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List of supported languages and lexers
Michael Camilleri edited this page Jun 19, 2019
19 revisions
Here the list of the supported languages and lexers. Feel free to write your own submitting a pull request ! Contributions are welcome.
Note that the canonical, always-up-to-date list of lexers can be found by running rougify list
- abap: SAP - Advanced Business Application Programming
- actionscript: ActionScript [aliases: as,as3]
- apache: configuration files for Apache web server
- apiblueprint: Markdown based API description language. [aliases: apiblueprint,apib]
- applescript: The AppleScript scripting language by Apple Inc. (http://developer.apple.com/applescript/) [aliases: applescript]
- awk: pattern-directed scanning and processing language
- biml: BIML, Business Intelligence Markup Language
- brainfuck: The Brainfuck programming language
- bsl: The 1C:Enterprise programming language
- c: The C programming language
- ceylon: Say more, more clearly.
- cfscript: CFScript, the CFML scripting language [aliases: cfc]
- clojure: The Clojure programming language (clojure.org) [aliases: clj,cljs]
- cmake: The cross-platform, open-source build system
- coffeescript: The Coffeescript programming language (coffeescript.org) [aliases: coffee,coffee-script]
- common_lisp: The Common Lisp variant of Lisp (common-lisp.net) [aliases: cl,common-lisp,elisp,emacs-lisp]
- conf: A generic lexer for configuration files [aliases: config,configuration]
- console: A generic lexer for shell sessions. Accepts ?lang and ?output lexer options, a ?prompt option, and ?comments to enable # comments. [aliases: terminal,shell_session,shell-session]
- coq: Coq (coq.inria.fr)
- cpp: The C++ programming language [aliases: c++]
- crystal: Crystal The Programming Language (crystal-lang.org) [aliases: cr]
- csharp: a multi-paradigm language targeting .NET [aliases: c#,cs]
- css: Cascading Style Sheets, used to style web pages
- d: The D programming language(dlang.org) [aliases: dlang]
- dart: The Dart programming language (dartlang.com)
- diff: Lexes unified diffs or patches [aliases: patch,udiff]
- digdag: A simple, open source, multi-cloud workflow engine (https://www.digdag.io/)
- docker: Dockerfile syntax [aliases: dockerfile]
- dot: graph description language
- eiffel: Eiffel programming language
- elixir: Elixir language (elixir-lang.org) [aliases: elixir,exs]
- elm: The Elm programming language (http://elm-lang.org/)
- erb: Embedded ruby template files [aliases: eruby,rhtml]
- erlang: The Erlang programming language (erlang.org) [aliases: erl]
- escape: A generic lexer for including escaped content - see Formatter.enable_escape! [aliases: esc]
- factor: Factor, the practical stack language (factorcode.org)
- fortran: Fortran 2008 (free-form)
- fsharp: F# (fsharp.net)
- gherkin: A business-readable spec DSL ( github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Gherkin ) [aliases: cucumber,behat]
- glsl: The GLSL shader language
- go: The Go programming language (http://golang.org) [aliases: go,golang]
- gradle: A powerful build system for the JVM
- graphql: GraphQL
- groovy: The Groovy programming language (http://www.groovy-lang.org/)
- hack: The Hack programming language (hacklang.org) [aliases: hack,hh]
- haml: The Haml templating system for Ruby (haml.info) [aliases: HAML]
- handlebars: the Handlebars and Mustache templating languages [aliases: hbs,mustache]
- haskell: The Haskell programming language (haskell.org) [aliases: hs]
- hcl: Hashicorp Configuration Language, used by Terraform and other Hashicorp tools
- html: HTML, the markup language of the web
- http: http requests and responses
- hylang: The HyLang programming language (hylang.org) [aliases: hy]
- idlang: Interactive Data Language
- igorpro: WaveMetrics Igor Pro
- ini: the INI configuration format
- io: The IO programming language (http://iolanguage.com)
- irb: Shell sessions in IRB or Pry [aliases: pry]
- java: The Java programming language (java.com)
- javascript: JavaScript, the browser scripting language [aliases: js]
- jinja: Django/Jinja template engine (jinja.pocoo.org) [aliases: django]
- json: JavaScript Object Notation (json.org)
- json-doc: JavaScript Object Notation with extenstions for documentation
- jsonnet: An elegant, formally-specified config language for JSON
- jsp: JSP
- jsx: React JSX (https://facebook.github.io/react/) [aliases: jsx,react]
- julia: The Julia programming language [aliases: jl]
- kotlin: Kotlin Programming Language (http://kotlinlang.org)
- lasso: The Lasso programming language (lassosoft.com) [aliases: lassoscript]
- liquid: Liquid is a templating engine for Ruby (liquidmarkup.org)
- literate_coffeescript: Literate coffeescript [aliases: litcoffee]
- literate_haskell: Literate haskell [aliases: lithaskell,lhaskell,lhs]
- llvm: The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure (http://llvm.org/)
- lua: Lua (http://www.lua.org)
- m68k: Motorola 68k Assembler
- magik: Smallworld Magik
- make: Makefile syntax [aliases: makefile,mf,gnumake,bsdmake]
- markdown: Markdown, a light-weight markup language for authors [aliases: md,mkd]
- mathematica: Wolfram Mathematica, the world's definitive system for modern technical computing. [aliases: wl]
- matlab: Matlab [aliases: m]
- moonscript: Moonscript (http://www.moonscript.org) [aliases: moon]
- mosel: An optimization language used by Fico's Xpress.
