The Pi Heart of the echOmods
- A Pi W - wireless!
- version: V0.1
- date: 25/04/2017
- technology: RPiW
- language: python / kernel
- cost:10$
- sourcing: Get the Pi W from plenty of sources
- author: Kelu124
: on 3.3VITF-16_POn3
: on 3.3VITF-17_POff3
: on 3.3VITF-14_PWM
: Amplified Raw Signal, post TGC, before the enveloppe detectionWifi
: see noteselmo
: the ADC pHAT
The aim of this echOmod is to digitalize the signal, and to control the pulser, servo, ...
->ADC Cape (elmo)
->ADC Cape (elmo)
->ADC Cape (elmo)
- Building on an existing wireless device, the RPi 0 or RPi W
- Wireless server and documentation server
- To be tested!
- @todo
The image of the SD card for a PiW, along with the kernel module, scripts and all, is available here. Login 'pi' and password 'root'. Bad, I know. Change your wifi details in the
. Once the pi has booted, you can ssh pi@raspberrypi.local to connect to it. This procedure rocks to get your ssh keys on the device and not be bothered anymore. -
The image was created using the following commands:
sudo dd if=/dev/sdc of=./rpi_kernel_module.img bs=1M
gzip rpi_kernel_module.img
to flash it, (replacing the rdisk1 by the appropriate disk)
gzip -dc rpi_kernel_module.img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1m
The module is already compiled. It must be inserted by
The module on the image creates the two pulses and listens to the ADC (if plugged in). It can be used as a standalone tool to test the pulser module, provided both jumpers on Doj v2 J2 jumpers connect Pon to Pon3 and Poff to Poff3.
Checking if it works with the pulser
It does! Pulses are :
and the ouput of the pulser is:
(see the worklog here).
exploration is detailed here.
- Save images as DICOMs
- Mapping the pins shared between PWM, pHAT and tracks
- Developping a CA3306E version of the 10Msps ADC pHAT for testing.
- Testing the limits of ADC acquisition (speed / bits)
- Understand why some GPIOs do not have lower values at 0..
- Set pins to down on boot
- Dev a version of the ADC08200
- Create a kernel module
- (Still to be explored) MixedGadget => Storage + ethernet or this or that.
- Test the PWM
- Kelu124
The echOmods project and its prototypes (amongst which we find the tomtom module) are open hardware, and working with open-hardware components.
Licensed under TAPR Open Hardware License (
Copyright Kelu124 ( 2015-2018
The following work is base on a previous TAPR project, Murgen - and respects its TAPR license.
Copyright Kelu124 ( 2015-2018