const apiSubmitButton = document.getElementById("api-key-btn"); var currentWriting = null; var coverLetterButton = null; var whyUsButton = null; var generateButton = null; var goBackButton = null; var API_KEY_INFO = null; var COMPANY_NAME = null; var ROLE_DESCRIPTION = null; var USER_BACKGROUND = null; var JOB_POSITION = null; apiSubmitButton.addEventListener("click", async event => { // Get the API key from the user API_KEY_INFO = document.getElementById("api-key-txt").value; let mainPage = document.getElementById("main-page"); let apiKeyPage = document.getElementById("api-key-page"); = "block"; = "none"; // Cover letter button click coverLetterButton = waitUntilLoad('cover-letter-btn'); coverLetterButton.addEventListener('click', selectCoverLetterBtn); // Why button click whyUsButton = waitUntilLoad('why-us-btn'); whyUsButton.addEventListener('click', selectWhyUsBtn); // Default selectCoverLetterBtn(); // Generate button click generateButton = waitUntilLoad('generate-btn'); generateButton.addEventListener("click", onClickGenerateButton); // Go back button click goBackButton = waitUntilLoad('go-back-btn'); goBackButton.addEventListener("click", onClickGoBackButton); }); function selectCoverLetterBtn() { = "#9cc0f7"; // selected = "#d2e4ff"; currentWriting = 'cover-letter'; } function selectWhyUsBtn() { = "#d2e4ff"; = "#9cc0f7"; // selected currentWriting = 'why-us'; } function waitUntilLoad(id) { let ele = null; do { ele = document.getElementById(id); } while (ele == null); return ele; } async function onClickGoBackButton() { let mainPage = document.getElementById("main-page"); let apiKeyPage = document.getElementById("api-key-page"); = "none"; = "block"; } async function onClickGenerateButton() { // Prep company & user info COMPANY_NAME = document.getElementById("company-info").value; ROLE_DESCRIPTION = document.getElementById("role-description").value; USER_BACKGROUND = document.getElementById("user-background").value; JOB_POSITION = document.getElementById("job-position").value; if (!COMPANY_NAME) { alert('⚠️ You did not specify the company name! Please write the name of the company.'); } else if (!ROLE_DESCRIPTION) { alert('⚠️ The role description section is missing! Please tell us more about the role you are applying for.'); } else if (!USER_BACKGROUND) { alert('⚠️ You forgot to tell me your background! I cannot generate text without knowing who you are. Please write a brief summary of your background.'); } else if (!JOB_POSITION) { alert('⚠️ You did not specify which position you are applying for! Please write down the job position.'); } else { // Get response from OpenAPI let prompt = null; if (currentWriting == "cover-letter") { // TODO: Use role description let company_info = await requestCompletion(`What is the mission statement of ${COMPANY_NAME}? Give me a brief summary.`); prompt = generateCoverLetterPrompt(company_info); } else if (currentWriting == "why-us") { prompt = generateWhyUsPrompt(); } else { alert('⚠️ Unknown writing format!'); } let response = await requestCompletion(prompt); createParagraphs(response); console.log(`Prompt: ${prompt}`); } } async function requestCompletion(prompt) { try { let requestOptions = getRequestOptions(prompt); let response = await fetch("", requestOptions); if (response.ok) { let data = await response.json(); return data.choices[0].text; } else { handleErrors(response); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); alert(e); } } function getRequestOptions(prompt) { const params = { "prompt": prompt, "model": "text-davinci-003", "max_tokens": 700, "temperature": 0.2, "n": 1, } const requestOptions = { method: "POST", headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + API_KEY_INFO, "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(params) } return requestOptions } function createParagraphs(text) { let answerDiv = document.getElementById('answer'); answerDiv.innerHTML = ""; = "#123693"; let texts = text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); for (let i in texts) { let p = document.createElement("p"); p.innerHTML = texts[i]; answerDiv.appendChild(p); } } function handleErrors(response) { switch (response.status) { case 401: // 401: Unauthorized: API key is wrong throw new Error('Please double-check your API key.'); case 429: // 429: Too Many Requests: Need to pay throw new Error('You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.'); case 405: // 405: Wrong HTTP method throw new Error('Your current HTTP method is not compatible with the request.'); default: throw new Error(`Error occurred (error code: ${response.status})`); } } function generateCoverLetterPrompt(company_info) { return "Using the following company information and my background, " + `write a professional cover letter for ${JOB_POSITION} role to Hiring Manager.` + "\nCompany information:\n" + `${company_info}` + "\nMy background:\n" + `${USER_BACKGROUND}` } function generateWhyUsPrompt() { return `Explain why I would be a great fit for the ${JOB_POSITION} position at ${COMPANY_NAME}.` + "\n\nThis is the role description:\n" + `${ROLE_DESCRIPTION}` + "\n\nHere is my background:\n" + `${USER_BACKGROUND}` } // function generatePrompt_v2() { // return `Think about the mission statement of ${COMPANY_NAME} ` + // `and write a professional cover letter for ${JOB_POSITION} role. ` + // `The cover letter must align the mission of ${COMPANY_NAME} ` + // "with my background provided below:\n" + // `${USER_BACKGROUND}` // }