The public contributions
by users in Netherlands on 2025/3/12 2:18 AM UTC
. This list contains users from Netherlands
and cities Amsterdam
There are 138 countries
and 675 cities
can be found here.
There are 938 users
in Netherlands. You need at least 146 followers
to be on this list.
Don't forget to star ⭐ this repository |
Top Users By Public Contributions | Top Users By Total Contributions | Top Users By Followers |
# | Name | Company | Twitter Username | Location | Public Contributions |
1 |
Fabio Votta |
@r-user-group-stuttg | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 247517 |
2 |
Niek van der Maas |
Nivadema B.v. | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 19088 |
3 |
Tiemen |
No Company | ThaTiemsz | The Netherlands | 15531 |
4 |
Franck Nijhof |
@home-assistant @hassio-addons | frenck | Enschede, The Netherlands | 9659 |
5 |
Mark |
Duckdb Labs | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 8322 |
6 |
Gabor Szarnyas |
@duckdblabs, @ldbc | szarnyasg | Amsterdam | 6984 |
7 |
Alexey Milovidov |
Clickhouse | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 6816 |
8 |
Sebastiaan van Stijn |
Thajeztah | thaJeztah | Netherlands | 6434 |
9 |
Norbert de Langen |
Chroma Software | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 5501 |
10 |
Jeroen Ooms |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Utrecht | 4937 |
11 |
Julien Robert |
@01builders | @ignite | _julienrbrt | Netherlands | 4538 |
12 |
Roy Nieterau |
Colorbleed | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, Netherlands | 4491 |
13 |
Koen Kanters |
Asml | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands, Helmond | 4195 |
14 |
Friedrich von Never |
@jetbrains | fvnever | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 3840 |
15 |
Tim te Beek |
@moderneinc | timtebeek | Netherlands | 3820 |
16 |
Pooya Parsa |
@unjs . @nuxt |
_pi0_ | Netherlands | 3806 |
17 |
Ritchie Vink |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Utrecht | 3794 |
18 |
Sean Molenaar |
@move-agency | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 3765 |
19 |
Cees-Jan Kiewiet |
@surveymonkey | WyriHaximus | Broek op Langedijk, The Netherlands | 3436 |
20 |
Lorenzo Mangani |
Qxip Bv | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 3134 |
21 |
Serge Smertin |
@databricks | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 3129 |
22 |
Marcel van der Veldt |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Rosmalen, The Netherlands | 3109 |
23 |
Juliette |
Advies En Zo | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 2958 |
24 |
pajlada |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 2916 |
25 |
Michiel de Jong |
(independent) | michielbdejong | Utrecht (NL) | 2858 |
26 |
Jan Korf |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Meppel, Netherlands | 2821 |
27 |
Klaas Schoute |
@mrgreenboutiqueoffi | klaasnicolaas | Leiden, The Netherlands | 2785 |
28 |
Robert Hensing |
@hercules-ci | robert_hensing | The Hague, Netherlands | 2768 |
29 |
Jason K. Moore |
Red Love | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, Netherlands | 2762 |
30 |
Marcel Bokhorst |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 2733 |
31 |
Robert Oostenveld |
@donders-institute | No Twitter Username | Nijmegen, The Netherlands | 2710 |
32 |
Timothy Schoen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 2677 |
33 |
Egon Willighagen |
@bigcat-um | No Twitter Username | Maastricht, The Netherlands | 2641 |
34 |
Marcello Seri |
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | marcelloseri | Groningen, NL | 2600 |
35 |
Bartek Pacia |
@jetbrains | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 2564 |
36 |
Jon Koops |
Red Hat | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 2546 |
37 |
Saúl Ibarra Corretgé |
@jitsi / @8x8 |
saghul | Amsterdam | 2495 |
38 |
Tim Visée |
@qdrant & Freelancer | likecaffeinated | the Netherlands | 2439 |
39 |
Dirk Lemstra |
@vitasit | No Twitter Username | Leeuwarden, The Netherlands | 2375 |
40 |
Martin Larralde |
Lumc (ex Embl) @zellerlab |
althonos | The Hague, Netherlands | 2340 |
41 |
Daniel D. Beck |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 2311 |
42 |
Niels van Velzen |
@tellick | No Twitter Username | Netherlands, Europe | 2310 |
43 |
Jan Wielemaker |
Vu University, Amsterdam | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 2298 |
44 |
Pedro Holanda |
No Company | holanda_pe | Amsterdam | 2262 |
45 |
Gram |
@firefly-zero | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 2239 |
46 |
Jeroen Claassens |
Cgi | favna_ | Netherlands | 2135 |
47 |
Fokko Driesprong |
@databricks | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 2125 |
48 |
Titus |
No Company | wooorm | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 2100 |
49 |
Marcelo Trylesinski |
@encode @pydantic | marcelotryle | Utrecht, Netherlands | 2038 |
50 |
Maarten Zuidhoorn |
@metamask | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 2019 |
51 |
Wesley de Groot |
@wdgwv @appsterdam | 0xWDG | Haarlem, The Netherlands | 1996 |
52 |
Bulutluoz |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands, Venlo | 1979 |
53 |
Martin Benjamins |
No Company | Marlamin | Gouda, Netherlands | 1945 |
54 |
Yann Braga |
@chromaui | yannbf | Amsterdam | 1927 |
55 |
Luca Casonato |
@denoland | lcasdev | Netherlands | 1925 |
56 |
Jesse Houwing |
@xebia | jessehouwing | Amersfoort, The Netherlands | 1911 |
57 |
Bram Gerritsen |
Emico | No Twitter Username | Rhenen, The Netherlands | 1865 |
58 |
James Cole |
@firefly-iii | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1824 |
59 |
Guus van der Meer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 1781 |
60 |
Arjan Tijms |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 1748 |
61 |
Yaser Moradi |
@bitfoundation | ysmoradi | Netherlands | 1747 |
62 |
Karl Horky |
@upleveled | karlhorky | Amsterdam | 1723 |
63 |
Maarten van Gompel |
Knaw Humanities Cluster & Clst, Radboud University |
No Twitter Username | Eindhoven, the Netherlands | 1722 |
64 |
Rick Staa |
Livepeer | rick_staa | Amsterdam | 1705 |
65 |
Abel Soares Siqueira |
Netherlands Escience Center | abel_siqueira | Amsterdam - The Netherlands | 1674 |
66 |
Ralf Gommers |
Quansight | ralfgommers | Netherlands | 1625 |
67 |
Martijn Visser |
@deltares | martijnvisr | The Netherlands | 1623 |
68 |
Stijn de Gooijer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1604 |
69 |
Rob Tillaart |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Gemert Netherlands | 1600 |
70 |
Lars Kappert |
Webpro | webprolific | De Bilt, The Netherlands | 1577 |
71 |
Bernd Schorgers |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1558 |
72 |
Stephan van Rooij |
Smartersoft Bv | svrooij | The Netherlands | 1536 |
73 |
Vitaly Slobodin |
@gitlabhq | vitalliumm | The Netherlands | 1527 |
74 |
Michael Currin |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 1486 |
75 |
Bruno Schaatsbergen |
@hashicorp | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 1465 |
76 |
Eelco Dolstra |
Determinate Systems @determinatesystems | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, Netherlands | 1462 |
77 |
Edsko de Vries |
Well-typed | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1457 |
78 |
Cedric van Putten |
@expo | cedric_dev | Amsterdam | 1444 |
79 |
Rogério Chaves |
Langwatch | _rchaves_ | Amsterdam | 1430 |
80 |
Teun van den Brand |
No Company | TeunvandenBrand | Amsterdam | 1416 |
81 |
vincent d warmerdam |
@probabl-ai | fishnets88 | Amsterdam | 1407 |
82 |
Nikita Fedkin |
@bookingcom | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 1400 |
83 |
Luc van Kampen |
@ensdomains & @v3xlabs | LucemansNL | Breda, Netherlands | 1369 |
84 |
Gerald Versluis |
@microsoft | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1360 |
85 |
Wolfgang Viechtbauer |
Maastricht University | No Twitter Username | Maastricht, The Netherlands | 1356 |
86 |
Alex Strick van Linschoten |
Zenml | strickvl | Delft, The Netherlands | 1323 |
87 |
Peter van Dijk |
Powerdns Open-xchange | No Twitter Username | Hilversum, The Netherlands | 1321 |
88 |
Fons van der Plas |
Tu Eindhoven | PlutoJL | Wageningen, Netherlands | 1275 |
89 |
Yorick Peterse |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 1272 |
90 |
Victor Nogueira |
@globalnetx | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1269 |
91 |
Theo Arends |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1264 |
92 |
Leo Kettmeir |
@denoland | crowlKats | Netherlands | 1259 |
93 |
Remco Haszing |
No Company | remcohaszing | Eindhoven, Netherlands | 1235 |
94 |
Jorrit Rouwe |
No Company | jrouwe | Netherlands | 1228 |
95 |
Ruud van Asseldonk |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 1214 |
96 |
kiara |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, the Netherlands | 1202 |
97 |
Gert Hengeveld |
Chroma Software Inc. | No Twitter Username | Amersfoort, The Netherlands | 1199 |
98 |
Jaromil |
@dyne | jaromil | Amsterdam | 1195 |
99 |
Renée |
@apollographql | No Twitter Username | Groningen, Netherlands | 1183 |
100 |
Henrique Dias |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1163 |
101 |
Dimitri van Heesch |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1151 |
102 |
Kristoffer Dalby |
