GloID - The only ID you will ever need.
GloID is a single monoauth management super application integrating the power of modern tech and AR/VR technology to make this process simpler and faster for humans worldwide.
On registration, the app assigns a unique identity to the user that acts as a one-stop authentication of the user globally, significantly reducing the requirement for paper documents and countless ID cards that an individual has to carry.
- Provide easy way to fill form to prevent language barrier
- Provide a decentralised auth sytem gliobally to reduce hassle of document
- Provide Users Data Control and see where and whom thier data is being accesssed by
- AR Illustration of location of Organisation that access thier data.
Important Links:
- Flutter - The whole App was made on Flutter
- Cockroach DB - Easy to access and maintained SQL Hosting
- Echo AR - AR Deployment Provider
- Figma - All the designs and prototypes were made on Figma
- Firebase - For two factor authentication
- - Domain Provider
git clone
cd flutter_app
pub get
flutter build apk
git clone
cd gloid_server
yarn install
yarn dev
Hemanth Krishna 📖 💻 🚇 |
Khyati Gupta 📖 💻 🚇 |
Harsh Singhal 📖 💻 🚇 |
Shriyashish Mishra 📖 💻 🚇 |