2022-03-23 * Django: Support for UUIDField 2021-10-13 * Support latest libraries * Marshmallow: support Dict and Raw fields 2020-12-30 * Drop Python2 Support * Update Faker to 4.0.0 2018-09-25 * mixer.unregister_middleware 2017-11-06 marazmiki * Added Django 2.0 support for Python 3.6; * Added Django 1.10 support for Python 3.6; * Added Django 1.11 support for Python 3.5+. * Droped support for Django 1.9- 2016-11-16 horneds * Basic Marshmallow support * Faker 0.7.3 * Add Django 1.10 support * Drop Django 1.7 support 2016-03-18 horneds * fake-factory 5.0.7 * fix deprication warnings (django) * Add Django 1.9 support * Drop Django 1.6 support 2015-04-14 horneds * Version 5.1.0 * Drop support for Django 1.5.* * Add support for Django 1.8 * Add support for mongoengine 0.9.0 2015-01-23 horneds * Version 5.0.0 * fake-factory (Faker) integrated to Mixer * Support locales * WARNING: API has been changed (mixer.G, mixer.F has been removed, use mixer.faker insted) 2014-11-18 horneds * Support timezones in Django * Fix installation in python 2.6 2014-09-29 horneds * Fix SQLAlchemy <= 0.8 compatibility * Version 4.9.3 2014-09-15 horneds * Drop support Django 1.4 * Add support Django 1.7 2014-08-18 horneds * Version 4.8.1 * Fix sqlalchemy using default GenFactory (c) cheungpat 2014-08-04 horneds * Version 4.8.0 * Added gen_timedelta and gen_datetime_range to generators 2014-08-31 horneds * Version 4.7.5 * Support EmailField in YADM 2014-07-10 horneds * Version 4.7.4 * Fix phone numbers generation 2014-07-09 horneds * Version 4.7.2 * Base support for custom fields 2014-06-19 horneds * The package's exceptions is more informative. 2014-06-17 horneds * Version 4.6.0 * Provided guard and select for sqlalchemy. Added mixer.reload. * Better Django support. Now Mixer tracks field value's type and update it if needed 2014-06-13 horneds * Version 4.5.3 * Add support for django fields: FilePathField, GenericIPAddressField, PositiveSmallIntegerField 2014-06-07 horneds * Version 4.5.2 * Fix sqlalchemy many to many relationships (c) Antoine Bertin 2014-05-23 horneds * Version 4.5.1 * More information from errors 2014-05-19 horneds * Version 4.4.0 * Added mixer.G.get_percent and mixer.G.get_percent_decimal 2014-05-16 horneds * Version 4.3.2 * Add support for Django o2o field. 2014-05-14 horneds * Version 4.3.1 * Fix get_positive_decimal 2014-05-13 horneds * Version 4.3.0 * Improve lorem generation * Added slug faker 2014-05-07 horneds * Version 4.0.7 * Minor fixes 2014-05-05 horneds * Version 4.0.5 * Respect max_length for django.TextField 2014-04-30 horneds * Version 4.0.4 * Add beta support for Peewee and Pony ORM 2014-04-16 horneds * Version 3.0.0 * Django: ManyToManyField is not generated by default * Change mixer.register syntax (See README) * Instead postprocess Mixer now supports middleware decorators (See README) 2014-02-10 horneds * Version 2.3.0 * Added beta support for guards # Works like "get or create user with username='root'" root = mixer.guard(username='root').blend('auth.user') 2014-02-09 horneds * Version 2.2.0 * Added 'silence' param to mixer initialization with mixer.ctx(silence=True): # No errors will be raised user = mixer.blend('auth.User', username='mike') null = mixer.blend('auth.User', username='mike') 2014-01-03 horneds * Version 2.1.0 * Updated support for django content_types 2013-12-31 horneds * Version 2.0.0 * 'mixer.random', 'mixer.fake', 'mixer.select', 'mixer.mix', 'mixer.f', 'mixer.g' -- are depricated use them in UPPERCASE ('mixer.RANDOM' and etc) * Added 'mixer.SKIP' attribute for skipping a value generation 2013-12-27 horneds * Support context (redefine mixer params as context) * Version 1.6.0 2013-11-25 horneds * Version 1.5.1 * Fixed builtin types generation 2013-11-22 horneds * Version 1.5.0 * Django ContentTypes integration was be upgraded 2013-11-21 horneds * Version 1.4.0 * Now postprocess working before save 2013-11-15 horneds * Version 1.3.0 * Added postprocess param to mixer.register method * Added gen_simple_username faker 2013-09-22 horneds * Version 1.1.6 * Bugfix release 2013-09-18 horneds * Version 1.1.4 * Fix MongoEngine backend (c) Kirill Pavlov * By default mongoengine save models in database 2013-09-11 horneds * Version 1.1.2 * SQLAlchemy bugfix 2013-09-06 horneds * Version 1.1.1 * `mixer.register` could pinned just a values to field 2013-09-05 horneds * Version 1.0.0 * Added `mixer.register` method (register custom generators for fields) 2013-09-04 horneds * Version 0.11.3 * Fixed Django m2m 2013-08-21 horneds * Version 0.11.2 * Minor changes 2013-07-31 horneds * Version 0.11.1 * Added FileField and ImageField support to django backend; * Supports Flask-SQLAlchemy for python 3; * [Django] Supports model creation only by model name. For now you can use three methods: 1) mixer.blend(SomeModel) # by class 2) mixer.blend('someapp.somemodel') # by 'app.model' string 3) mixer.blend('somemodel') # short form for unique model names 2013-07-15 horneds * Version 0.9.1 * Allow mixer.sequence to get a few argument and make generators from them * Fix bug with 'mixer.fake' attribute; 2013-07-05 horneds * Version 0.8.1 * Change float's generator (limits set to -99999 -- 99999) 2013-06-26 horneds * Version 0.8.0 * Added automatic backend 2013-06-22 horneds * Version 0.7.0 * Minor changes 2013-06-21 horneds * Version 0.6.4 * Support django.models.URLField 2013-06-20 horneds * Version 0.6.3 * Now `mixer.random` can accept a choices and return random value http://mixer.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#force-a-random-values 2013-06-19 horneds * Version 0.6.2 * Added mongoengine support 2013-06-17 horneds * Version 0.5.1 * Minor changes in docs 2013-06-04 horneds * Version 0.5.0 * Mixer.random and Mixer.fake attributes could get a type of generated value * Mixer.select attribute could get a filters for DJango or SQLAlchemy query 2013-05-31 horneds * Version 0.4.1 * Respect django choices and SQLAlchemy Enum 2013-05-30 horneds * Version 0.4.0 * Minor release 2013-05-29 horneds * Version 0.3.3 * Minor release 2013-05-28 horneds * Version 0.3.2 * Fix python3 support * Force random related values for django 2013-05-27 horneds * Version 0.3.1 * Fix release 0.3.0 * Added work with unique values * Added mixer.mix property 2013-05-24 horneds * Version 0.3.0 * Create some documentation 2013-05-21 horneds * Version 0.2.8 * Update README 2013-05-20 horneds * Version 0.2.7 * Support Python3 2013-05-08 horneds * Version 0.1.0 * Initial release