@tailscale | kradalby | Leiden, The Netherlands | 1147 |
103 |
Eleftheria Stein-Kousathana |
Stacklok | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1140 |
104 |
Waldek Mastykarz |
@microsoft | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 1138 |
105 |
Ayu Adiati |
No Company | AdiatiAyu | The Netherlands | 1134 |
106 |
Martijn Laarman |
@elastic | Mpdreamz | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1131 |
107 |
Iman Khoshabi |
App-logik | imaN__NeO | Amsterdam | 1127 |
108 |
Jos de Jong |
Self-employed | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam | 1116 |
109 |
Daniël de Kok |
@huggingface | danieldekok | Groningen, The Netherlands | 1101 |
110 |
Volkan Yazıcı |
No Company | yazicivo | The Netherlands | 1094 |
111 |
Son Luong Ngoc |
No Company | sluongng | Amsterdam | 1078 |
112 |
Christian Tzolov |
@spring-io | christzolov | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1076 |
113 |
Almar Klein |
Independent Software Engineer | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 1071 |
114 |
Jisse Reitsma |
@yireo | jissereitsma | The Netherlands | 1068 |
115 |
Wesley |
@ethereum | wslyvh | Amsterdam, NL | 1067 |
116 |
Bert Temme |
No Company | berttemme | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1062 |
117 |
Jeff Kreeftmeijer |
Appsignal | jkreeftmeijer | Amersfoort, The Netherlands | 1061 |
118 |
Hidde Beydals |
@akuity | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, the Netherlands | 1045 |
119 |
✅ Daniel Danielecki |
@ditectrev | ddanielecki | Amsterdam | 1034 |
120 |
Matt Perry |
@motiondivision | mattgperry | Amsterdam | 1016 |
121 |
Joannis Orlandos |
@unbtbl | joannisorlandos | Best, the Netherlands | 1016 |
122 |
Rico Hermans |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1010 |
123 |
Jelte Fennema-Nio |
@motherduckdb | JelteF | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1009 |
124 |
Joshua Thijssen |
Noxlogic | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1003 |
125 |
Danny van Kooten |
@ibericode | No Twitter Username | Nijmegen, The Netherlands | 991 |
126 |
Fabio Manganiello |
@bookingcom | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 973 |
127 |
Holger Brunn |
Hunki Enterprises Bv | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 962 |
128 |
Martijn Russchen |
@hacker0x01 | mrusschen | The Netherlands | 951 |
129 |
Tim Neutkens |
Vercel | timneutkens | The Netherlands | 947 |
130 |
Leandro Borges Ferreira |
Bol. | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam | 941 |
131 |
Lucas Jellema |
Conclusion | lucasjellema | Utrecht | 931 |
132 |
Kleis Auke Wolthuizen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 926 |
133 |
Ahmed El Gabri |
@miroapp | ahmedelgabri | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 925 |
134 |
Erik Baauw |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 915 |
135 |
Ruud Kamphuis |
@ticketswap | Ruud_ | Amsterdam | 914 |
136 |
Serge |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 891 |
137 |
A Greaves |
Code Institute | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 875 |
138 |
Alex Bouma |
@chieftools | stayallive | The Netherlands | 866 |
139 |
Maurits van der Schee |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 838 |
140 |
Chris Laffra |
Ahead In The Cloud Computing |
No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Holland | 834 |
141 |
Arend van Beelen jr. |
Independent Contractor | No Twitter Username | Haarlem, Netherlands | 807 |
142 |
Dmitry Jemerov |
No Company | intelliyole | Leiden, Netherlands | 805 |
143 |
Nikita Bobko |
@jetbrains | nikitabobko | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 798 |
144 |
Vincent Driessen |
@liveblocks | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 790 |
145 |
Hugo Ledoux |
Delft University Of Technology |
No Twitter Username | Delft, the Netherlands | 788 |
146 |
İsa Mert Gürbüz |
Trendyol | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 787 |
147 |
Danny Steenman |
Towards The Cloud | dannysteenman | Amsterdam | 778 |
148 |
Ben Noordhuis |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 774 |
149 |
Matthew Little |
@hirosystems | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 774 |
150 |
Tom Aarsen |
Hugging Face | tomaarsen | Netherlands | 766 |
151 |
Mechiel Lukkien |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 764 |
152 |
Ayke |
@tinygo-org | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 752 |
153 |
Sergej Jaskiewicz |
@jetbrains | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 752 |
154 |
Jacco Bikker |
Breda University Of Applied Sciences |
No Twitter Username | 't Goy, The Netherlands | 750 |
155 |
Juraj Majerik |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 742 |
156 |
Hidde de Vries | | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, NL | 738 |
157 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 728 |
158 |
Orson Peters |
Polars | No Twitter Username | Leiden, Netherlands | 719 |
159 |
Rick Clephas |
@ketjapp | RickClephas | The Netherlands | 711 |
160 |
Shaygan Hooshyari |
No Company | glyphack | Netherlands | 704 |
161 |
Artur Barseghyan |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 704 |
162 |
Samuel |
Xkojimedia | imolorhe | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 702 |
163 |
Ryan Clark |
@gravitational | rynclark | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 702 |
164 |
Christiaan Bloemendaal |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 701 |
165 |
Panagis Tselentis |
Kong Inc. | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 698 |
166 |
Veerle van Leemput |
No Company | No Twitter Username | the Netherlands | 697 |
167 |
Maarten Breddels |
Widgetti | maartenbreddels | the Netherlands | 696 |
168 |
Milad Rahimi |
@castoredc | realmiladrahimi | Amsterdam | 687 |
169 |
Maurice de Beijer |
Abl - The Problem Solver |
No Twitter Username | Zoetermeer, the Netherlands | 683 |
170 |
Konstantin |
@jetbrains | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 679 |
171 |
Dirkjan Bussink |
@planetscale | dbussink | Netherlands | 675 |
172 |
Oğuzhan Soykan |
No Company | o_soykan | Netherlands | 673 |
173 |
Thijs Schreijer |
@kong | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 663 |
174 |
Samy Pessé |
Gitbook | SamyPesse | Amsterdam | 661 |
175 |
Stephan Meijer |
@magicbell-io | No Twitter Username | Leeuwarden, The Netherlands | 659 |
176 |
Kilian Valkhof |
Polypane | kilianvalkhof | Zoetermeer, the netherlands | 656 |
177 |
Ilya Gusev | | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 648 |
178 |
Taco de Wolff |
Dewolff Ai Consulting | No Twitter Username | Netherlands / Chile | 644 |
179 |
Luca Weiss |
@fairphone | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 640 |
180 |
Liangliang Nan |
Delft University Of Technology |
No Twitter Username | Delft, the Netherlands | 639 |
181 |
Eric Torreborre |
Ockam | etorreborre | Haarlem, Netherlands | 639 |
182 |
Raymond Penners |
Intenct | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 636 |
183 |
Sjors Provoost |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 633 |
184 |
Exeldro |
No Company | exeldro | Netherlands | 632 |
185 |
Alexander Lichter |
Web Engineering Consultant (open For Inquiries) |
TheAlexLichter | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 626 |
186 |
Hannes Mühleisen |
Duckdb Labs | hfmuehleisen | Amsterdam | 626 |
187 |
Pavel Karateev |
@jetbrains | Lancel0te | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 623 |
188 |
Barry vd. Heuvel |
@fruitcake | barryvdh | Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands | 608 |
189 |
Erika Heidi |
@chainguard-dev | erikaheidi | The Hague - NL | 607 |
190 |
Joost de Valk |
@emilia-capital | jdevalk | The Netherlands | 597 |
191 |
Daniel Lockyer |
No Company | DanielLockyer | Netherlands | 597 |
192 |
Job Snijders |
@openbsd @peeringdb | jobsnijders | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 593 |
193 |
David Miguel Lozano | | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 585 |
194 |
Anand Chowdhary |
@firstquadrant-ai | AnandChowdhary | Utrecht, the Netherlands | 581 |
195 |
Rosco Kalis |
@revokecash | RoscoKalis | Amsterdam | 580 |
196 |
Ankur Ankan |
Radboud University | AnkurAnkan | Netherlands | 574 |
197 |
Rob Wu |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 570 |
198 |
David de Boer |
Freelance | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 562 |
199 |
Ives van Hoorne |
@codesandbox | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 561 |
200 |
Sasha Romijn |
Reliably Coded B.v. | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 557 |
201 |
Stef van Buuren |
Tno And Utrecht University |
No Twitter Username | Leiden and Utrecht | 551 |
202 |
Wietse Wind |
@xrpl-labs | WietseWind | Amersfoort, The Netherlands | 550 |
203 |
Ivan Kochurkin |
@jetbrains @kotlin @antlr | KvanTTT | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 546 |
204 |
Raghav |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 538 |
205 |
Martijn Faassen |
Startifact | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 533 |
206 |
Paul-Louis Ageneau |
Netflix | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 528 |
207 |
Jonathan de Bruin |
