- Richmond, VA
A launch point for your personal nvim configuration
Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.
💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey helps you remember your Neovim keymaps, by showing available keybindings in a popup as you type.
NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support
Dracula colorscheme for neovim written in Lua
A wrapper around Neovims native LSP formatting.
Neovim plugin that makes golang development easier
A neovim plugin that shows colorcolumn dynamically
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Neovim theme.