- mxml: MXML
- nasm: Netwide Assembler
- nginx: configuration files for the nginx web server (nginx.org)
- nim: The Nim programming language (http://nim-lang.org/) [aliases: nimrod]
- nix: The Nix expression language (https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ch-expression-language) [aliases: nixos]
- objective_c: an extension of C commonly used to write Apple software [aliases: objc,obj-c,obj_c,objectivec]
- ocaml: Objective Caml (ocaml.org)
- pascal: a procedural programming language commonly used as a teaching language.
- perl: The Perl scripting language (perl.org) [aliases: pl]
- php: The PHP scripting language (php.net) [aliases: php,php3,php4,php5]
- plaintext: A boring lexer that doesn't highlight anything [aliases: text]
- plist: plist [aliases: plist]
- powershell: powershell [aliases: posh,microsoftshell,msshell]
- praat: The Praat scripting language (praat.org)
- prolog: The Prolog programming language (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolog) [aliases: prolog]
- prometheus: prometheus [aliases: prometheus]
- properties: .properties config files for Java
- protobuf: Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data [aliases: proto]
- puppet: The Puppet configuration management language (puppetlabs.org) [aliases: pp]
- python: The Python programming language (python.org) [aliases: py]
- q: The Q programming language (kx.com) [aliases: kdb+]
- qml: QML, a UI markup language [aliases: qml]
- r: The R statistics language (r-project.org) [aliases: r,R,s,S]
- racket: Racket is a Lisp descended from Scheme (racket-lang.org)
- ruby: The Ruby programming language (ruby-lang.org) [aliases: rb]
- rust: The Rust programming language (rust-lang.org) [aliases: rs,rust,no_run,rs,no_run,rust,ignore,rs,ignore,rust,should_panic,rs,should_panic]
- sass: The Sass stylesheet language language (sass-lang.com)
- scala: The Scala programming language (scala-lang.org) [aliases: scala]
- scheme: The Scheme variant of Lisp
- scss: SCSS stylesheets (sass-lang.com)
- sed: sed, the ultimate stream editor
- shell: Various shell languages, including sh and bash [aliases: bash,zsh,ksh,sh]
- sieve: mail filtering language
- slim: The Slim template language
- smalltalk: The Smalltalk programming language [aliases: st,squeak]
- smarty: Smarty Template Engine [aliases: smarty]
- sml: Standard ML [aliases: ml]
- sqf: Status Quo Function, a Real Virtuality engine scripting language
- sql: Structured Query Language, for relational databases
- supercollider: A cross-platform interpreted programming language for sound synthesis, algorithmic composition, and realtime performance
- swift: Multi paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple for iOS and OS X development. (developer.apple.com/swift)
- tap: Test Anything Protocol [aliases: tap]
- tcl: The Tool Command Language (tcl.tk)
- terraform: Terraform HCL Interpolations [aliases: tf]
- tex: The TeX typesetting system [aliases: TeX,LaTeX,latex]
- toml: the TOML configuration format (https://github.com/mojombo/toml)
- tsx: tsx
- tulip: the tulip programming language (twitter.com/tuliplang) [aliases: tulip]
- turtle: Terse RDF Triple Language, TriG
- twig: Twig template engine (twig.sensiolabs.org)
- typescript: TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript [aliases: ts]
- vala: A programming language similar to csharp.
- vb: Visual Basic [aliases: visualbasic]
- verilog: The System Verilog hardware description language
- vhdl: Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language
- viml: VimL, the scripting language for the Vim editor (vim.org) [aliases: vim,vimscript,ex]
- vue: Vue.js single-file components [aliases: vuejs]
- wollok: Wollok lang
- xml: XML
- xojo: Xojo [aliases: realbasic]
- yaml: Yaml Ain't Markup Language (yaml.org) [aliases: yml]