Utrecht University | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 528 |
208 |
Luca Cavanna |
@elastic | lucacavanna | Amsterdam | 528 |
209 |
Grigory Petrov |
@evrone | grigoryvp | The Hague, Netherlands | 526 |
210 |
Mohammad Abdolirad |
@companyinfo | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 524 |
211 |
Siddharth Kshetrapal |
No Company | siddharthkp | Amsterdam | 522 |
212 |
Alexander Medvednikov |
No Company | v_language | Netherlands | 520 |
213 |
Otávio Fernandes |
Red Hat | otaviof | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 516 |
214 |
Sergey Sharybin |
Blender | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 506 |
215 |
Tuana Çelik |
@weaviate | tuanacelik | Amsterdam, NL | 505 |
216 |
Sebastiaan Mathot |
University Of Groningen, Netherlands |
No Twitter Username | Groningen, Netherlands | 500 |
217 |
Rosalie |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 500 |
218 |
Johan Stokking |
@thethingsindustries @thethingsnetwork | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 499 |
219 |
Sebastian Ehlert |
Microsoft Research, Ai For Science |
No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 498 |
220 |
Wessel |
Microsoft Research | ikwess | Amsterdam | 497 |
221 |
Francesco Borzì |
@azerothcore | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 479 |
222 |
Bert Spaan |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 477 |
223 |
Steven |
No Company | husreo_tx | Oudekerksplein 34, Amsterdam, Netherlands | 475 |
224 |
Emile Nijssen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 466 |
225 |
Freek Bes |
@codam-coding-colleg | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 464 |
226 |
Timur Carpeev |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 462 |
227 |
Savin Vadim |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands, Deventer | 451 |
228 |
Dietrich Ayala |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 451 |
229 |
Zaid Ajaj |
No Company | zaid_ajaj | Arnhem, The Netherlands | 449 |
230 |
Wim Selles |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 447 |
231 |
Bas Dijkstra |
On Test Automation | No Twitter Username | Amersfoort, The Netherlands | 446 |
232 |
Alejandro Serrano |
@jetbrains | trupill | Utrecht, Netherlands | 437 |
233 |
Iman Nemati |
@behlog - @cafesystem | imanpad | Netherlands | 435 |
234 |
Alexander Udalov |
Jetbrains | No Twitter Username | the Netherlands | 434 |
235 |
Ernest Micklei | | emicklei | Netherlands | 433 |
236 |
Martijn van Dijk |
Co-founder @baseflow | mhvdijk | The Netherlands | 431 |
237 |
Luigui Delyer | | luiguild | Amsterdam, NL | 431 |
238 |
Michael van Tellingen |
@labd | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 431 |
239 |
tr4m0ryp - AppelMoussa |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 430 |
240 |
Marius van Zundert |
@cerberos-dev | Marske1984 | Netherlands | 427 |
241 |
No Name |
@mit-dci | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 425 |
242 |
Kevin van Zonneveld |
Transloadit | kvz | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 425 |
243 |
Kerim Satirli |
@hashicorp | ksatirli | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 424 |
244 |
Alexander Bakker |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 423 |
245 |
Markus Englund |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, Netherlands | 422 |
246 |
Sergey Arkhipov |
@juniper | No Twitter Username | Purmerend, Netherlands | 422 |
247 |
Arnold Daniels |
Jasny | ArnoldDaniels | Amsterdam | 421 |
248 |
Hongli Lai |
@phusion | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 417 |
249 |
Mick Vleeshouwer |
@microsoft | imicknl | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 415 |
250 |
Damian Hickey |
@duendesoftware | No Twitter Username | The Hague, Netherlands. | 414 |
251 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 414 |
252 |
Q-engineering |
Q-engineering | No Twitter Username | Groningen | 406 |
253 |
Evandro Leopoldino Gonçalves |
@framer | evandrolg | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 405 |
254 |
Denis Bilenko |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 404 |
255 |
Matthijs Kooijman |
Matthijs Kooijman It | No Twitter Username | Amersfoort, the Netherlands | 395 |
256 |
Pascal Baljet |
@protonemedia | pascalbaljet | Amsterdam | 393 |
257 |
Kristian Koehntopp |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Europe | 390 |
258 |
Felipe Arruda Pontes |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Maastricht - Netherlands | 388 |
259 |
Flavio Stutz |
@bancodobrasil @stutzlab | No Twitter Username | The Hague - The Netherlands | 385 |
260 |
Yousef |
No Company | yousefed | Barcelona, Spain / The Netherlands | 384 |
261 |
Anton Akhmerov |
Delft University | No Twitter Username | Delft, Netherlands | 380 |
262 |
Derk-Jan Karrenbeld |
@xpbytes @delftsolutions @sounders-music | SleeplessByte | Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 379 |
263 |
Han Fei |
Clickhouse | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 377 |
264 |
Elias Nogueira |
Backbase | eliasnogueira | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 374 |
265 |
Adewale Abati |
@block | ace_kyd | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 368 |
266 |
Guido Zuidhof |
Friendly Captcha | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 365 |
267 |
Jan Jongboom |
@edgeimpulse | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 361 |
268 |
Hakan Ensari |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 358 |
269 |
Hakan Altındağ |
Thunderberry | Hakky541 | Netherlands | 358 |
270 |
Koen van Gilst |
No Company | vnglst | Bilthoven, The Netherlands | 356 |
271 |
Felienne Hermans |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | felienne | Netherlands | 355 |
272 |
Erik Dubbelboer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 353 |
273 |
Jasper van Merle |
@devolksbank Via Harvest | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 352 |
274 |
Dennis Doomen |
Aviva Solutions | ddoomen | The Hague, Netherlands | 327 |
275 |
Alba Silvente Fuentes |
Fullstack Engineer At Storyblok |
dawntraoz | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 314 |
276 |
Niels Leenheer |
Salonhub | html5test | Opende, The Netherlands | 314 |
277 |
Vincent Traag |
Cwts, Leiden University | No Twitter Username | Leiden, the Netherlands | 313 |
278 |
Jochum van der Ploeg |
@verygoodopensource | wolfenrain | Netherlands | 312 |
279 |
Anne Jan Brouwer |
@ijhack | annejanbrouwer | Netherlands | 312 |
280 |
Tommaso Barbugli | | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 311 |
281 |
Oleksii Trekhleb |
Uber | Trekhleb | Amsterdam | 310 |
282 |
Sacha Arbonel |
@getstream | sachaarbonel | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 310 |
283 |
Deepu K Sasidharan |
@okta | deepu105 | Netherlands | 308 |
284 |
Hans de Goede |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Delft, The Netherlands | 308 |
285 |
Luca Cavallin |
Github, Inc. | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 302 |
286 |
Dylan Verheul |
@observation | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 300 |
287 |
Mahmoud Zalt |
@sista-ai | @laradock | @apiato |
Mahmoud_Zalt | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 299 |
288 |
Artem Kobzar |
No Company | rage_monk | Netherlands, Amsterdam | 299 |
289 |
Roman Pronskiy |
@jetbrains, @thephpf | pronskiy | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 299 |
290 |
Deven Joshi | | DevenJoshi7 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 297 |
291 |
Frank de Jonge |
Duna | frankdejonge | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 297 |
292 |
Mosquito |
Nebius | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 297 |
293 |
Mislav Marohnić |
No Company | mislav | The Netherlands | 296 |
294 |
Minghe |
@bookingcom | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 296 |
295 |
Willem Melching |
I Can Hack | pd0wm | The Netherlands | 292 |
296 |
Hugh Rawlinson |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 292 |
297 |
Soxoj |
Social Links | sox0j | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 287 |
298 |
Heitor Lessa |
Adyen | heitor_lessa | Netherlands | 287 |
299 |
Steven Thewissen |
Fizo Labs | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 285 |
300 |
Antoine van der Lee |
No Company | twannl | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 284 |
301 |
Pepijn de Vos |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Loenen, Gelderland, Netherlands | 284 |
302 |
Thom Wiggers |
@pqshield | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 282 |
303 |
JP Bruins Slot |
@aztlan-dev | 0x4a50 | The Netherlands | 279 |
304 |
Drew McCormack |
The Mental Faculty | drewmccormack | Amstelveen, The Netherlands | 274 |
305 |
Andrii Rublov |
@jetbrains | seclerp | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 273 |
306 |
Jelle van Assema |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 269 |
307 |
Steph |
No Company | w34kp455 | Netherlands | 264 |
308 |
Ivan Chepurnyi |
@ecomdev Bv | IvanChepurnyi | The Hague, The Netherlands | 263 |
309 |
Gordon |
@rive-app @funwithflutter | gordonphayes | Netherlands | 263 |
310 |
Romano |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 260 |
