyboardManagerUITests : UITestBase
public void OpenKeyboardManagerEditor()
// Open KeyboardManagerEditor
this.Session.Find<Button>(By.Name("Remap a key")).Click();
this.Session.Attach("Remap keys");
// Maximize window
var window = Session.Find<Window>(By.Name("Remap keys")).Maximize();
// Add Key Remapping
this.Session.Find<Button>(By.Name("Add key remapping")).Click();
// Back to Settings
Accessibility Tools: While working on tests, you may need a tool that helps you to view the element's accessibility data, e.g. for finding the button to click. For this purpose, you could use AccessibilityInsights