311 |
Erjan K |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 259 |
312 |
Subhaditya Mukherjee |
@openml-labs | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 253 |
313 |
Rick van Hattem |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 253 |
314 |
Natalia Tepluhina |
Gitlab | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 252 |
315 |
Sahil Kumar |
@getstream | xsahil03x | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 251 |
316 |
JvanKatwijk |
Lazy Chair Computing | No Twitter Username | pijnacker The Netherlands | 250 |
317 |
Rob Janssen |
Devcorner / Keensystems | RobIII | Gemert, Netherlands | 250 |
318 |
Panagiotis Ganelis |
No Company | pan__gan | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 249 |
319 |
Melissa |
Nimble Tools | No Twitter Username | Heiloo, The Netherlands | 248 |
320 |
Sjoerd Langkemper |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Haarlem, The Netherlands | 246 |
321 |
Vincent Weevers |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 243 |
322 |
イルシャア |
@koding-in | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 241 |
323 |
Eugene Levenetc |
@jetbrains | No Twitter Username | Netherlands, Amsterdam | 239 |
324 |
Jeremiah van Oosten |
Breda University Of Applied Sciences |
jpvanoosten | Breda, The Netherlands | 238 |
325 |
Ron |
No Company | cyberjunky | The Netherlands | 234 |
326 |
Achim Pieters |
Studiopieters® | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 234 |
327 |
Adolfo Ochagavía |
Independent Consultant | No Twitter Username | Utrecht | 230 |
328 |
Wouter de Jong |
Mywheels | WouterJNL | Netherlands | 229 |
329 |
Gabor de Mooij |
Gabor De Mooij | No Twitter Username | Den Haag, Netherlands | 229 |
330 |
Mentor Palokaj |
No Company | ActuallyMentor | Amsterdam | 228 |
331 |
Henk Boelman |
@microsoft | hboelman | Netherlands | 226 |
332 |
Alessandro Vozza | | bongo | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 224 |
333 |
Nathan Vegdahl |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 223 |
334 |
Fahad Heylaal |
No Company | fahad19 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 222 |
335 |
diversenok |
No Company | diversenok_zero | The Netherlands | 222 |
336 |
Joaquin Vanschoren |
Eindhoven University Of Technology |
No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 222 |
337 |
Tim Nolet |
@checkly | tim_nolet | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 222 |
338 |
Igor Zinken |
Igorski | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 220 |
339 |
Thijs Triemstra |
@collab-project | thijstriemstra | Groningen | 220 |
340 |
Jurre |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Groningen, the Netherlands | 219 |
341 |
Open Risk |
Open Risk | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 216 |
342 |
Mara Bos |
No Company | m_ou_se | Netherlands | 214 |
343 |
Ralph J. Smit |
No Company | ralphjsmit | The Netherlands | 212 |
344 |
Rick Lamers |
No Company | ricklamers | Amsterdam + Palo Alto | 210 |
345 |
Sander ten Veldhuis |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Delft, The Netherlands | 206 |
346 |
Jeroen Bouma |
Quantitative Investment Strategist At A.s.r. Asset Management |
No Twitter Username | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 205 |
347 |
Stefan Vermaas |
@codeturebv | stefanvermaas | Enschede, The Netherlands | 199 |
348 |
Peter Jaap Blaakmeer |
Elgentos Ecommerce Solutions / Blaakmeer Webdevelopment |
No Twitter Username | Groningen, the Netherlands | 197 |
349 |
Vivek Singh |
@infracloudio @kastenhq | viveksinghggits | The Hague, Netherlands | 195 |
350 |
Milos Popovic | | milos_agathon | The Hague, Netherlands | 192 |
351 |
Peter Ullrich | | No Twitter Username | Leiden, The Netherlands | 191 |
352 |
tge |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 187 |
353 |
dr.dimitru |
@veliovgroup | smart_egg | Limassol, Charleston SC, SF, Philly, Amsterdam | 183 |
354 |
Ivan Velichko |
Iximiuz Labs | iximiuz | Amsterdam | 181 |
355 |
Varun A P |
@okratechnologies | apvarun | Amsterdam | 179 |
356 |
Iuri de Silvio |
Roboflow | iurisilvio | Utrecht, NL | 178 |
357 |
Lucas Meijer |
Unity Technologies | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 177 |
358 |
Peter Bloem |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | pbloemesquire | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 176 |
359 |
Dillion Megida |
No Company | iamdillion | Amsterdam | 176 |
360 |
Anton Prokhorov |
Jetbrains | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 175 |
361 |
FlexZ |
Freelance | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 174 |
362 |
Jolanda Verhoef |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 173 |
363 |
Cyd Stumpel |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 173 |
364 |
Dirk-jan |
Outsider Security | _dirkjan | The Netherlands | 172 |
365 |
Jeffrey van Rossum | | jeffreyrossum | Bennekom, The Netherlands | 170 |
366 |
Can Vural |
Studocu | can__vural | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 169 |
367 |
Andreia Gaita |
Spoiled Cat, W4games | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 166 |
368 |
Manu Castrillon |
Uber | manucastrillonm | Netherlands | 163 |
369 |
Ilya Kantor |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 162 |
370 |
Jeroen Janssens |
Xomnia | jeroenhjanssens | Rotterdam, the Netherlands | 160 |
371 |
Juan Font |
European Space Agency | No Twitter Username | Leiden, Netherlands | 158 |
372 |
Manuel M T Chakravarty |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Utrecht | 158 |
373 |
Willem de Groot |
@sansecio | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 158 |
374 |
Kevin Lynagh |
Keming Labs | lynaghk | Amsterdam | 155 |
375 |
Floor Drees |
No Company | DevOpsBarbie | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 155 |
376 |
Aravind Putrevu |
@devgtm @coderabbitai | aravindputrevu | Amsterdam, NL | 155 |
377 |
Can Bölük |
No Company | _can1357 | The Netherlands | 154 |
378 |
Nicolas Moutschen |
@apollographql | nmoutschen | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 154 |
379 |
Mo Gorhom |
No Company | gorhom | Amsterdam | 153 |
380 |
Kwaw |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, NL | 153 |
381 |
Joost Koehoorn |
No Company | devjoost | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 152 |
382 |
Dave Ebbelaar |
@datalumina | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 150 |
383 |
Kanan Rahimov |
No Company | KenanBekk | The Netherlands | 150 |
384 |
Tom Looman |
Lodzero | t_looman | Netherlands | 149 |
385 |
Marc Köhlbrugge |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Eindhoven, The Netherlands | 149 |
386 |
Matthijs Hollemans |
Audio Developer | mhollemans | Netherlands | 148 |
387 |
Gabriele Sarti |
University Of Groningen | gsarti_ | Groningen, Netherlands | 148 |
388 |
rpwnage |
Manticore | rpwnage | Netherlands | 146 |
389 |
Anton Bukov |
1inch Network | k06a | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 144 |
390 |
Farnam Homayounfar |
Cliq Digital | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 144 |
391 |
Erik van Blokland |
Letterror Type | No Twitter Username | The Hague | 143 |
392 |
Jefersson Nathan |
@codelicia | malukenho | Amsterdam, Netherlands / Sergipe, Brazil | 142 |
393 |
Terin Stock |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 142 |
394 |
Eivind Fonn |
Sintef | No Twitter Username | Wageningen, Netherlands | 141 |
395 |
Christian Gill |
@ Pinata-llc | gillchristian | Winschoten, Netherlands | 141 |
396 |
Armando Magalhães |
@netflix | armand1m | Amsterdam | 139 |
397 |
Joe Shenouda |
Cyber Consult | JoeyShenouda | The Netherlands | 139 |
398 |
Alexander Shvedov |
Jetbrains | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 139 |
399 |
Mathias Harrer |
Technical University Munich | MathiasHarrer | Munich & Amsterdam | 138 |
400 |
Narcis-Ionuț B. |
@liberty-mp • @bluestarplanning • @fluiter-gezocht |
leonardssh22 | Rotterdam, the Netherlands | 136 |
401 |
Bouke van der Bijl |
No Company | BvdBijl | Netherlands | 135 |
402 |
Philo Hermans |
No Company | Philo01 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 135 |
403 |
Miguel Sozinho Ramalho |
No Company | No Twitter Username | @Netherlands | 135 |
404 |
Arnab Kumar Shil |
Rabobank | ruddraarnab | Eindhoven, Netherlands | 133 |
405 |
Allard Buijze |
Axoniq | allardbz | Netherlands | 130 |
406 |
Shashank Gupta |
Uva | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 130 |
407 |
Mehmet Akif Tütüncü |
@iodigital-com | makiftutuncu | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 129 |
408 |
Jordi Bruin |
Good Snooze | jordibruin | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 128 |
409 |
Sander Elias |
E.s.o. | esosanderelias | the Netherlands | 128 |
410 |
Raphael Isemann |
@vusec | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 126 |
411 |
Rob |
Incognito | rob_bast | Netherlands | 125 |
412 |
Coder Shiyar |
Shiyar Academy | codershiyar | Netherlands | 123 |
413 |
Mathijs Kadijk |
@nonstrict-hq | mac_cain13 | Amersfoort, The Netherlands | 122 |
414 |
Adnan Hodzic |
Ing | fooctrl | Amsterdam | 122 |
415 |
Michel |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 120 |
416 |
Sander van Rossen |
Briganti (dungeon Alchemist) | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 119 |
417 |
Paddy Xu |
@databricks | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 118 |
418 |
ferhat elmas |
@cloudflare | ferhatelmas_ | Amsterdam, NL | 117 |
419 |
Babak Farrokhi |
Perforlabs | farrokhi | The Netherlands | 116 |
420 |
Daniel Probst |
Wageningen University | skepteis | Netherlands | 116 |
421 |
Mehdi |
No Company | mghodsizadeh | Netherlands | 116 |
422 |
Marc Stevens |
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica |
realhashbreaker | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 115 |
423 |
Artem Tyurin |
@gitarcode | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 115 |
424 |
Zain |
Uber | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 115 |
425 |
Falco Peijnenburg |
Channable | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 114 |
426 |
Mark van der Loo |
Statistics Netherlands | University Of Leiden |
No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 114 |
427 |
Derek Kraan |
Code Code Ship | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 114 |
428 |
jfmelo |
@scribbr | jfmelo_ | Netherlands | 114 |
429 |
Rik |
Pqina | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 113 |
430 |
Cas van Cooten |
No Company | chvancooten | Utrecht | 112 |
431 |
Chris Andriessen |
Chris Andriessen | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 112 |
432 |
Mahmoud Youssef | | mahyoussef_ | Amsterdam | 112 |
433 |
Emre Yılmaz |
Adyen | emre_yilmaz | Utrecht, Netherlands | 111 |
434 |
batuhan |
@beeper (an @automattic Pager) |
batuhan | Amsterdam | 111 |
435 |
Gift Egwuenu |
Cloudflare | lauragift_ | Netherlands | 110 |
436 |
Andrey Akinshin |
@jetbrains | andrey_akinshin | Netherlands | 109 |
437 |
Sven Luijten |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 109 |
438 |
buffermet |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 107 |
439 |
Martijn Braam |
Brixit | No Twitter Username | Smilde, Netherlands | 107 |
440 |
Claudio Dekker |
@ubient | claudiodekker | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 106 |
441 |
Jeffrey |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 105 |
442 |
Wimer Hazenberg |
Monokai | monokai | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 104 |
443 |
Tim van der Lippe |
Logius | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 104 |
444 |
Anton Sizikov |
No Company | return_true | The Netherlands, Amsterdam | 104 |
445 |
Ege Balcı |
Prodaft | egeblc | Den Haag, Netherlands | 103 |
446 |
Camille Scholtz |
Eerlijketen | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 102 |
447 |
Baris |
@justeattakeaway | PeaceCwz | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 101 |
448 |
Edwin Biemond |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 101 |
449 |
Tijs Rademakers |
Kis Consultancy | No Twitter Username | Eindhoven | 101 |
450 |
Jeffery ThaGintoki |
No Company | jefferyhus | Almere, Netherlands | 100 |
451 |
Alexey Korepanov |
Clickhouse | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 100 |
452 |
Murat Çorlu |
No Company | muratcorlu | Eindhoven, Netherlands | 99 |
453 |
Peng Xiao |
@ing-bank | xiaopeng163 | The Hague, Netherlands | 98 |
454 |
Alexander Kuznetsov |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 98 |
455 |
Ila |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 98 |
456 |
Henrique Vicente |
No Company | henriquev | The Hague, Netherlands | 95 |
457 |
梁海 Liang Hai |
Multilingual Font Technologist, @typotheque |
No Twitter Username | The Hague, Netherlands | 95 |
458 |
Robbert van der Helm |
@channable | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, the Netherlands | 94 |
459 |
Shing Lyu |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 94 |
460 |
Mojtaba Tajik |
@roamler | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 94 |
461 |
Mark Hamstra |
@modmore | No Twitter Username | Leeuwarden, the Netherlands | 94 |
462 |
Italo Maia |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 93 |
463 |
The Byte Attic B.V. |
The Byte Attic B.v. |
AtticThe | The Netherlands | 92 |
464 |
Saurav Anand |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 91 |
465 |
Jovche Mitrejchevski |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 90 |
466 |
Boris Emorine |
@wetransfer | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 89 |
467 |
Dwain Scheeren | | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 89 |
468 |
Onur |
@bitvavo | onurschu | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 88 |
469 |
Jeremiah Ogbomo |
No Company | jogboms | Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 88 |
470 |
Allard de Wit |
Wageningen Environmental Research, Wageningen-ur |
No Twitter Username | Wageningen, The Netherlands | 88 |
471 |
Paulo Mota |
Coolblue | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, Netherlands | 88 |
472 |
Vladimir Iakovlev |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 87 |
473 |
AeonLucid |
No Company | AeonLucid | The Netherlands | 87 |
474 |
Leo Bernard |
No Company | leolabs_org | Utrecht, Netherlands | 87 |
475 |
Hossein Mousavi |
Aihr | hossein13m | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 87 |
476 |
Adrian Holovaty |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 86 |
477 |
Martin Moene |
Leiden University | martinmoene | Netherlands | 86 |
478 |
Frans Bouma |
Solutions Design Bv | FransBouma | The Hague, The Netherlands | 86 |
479 |
Michel de Rooij |
Eightwone | mderooij | The Netherlands | 86 |
480 |
Jad Joubran |
Jad Joubran B.v. | JoubranJad | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 85 |
481 |
Caio Delgado |
Maverick Derivatives | caiodelgadonew | Amsterdam - Netherlands | 85 |
482 |
Cedric Nugteren |
Plumerai | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 85 |
483 |
Konstantin BIFERT |
Tastylabs | kissu_io | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 85 |
484 |
Fabian Jakobs |
Databricks | fjakobs | Amsterdam | 85 |
485 |
Daan Debie | | No Twitter Username | Zandvoort, The Netherlands | 85 |
486 |
Matteo Merola |
@ingka-group-digital | _mattmezza_ | Netherlands | 85 |
487 |
No Name |
No Company | LegacyGamerHD1 | The NetherLands | 84 |
488 |
Gijs Molenaar |
Spotify | gijzelaerr | Amsterdam - Windhoek | 84 |
489 |
Ariejan de Vroom |
@kabisa | ariejan | Breugel, The Netherlands | 82 |
490 |
borislav nikolov |
@rekki | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 81 |
491 |
Fokke Zandbergen |
@zapier | No Twitter Username | Heerenveen, The Netherlands | 80 |
492 |
Olivia Guest |
Radboud University | o_guest | Netherlands | 80 |
493 |
Martijn Walraven |
@apollographql | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 80 |
494 |
Stanislaw Pusep |
@qwicengineering | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 79 |
495 |
Smart Home Junkie |
Smart Home Junkie | smarth0mejunkie | The Netherlands | 79 |
496 |
Danny Moerkerke |
Freelance | dannymoerkerke | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 78 |
497 |
Dennis Smink |
@webbuildsnl | dennis_smink | Netherlands | 77 |
498 |
Gfechio |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 77 |
499 |
Coen Jacobs |
No Company | CoenJacobs | Bladel, The Netherlands | 77 |
500 |
Noah |
@smartproxy | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 76 |
501 |
Joost van Schaik |
Augmedit | localjoost | Amersfoort, the Netherlands | 76 |
502 |
Roald Nefs |
@warpnet | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 76 |
503 |
Jeroen Knoops |
@philips-software | johnnybusca | Eindhoven - The Netherlands | 76 |
504 |
Paul Houx |
Paul Houx Creative Coding |
No Twitter Username | Linne, The Netherlands | 75 |
505 |
Abi |
Codam Coding College | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 75 |
506 |
Job Talle |
No Company | jobtalle | Groningen, The Netherlands | 74 |
507 |
Roy Derks |
No Company | gethackteam | Amsterdam | 74 |
508 |
Amin |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 74 |
509 |
Juan C. Andreu | | andreujuanc | Amsterdam | 74 |
510 |
Hein Rutjes |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 71 |
511 |
Robert de Bock |
@adfinis | robertdebock | The Netherlands | 71 |
512 |
Xin Zhang |
Sron | zhangxin_dawn | Leiden, Netherlands | 69 |
513 |
Reinier Zwitserloot |
Zorg Op Orde Bv |
No Twitter Username | Delft, The Netherlands | 68 |
514 |
Rajika Imal |
Nn | rajikaimal | Netherlands | 68 |
515 |
Phillip Lippe |
University Of Amsterdam | phillip_lippe | Amsterdam | 66 |
516 |
Horea Porutiu |
No Company | horeaporutiu | Amsterdam | 66 |
517 |
Azizul Haque Ananto |
@kpn | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 66 |
518 |
Mossaddeque Mahmood |
No Company | mmahmood_ict_bd | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 66 |
519 |
Donny Wals | | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam area | 65 |
520 |
Dmitry Belyaev | | blvdmitry | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 64 |
521 |
DaiShaoqing |
Faculty Itc, University Of Twente |
DaiShaoqing | Enschede, the Netherlands | 64 |
522 |
Jafar Rezaei |
No Company | sayjeyhi | Amsterdam, NL | 63 |
523 |
Yanina Trekhleb |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 63 |
524 |
Mr.Z |
No Company | zux0x3a | Netherlands | 62 |
525 |
Clifton Cunningham |
Cto, @infinitaslearning | No Twitter Username | Den Haag, Netherlands | 62 |
526 |
Roel Nieskens |
Pixelambacht | PixelAmbacht | Netherlands | 61 |
527 |
Andreas Lutro |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 60 |
528 |
Ronaldo Lima |
@tomtom-internationa | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | Netherlands | 59 |
529 |
Arjen Poutsma |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam | 58 |
530 |
Aleks Hudochenkov |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Rijswijk, Netherlands | 58 |
531 |
Tony Garnock-Jones |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Maastricht, Netherlands | 57 |
532 |
Colin van Eenige |
No Company | cvaneenige | Amsterdam | 56 |
533 |
Dimitris Rizopoulos |
Erasmus Mc | drizopoulos | Rotterdam | 56 |
534 |
elyesa |
No Company | No Twitter Username | the netherlands | 56 |
535 |
Arjan Scherpenisse |
Botsquad | acscherp | Amsterdam, NL | 56 |
536 |
Cees Bassa |
Astron Netherlands Institute For Radio Astronomy |
No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 56 |
537 |
Sjoerd Bolten |
Statsfm B.v. & Swipefy Llc |
netlob | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 55 |
538 |
Ricardo Tomasi |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 55 |
539 |
Bert Belder |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 53 |
540 |
Rudger |
@triplenetworks | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, NL | 53 |
541 |
Erwin Oegema |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 53 |
542 |
David Baumgold |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 52 |
543 |
Abdurrachman M |
@picnicsupermarket | YoKulGuy | The Netherlands | Indonesia | Nomad | 52 |
544 |
Sebastiaan van Steenis |
Qdrant | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 52 |
545 |
Bert Jan Schrijver |
Openvalue | bjschrijver | Utrecht, NL | 52 |
546 |
Stefan Stranger |
Microsoft | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 52 |
547 |
Nima Habibkhoda |
Software Engineer | nimahkh1 | The Netherlands | 51 |
548 |
Michel Weststrate |
No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 50 | |
549 |
S. Ilker Birbil |
University Of Amsterdam | sibirbil | Utrecht | 50 |
550 |
Tijme Gommers |
@abnamro | tijme | The Netherlands | 50 |
551 |
Folgert Karsdorp |
Knaw Meertens Institute | FolgertK | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 50 |
552 |
R Max Espinoza |
Milence | rmaxdev | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 49 |
553 |
Cleber Gasparoto |
No Company | clebergasparoto | Amsterdam, NL | 49 |
554 |
Daniela Huppenkothen |
Sron Netherlands Institute For Space Research |
No Twitter Username | Utrecht, Netherlands | 48 |
555 |
Sander van der Burg |
Mendix | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 48 |
556 |
Ozancan Özdemir |
University Of Groningen | OzancanOzdemir | Groningen | 47 |
557 |
Boy van Amstel |
Danger Cove | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 47 |
558 |
Jeroen Meijer (Jay) |
@jfk-dev, @fluttercommunity | jfkdev | Rotterdam, Netherlands | 46 |
559 |
Gideon |
Technolution B.v. | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 46 |
560 |
Olaf Hartong |
@falconforceteam | olafhartong | The Netherlands | 45 |
561 |
Jeffrey Lanters |
Hulan, Bv | No Twitter Username | Eindhoven NB, The Netherlands | 45 |
562 |
Mike |
@midjourney | velddev | The Netherlands | 45 |
563 |
Marten Deinum |
Conspect Consulting & Ict |
No Twitter Username | Meppel, The Netherlands | 45 |
564 |
Yury Kashnitsky |
Google Cloud | ykashnitsky | Amsterdam | 44 |
565 |
Alex |
@jetbrains, @apache | seoul_engineer | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 44 |
566 |
Robin van der Vleuten |
@webstronauts | robinvdvleuten | The Netherlands | 44 |
567 |
Patrik Fuhrmann |
@dealroom | PatrikFuhrmann | The Netherlands | 43 |
568 |
Edwin van Wijk |
@infosupport | evanwijk | Netherlands | 43 |
569 |
Mark Wubben |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 42 |
570 |
Hossin Asaadi |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 42 |
571 |
Volker Dusch |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 42 |
572 |
Yulia Yakovleva |
@koto-bank Ltd. | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 42 |
573 |
Sai Subramanyam Upadhyayula |
@swisscom | sai90_u | Rotterdam, Netherlands | 41 |
574 |
Amir Zaidi |
Tu Delft | No Twitter Username | 's-Gravendeel - The Netherlands | 41 |
575 |
Gökay Gürcan |
@bestseller @bestseller-ecom | gokaygurcan | The Netherlands | 40 |
576 |
Steven |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 40 |
577 |
Aldo Hoeben |
Fieldofview | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, the Netherlands | 40 |
578 |
Julian Verdurmen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, Netherlands | 40 |
579 |
Rafael Pestano |
@adyen | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam/Netherlands | 40 |
580 |
Nadieh Bremer |
Visual Cinnamon | NadiehBremer | Amsterdam | 39 |
581 |
Tiago de Oliveira Stutz |
Stutzlab | tiagostutz | Netherlands | 39 |
582 |
Jefferson Ribeiro |
@mendix | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 38 |
583 |
Koen Punt |
No Company | koenpunt | Utrecht NL | 37 |
584 |
Hay Kranen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 37 |
585 |
Kenney |
No Company | KenneyNL | Netherlands | 36 |
586 |
Sakis Kasampalis |
Mentech | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 36 |
587 |
Marc Rußwurm |
Grs Lab, Wageningen University |
marccoru | Wageningen, Netherlands | 36 |
588 |
Rein Op 't Land |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 36 |
589 |
Alessia Marcolini |
@lumicks | viperale | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 36 |
590 |
Moien Tajik |
Aihr | MoienTajik | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 35 |
591 |
Ramazan Türkmen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 35 |
592 |
Florian Weingarten |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam area | 35 |
593 |
Francis Stokes |
No Company | fstokesman | Utrecht | 34 |
594 |
Rob Romijnders |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 34 |
595 |
Peter Wu |
No Company | Lekensteyn | The Netherlands | 34 |
596 |
Jihad D. Waspada |
Chordify | Dewey92 | Amsterdam | 34 |
597 |
Levent Divilioglu |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Eindhoven, The Netherlands | 34 |
598 |
Anuradha Kumari |
No Company | miracle_404 | Netherlands | 34 |
599 |
Sven Slootweg |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 33 |
600 |
Berat Yesbek |
Crystalloids | BeratYesbekk | Rotterdam, Netherlands | 33 |
601 |
Rafael Dohms |
@usabilla, @getfeedback, @surveymonkey |
rdohms | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 32 |
602 |
Johann Brehmer |
Qualcomm Ai Research | johannbrehmer | Amsterdam | 32 |
603 |
Jean Carlo Emer |
@stripe | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 31 |
604 |
Phil |
@desertbit @bestbytes @foomo |
dreadcode | Amsterdam | 31 |
605 |
hamed shirbandi |
Working Remotely | hamed_shirbandi | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 31 |
606 |
Mehmet E. |
No Company | Cyb3rMonk | Netherlands | 30 |
607 |
Aldwin Vlasblom |
Alt Shift Win | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam | 30 |
608 |
Oege Dijk |
Thoughtworks | oegedijk | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 30 |
609 |
Lee Boonstra |
No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 30 | |
610 |
Lucas Montano |
Disney Streaming Services | lucas_montano | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 29 |
611 |
Manon |
No Company | manon_lef | The Netherlands | 29 |
612 |
Bart Kiers |
@q42 | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam | 29 |
613 |
Dmitry Zaytsev |
Project44 | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 28 |
614 |
iain |
@risecal | iain_nl | Rotterdam, Netherlands | 28 |
615 |
Jasmijn Bastings |
No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 28 | |
616 |
Daniel Lakens |
Eindhoven University Of Technology |
Lakens | Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 27 |
617 |
SilentImp |
@frontendermagazine | silentimp | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 27 |
618 |
Peter Bosch |
No Company | peterbjornx | Leiden, The Netherlands | 27 |
619 |
Arris Huijgen |
Bitsadmin | bitsadmin | Netherlands | 26 |
620 |
Komeil Mehranfar |
Io Consultancy | komeilmehranfar | Amsterdam | 26 |
621 |
Werner Dijkerman |
No Company | wernerdijkerman | Netherlands | 26 |
622 |
Chillout |
No Company | No Twitter Username | the Netherlands | 25 |
623 |
Hui(Norbert) Zheng |
Peking University | NorbertZheng | Eindhoven,Finland | 25 |
624 |
Fatih |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 25 |
625 |
Jules Blok |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 25 |
626 |
Giel | | gielcobben | Amsterdam | 25 |
627 |
Maurício Aniche |
Adyen | mauricioaniche | The Netherlands | 24 |
628 |
Leonardo Xavier Kuffo Rivero |
Cwi | leonardokuffo | Amsterdam | 24 |
629 |
Luke Paris |
@fox-it | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 24 |
630 |
Nicholas Kajoh |
@adyen | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 24 |
631 |
Richard Stanway |
No Company | R1CH_TL | The Netherlands | 24 |
632 |
Stefan Koopmanschap |
Ingewikkeld | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 24 |
633 |
Murat Hüdavendigâr Öncü |
No Company | murathoncu | Netherlands | 24 |
634 |
SkyLined |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 23 |
635 |
Raphael 'kena' Poss |
No Company | kena42 | The Netherlands | 23 |
636 |
Dutch_Osintguy |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 23 |
637 |
Eryk Lewinson |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 22 |
638 |
Thanassis Tsiodras |
European Space Agency | No Twitter Username | Noordwijk, Netherlands | 22 |
639 |
Lisa Voigtländer |
@ukern-developers | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 22 |
640 |
Joost van Veen |
Accent Interactive | No Twitter Username | Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands | 22 |
641 |
Maksym Koval |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 22 |
642 |
Priydarshi Singh |
@imc-trading | dryairship | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 22 |
643 |
Hans van der Kwast |
Ihe Delft Institute For Water Education / Qwast-gis |
hansakwast | Rotterdam | 22 |
644 |
Roeland Jago Douma |
No Company | roelandjago | Netherlands | 22 |
645 |
Shawn McCool |
@mollie | ShawnMcCool | Utrecht, Netherlands | 21 |
646 |
Martin Fitzpatrick |
Freelance | mfitzp | Amersfoort, Netherlands | 21 |
647 |
Roelof Pieters | | graphific | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 21 |
648 |
Kaan Karakaya |
@bookingcom | YkkCode | Netherlands | 21 |
649 |
Dalai Felinto |
@blender | dfelinto | amsterdam | 21 |
650 |
Femi Oladeji |
No Company | femidotexe | The Hague, Netherlands | 21 |
651 |
Arian Stolwijk |
@giftomatic | astolwijk | Amersfoort, The Netherlands | 21 |
652 |
Prakhar Srivastava |
@tiqets | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 21 |
653 |
Lavínia Paganini |
Tu/e | lfpaganini | Netherlands | 20 |
654 |
Rounak Vyas |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 20 |
655 |
Barry Luijbregts |
Podhome | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 20 |
656 |
Renato Cordeiro Ferreira |
@jads-nl | @uspcodelab | No Twitter Username | 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands | 20 |
657 |
Jogendra |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 19 |
658 |
Omar Albeik | | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 19 |
659 |
Mikhail Larchanka |
Sytac B.v. | mlarchanka | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 19 |
660 |
Robert Fridzema |
Volkers B.v. | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam | 19 |
661 |
Bobby Babazadeh |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 18 |
662 |
Luca Matteis |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 18 |
663 |
Fernando Tapia Rico |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 18 |
664 |
Ryan McLeod |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 18 |
665 |
B |
@bookingcom | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 18 |
666 |
Arvind Chembarpu |
No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 18 | |
667 |
Boaz Leskes |
Motherduck | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 18 |
668 |
Rafa |
@sketch-hq | rafahari | Amsterdam | 17 |
669 |
Jaap Brasser |
No Company | jaap_brasser | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 17 |
670 |
Patrick Brouwer |
Inlet | patrickbrouwer | Netherlands | 16 |
671 |
Adem Kurşun |
@sixtynine-digital | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 16 |
672 |
betül |
No Company | betulnecanli | Netherlands | 16 |
673 |
Benjamin den Boer |
Framer | benjaminnathan | Amsterdam | 16 |
674 |
Matthias Noback |
Noback's Office | No Twitter Username | Zeist, The Netherlands | 15 |
675 |
Ruud Burger |
@plexinc | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 15 |
676 |
Felix |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 15 |
677 |
Michael Teeuw |
Xonay Media | No Twitter Username | Baarn ~ The Netherlands | 14 |
678 |
Jolanda de Koff |
Https://jolandadekof | bulls__eye | Utrecht | 14 |
679 |
Matthijs Lavrijsen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 14 |
680 |
william light |
Lhi Audio | wrl | Rotterdam, NL | 14 |
681 |
Tarek Amr |
No Company | gr33ndata | Netherlands | 14 |
682 |
Mathias R. Jessen | | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 14 |
683 |
Roy van Rijn |
Openvalue Rotterdam | royvanrijn | Netherlands | 14 |
684 |
Adekunle Oseni |
Surveymonkey | oadex_09 | Amsterdam | 14 |
685 |
Francesco Soncina |
@d0nkeys @bolognajs | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 13 |
686 |
Jonathan Puckey |
Radio Garden | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 13 |
687 |
Matt Heath |
No Company | mattheath | London / Amsterdam | 13 |
688 |
Ferenc Kovacs |
Ibm Budapest Lab | tyr43l | Hilversum, The Netherlands, Europe, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy | 13 |
689 |
Leonardo Lazzaro |
👍 | llazzaro | Eindhoven | 13 |
690 |
Önder Ceylan |
Independent Contractor | onderceylan | Netherlands | 13 |
691 |
Marko Heijnen |
Codekitchen | markoheijnen | Groningen | 13 |
692 |
Ran Yitzhaki |
@wix | ranyitz | Amsterdam | 13 |
693 |
Melvin |
No Company | fuzz1ng | Netherlands | 13 |
694 |
Jeffrey Wilcke |
Grid Games | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 12 |
695 |
Ali Farhadi |
@deribit | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 12 |
696 |
Mark Baker | | Mark_Baker | Amsterdam | 12 |
697 |
Diego Rojas |
@picnicsupermarket | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 12 |
698 |
Rick Wong |
No Company | ryguw | Amsterdam | 12 |
699 |
Herberto Graça |
@get-e | hgraca | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 12 |
700 |
Daniel Campora |
Embedded Consulting Bv | No Twitter Username | Eindhoven - The Netherlands | 12 |
701 |
Arnold Schrijver |
@innercircles | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 12 |
702 |
Drew DeVault |
Sourcehut | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 11 |
703 |
Vlad Niculae |
Uva Language Technology Lab @ltl-uva |
vnfrombucharest | Amsterdam | 11 |
704 |
Marc Smeets |
@outflankbv | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 11 |
705 |
Geert-Johan Riemer |
Chief Tech @ Printeers |
GeertJohan | Alkmaar, The Netherlands | 11 |
706 |
Wouter Kool |
Ortec | wouter_kool | Amsterdam | 11 |
707 |
Paras Dahal |
University Of Amsterdam | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 11 |
708 |
Eduardo Bocato |
@adidas | dubocato | Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands | 11 |
709 |
Léo Ducas |
Cwi | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 11 |
710 |
Mairieli Wessel |
No Company | mairieli | Netherlands | 11 |
711 |
Lars den Bakker |
Ing | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 11 |
712 |
Sakib Sami |
No Company | s4kibs4mi | Amsterdam | 10 |
713 |
Jakub Tomczak |
Eindhoven University Of Technology |
jmtomczak | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 10 |
714 |
Matteo Manferdini |
Pure Creek | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 10 |
715 |
Hendrikus van Katwijk |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 10 |
716 |
Dimo Hamdy |
Mobiquity | dimohamdy | Netherlands | 10 |
717 |
manoj kumar |
Google Brain | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 9 |
718 |
Konstantin Mikheev |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 9 |
719 |
Gabriel Pettier | | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 9 |
720 |
Eric D. Schabell |
Chronosphere | ericschabell | Netherlands | 9 |
721 |
Erik Terwan |
Erik Terwan - Freelance |
No Twitter Username | Utrecht, Netherlands | 9 |
722 |
Vitalie Spinu |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam | 9 |
723 |
Lou |
No Company | lovelacecoding | The Netherlands | 9 |
724 |
Jeroen Sormani |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 9 |
725 |
Bob van Luijt |
Weaviate | bobvanluijt | Amsterdam | 9 |
726 |
Léon Gersen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 9 |
727 |
Chaitanya |
Yokai Network | ant4g0nist | Amsterdam | 8 |
728 |
Cafer Mert Ceyhan | | mertceyhan | Amsterdam | 8 |
729 |
Thijs Molendijk |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 8 |
730 |
Tane Piper |
@ikea | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 8 |
731 |
Giulian Drimba |
Wetransfer | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 8 |
732 |
Karen Ullrich |
Rs Fair Ny | karen_ullrich | Amsterdam | 8 |
733 |
Ruben de Vries |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 8 |
734 |
Lodewijk Schutte |
Low | low | Voorschoten, the Netherlands | 8 |
735 |
vancaem |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 8 |
736 |
Rafael Stavarengo |
Mollie | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 8 |
737 |
Lucas Bento |
@bitvavo | bitbento | Netherlands | 7 |
738 |
Gergely Orosz |
Uber | GergelyOrosz | Amsterdam, NL | 7 |
739 |
Jeroen Noten |
Io | No Twitter Username | Valkenswaard, Netherlands | 7 |
740 |
Paulo Lopes |
Spotify | pml0p35 | The Netherlands | 7 |
741 |
David Stotijn |
@hettysoft | dstotijn | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 7 |
742 |
Leon van den Beukel |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 7 |
743 |
Hung Q. Le |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 7 |
744 |
Arnaud Porterie |
Echoes Hq | arnaudporterie | Amsterdam | 7 |
745 |
lukky |
No Company | Lukky_nl | Netherlands | 7 |
746 |
Bastiaan |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 7 |
747 |
Onno Schwanen |
No Company | 0nn0 | Amsterdam | 7 |
748 |
OzcanGundes |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 7 |
749 |
Kareem Zidane |
@databricks | _kzidane | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 6 |
750 |
Alexander Overvoorde |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Delft, The Netherlands | 6 |
751 |
0xabad1dea (Melissa Elliott) |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 6 |
752 |
Sawyer X |
@bookingcom | PerlSawyer | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | 6 |
753 |
Dion Segijn |
Disney+ | dionsegijn | The Netherlands, Amsterdam | 6 |
754 |
Reza M Ghayeghchi |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 6 |
755 |
Pablo Rigazzi |
Shiftbase | No Twitter Username | Berkel en Rodenrijs, The Netherlands | 6 |
756 |
Nick Barth |
@deepnote | No Twitter Username | amsterdam | 6 |
757 |
Diana Ramirez |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands, Amsterdam | 6 |
758 |
Sebass van Boxel |
@github | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 6 |
759 |
Anas Aboreeda |
@elsevier-research | anasaboreeda | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 6 |
760 |
Remkus de Vries |
Truer Than North | remkusdevries | the Netherlands | 6 |
761 |
Atsamaz Gatsoev |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands, Rotterdam | 6 |
762 |
Tim Knip |
Floorplanner | No Twitter Username | Rotterdam | 6 |
763 |
Pascal van Kooten |
Van Kooten Ai Solutions / Ex-mgnr |
No Twitter Username | Utrecht, Netherlands | 5 |
764 |
Walmyr Carvalho |
@nederlandsespoorweg | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 5 |
765 |
Diana Ungaro Arnos |
No Company | dianaarnos | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 5 |
766 |
Dimitri Witkowski |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Utrecht | 5 |
767 |
Juliano Farias |
Frontend Engineer @ingka-group-digital | frontendwizard | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 5 |
768 |
Ruben de Laat |
Bim Base | base_bim | The Netherlands | 5 |
769 |
Daniel Hengeveld |
No Company | thedaniel | Amsterdam / Points beyond | 5 |
770 |
Andre Carlucci |
Lepaya | andrecarlucci | Amsterdam | 5 |
771 |
Sadra Amlashi |
Jumbo | sadra_me | Netherlands | 5 |
772 |
Tjerk Wolterink | | tjerkw | Utrecht / Amsterdam | 5 |
773 |
Ian Macdonald | | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 5 |
774 |
Anil Gezergen |
@exoptsteam | nlgxzef | Den Haag, Netherlands | 5 |
775 |
Arpit Agarwal |
Site Reliability Engineer @bookingcom |
arpitjindal97 | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 5 |
776 |
Open Admin |
Wishbone Productions | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 5 |
777 |
Koen Rouwhorst |
@framer | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 5 |
778 |
Muhammad Sumon Molla Selim |
@mimecast | SumonMSelim | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 4 |
779 |
Jos Dirksen |
Smart Java | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 4 |
780 |
Jay Rambhia |
@spotify | jayrambhia | Amsterdam | 4 |
781 |
Hubert Klein Ikkink |
@jdriven | No Twitter Username | Tilburg, The Netherlands | 4 |
782 |
Leo R |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 4 |
783 |
John Mair |
Secret | No Twitter Username | The Hague, Netherlands | 4 |
784 |
Marcos Barbero |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 4 |
785 |
Sander |
@ahrefs | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, NL | 4 |
786 |
Sendil Kumar N |
@uber | sendilkumarn | Netherlands | 4 |
787 |
Gergely |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 4 |
788 |
Victor Gordan |
Amsterdam University College | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 4 |
789 |
Yadagiri Reddy |
@pegasystems | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 4 |
790 |
Matthew Hodgkins |
Stackoverflow | MattHodge | Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 4 |
791 |
Bobby Bouwmann |
@hospitable | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 4 |
792 |
Raymond Roestenburg |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 4 |
793 |
svartalf |
Dexter Energy | svartalf | Netherlands | 4 |
794 |
BeMacized |
Baseflow | BeMacized | The Netherlands | 4 |
795 |
Alireza Heydari |
Catawiki | alirezaheydari5 | Amsterdam | 4 |
796 |
Doris |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands Haarlem | 4 |
797 |
Robert-Hein Hooijmans |
@roberthein | roberthein | The Netherlands | 3 |
798 |
Ali Nazari |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 3 |
799 |
Aaqib |
No Company | aaqib_saeed | Netherlands | 3 |
800 |
Maran |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 3 |
801 |
Halil Kaya |
Sendcloud | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 3 |
802 |
Ilija Eftimov |
@stripe | ilijaio | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 3 |
803 |
Cynthia Peter |
No Company | iamCynthiaPeter | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 3 |
804 |
Marijn Zwemmer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 3 |
805 |
Ezekiel Aquino |
@field | the_ezekiel | Amsterdam | 3 |
806 |
Andrew Kumanyaev |
@findhotel |
zzetorg | The Netherlands, Amsterdam | 3 |
807 |
Victor Julien |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 3 |
808 |
Thomas Visser |
Newstore | thomvis | The Netherlands | 3 |
809 |
Matias Valdenegro |
University Of Groningen | No Twitter Username | Groningen, The Netherlands | 3 |
810 |
David Truong |
No Company | daveytea | Amsterdam | 3 |
811 |
Lars Klopstra |
@flowframe | larsklopstra | The Netherlands | 3 |
812 |
JKCTech |
No Company | JKCTech | Netherlands | 3 |
813 |
Medhat Dawoud |
@miroapp | med7atdawoud | Amsterdam | 2 |
814 |
Gökhan Gökalp |
Boeing | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 2 |
815 |
Igor Escobar |
Https:// | igorescobar | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 2 |
816 |
Francis Stokes |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, Netherlands | 2 |
817 |
Peter Odding |
Paylogic International | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 2 |
818 |
Orhun Beğendi |
Findest | AndOrhunSays | The Hague, Netherlands | 2 |
819 |
Alex Vasilkov |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 2 |
820 |
Mitchel |
Techbase | No Twitter Username | the Netherlands | 2 |
821 |
Saahil Ali |
@adyen | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 2 |
822 |
Berk |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 2 |
823 |
Pascal van Gemert |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 2 |
824 |
Lars Werkman |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 2 |
825 |
Vipul |
Android @ing | _vipuls | Amsterdam | 2 |
826 |
Thomas Kipf |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 1 |
827 |
Brent Beer |
Github | brntbeer | Amsterdam | 1 |
828 |
Matias Niemelä |
Stealth Startup... | yearofmoo | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1 |
829 |
Koen Bok |
Framer, Facebook, Sofa | koenbok | Amsterdam | 1 |
830 |
Niek Haarman |
@movelab-studio | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1 |
831 |
Arnout Kazemier |
@godaddy | No Twitter Username | the Netherlands | 1 |
832 |
Malt Whiskey |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Netherlands | 1 |
833 |
Ewald de Wit |
No Company | No Twitter Username | The Hague ✝2024 | 1 |
834 |
@roxlu ☾ |
Roxlu | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 1 |
835 |
Manoj M J |
@gitlabhq | No Twitter Username | Eindhoven, Netherlands | 1 |
836 |
Ross Tuck |
No Company | rosstuck | Utrecht | 1 |
837 |
Remco Verhoef |
Dtact | No Twitter Username | Netherlands | 1 |
838 |
Georgios Gousios |
Endor Labs | No Twitter Username | Delft, The Netherlands | 1 |
839 |
Denis Ineshin | | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1 |
840 |
Rahul Muttineni |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 1 |
841 |
Bernhard Rieder |
University Of Amsterdam | No Twitter Username | Lisbon / Amsterdam | 1 |
842 |
Manish Devgan |
@adyen @fossasia | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 1 |
843 |
Joshua Wehner |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 1 |
844 |
Harshitha |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 1 |
845 |
Cagri Dursun |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Netherlands, Amsterdam | 1 |
846 |
Guilherme Pontes |
Pvh Corp. | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam | 1 |
847 |
Andrei Panov |
Booking, Ex-spotify | No Twitter Username | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1 |
848 |
Jules |
No Company | Expl0itabl3 | The Netherlands | 1 |
849 |
Gaurav |
@dimebox | root3d | Amsterdam | 1 |
850 |
Bas Veeling |
Ai4science @ Microsoft Research |
basveeling | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 1 |
- @octokit/graphql - Send GraphQL requests to GitHub API.
- fs-extra - Creating directories and files.
- simple-git - Handling Git commands.
- GitHub Action - isyuricunha/top-github-users-action
- Repository - isyuricunha/top-github-users
- Data in the
directory - Open Database License - Code - MIT © Gayan Kuruppu