Ubuntu running notes
Review the following:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y \
bash-completion \
bat \
btop \
curl \
entr \
fdupes \
fonts-cascadia-code \
fzf \
gdb \
git \
gping \
gron \
hyperfine \
iotop \
jq \
lsd \
lsof \
ltrace \
mtr \
ncdu \
neovim \
ngrep \
ntp \
p7zip \
pipx \
progress \
ranger \
remmina \
ripgrep \
rmlint \
rsync \
sd \
shellcheck \
speedtest-cli \
strace \
syncthing \
syncthing-gtk \
tlp \
tmux \
yamllint \
yq \
# Install https://brew.sh/
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
brew install \
aichat \
bandwhich \
broot \
ctop \
curlie \
difftastic \
dog \
dua-cli \
fd \
hq \
jless \
mcfly \
oha \
ouch \
procs \
starship \
vegeta \
yazi \
# Fonts
# Font Awesome and Nerd Fonts help 'lsd' show icons in the terminal
Descriptions (pacman):
- aichat: All-in-one AI CLI tool
- bandwhich: Terminal bandwidth utilization tool
- bash-completion: Programmable completion functions for bash
- bat: A cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration
- broot: A new way to see and navigate directory trees
- btop: A monitor of resources
- ctop: Top-like interface for container metrics
- curlie: The power of curl, the ease of use of httpie
- difftastic: A structural diff that understands syntax
- dog: A command-line DNS client
- dua: View disk space usage and delete unwanted data, fast
- entr: Run arbitrary commands when files change
- fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
- fdupes: Identifying or deleting duplicate files
- fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder
- gdb: GNU Project debugger
- gdu: Fast disk usage analyzer with console interface written in Go
- git: Source code management
- gping: Ping, but with a graph
- gron: Make JSON greppable!
- hq: A HTML processor inspired by jq
- hyperfine: A command-line benchmarking tool
- iotop: A top utility for IO
- jless: JSON viewer designed for reading, exploring, and searching through JSON data
- jq: Command-line JSON processor
- lsd: The next gen ls command
- lsof: List open files
- ltrace: A library call tracer
- mcfly: McFly replaces your default ctrl-r shell history search
- mtr: Combines the functionality of traceroute and ping into one tool
- neovim (nvim): Better vim
- ngrep: GNU grep applied to the network layer
- ntp: Time sync
- oha: HTTP load generator
- ouch: Painless compression and decompression in the terminal
- p7zip: File archiver with a high compression ratio
- procs: A modern replacement for ps written in Rust
- progress: Displays percentage of running core util commands
- pipx: Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments
- ranger: A VIM-inspired filemanager for the console
- remmina: The GTK Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- ripgrep (rg): Better file text search
- rmlint: Extremely fast tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem
- rsync: Efficiently transferring and synchronizing files between a computer and a storage
- sd: Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)
- shellcheck: Finds bugs in your shell scripts
- speedtest-cli: Command line network speed test
- starship: The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt
- strace: Trace system calls and signals
- syncthing: Continuous file synchronization program
- syncthing-gtk: GTK3 based GUI and notification area icon for Syncthing
- tigervnc: High performance, multi-platform VNC client and server
- tlp: Optimize Linux Laptop Battery Life
- tmux: Terminal multiplexer
- ttf-cascadia-code: Programming and terminal font
- vegeta: HTTP load testing tool and library. It's over 9000!
- yamllint: Linter for YAML files
- yazi: Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O
- yq: YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor
- zellij: A terminal workspace with batteries included
- zoxide: A smarter cd command
Descriptions (yay):
- jnv: Interactive JSON filter using jq
# Remove the dock
sudo apt remove gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y \
alacarte \
chromium \
copyq \
gnome-browser-connector \
gnome-firmware \
gnome-software \
gpick \
flatpak \
libreoffice \
vlc \
xclip \
# Use the software centre for the following:
- pinta
- code
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
# https://flathub.org/setup/EndeavourOS
# Restart
flatpak install flathub info.beyondallreason.bar
flatpak install flathub net.nokyan.Resources
- Alacarte: Menu editor for GNOME using the freedesktop.org menu specification.
- chromium: Open-source browser project
- code: Visual Studio Code
- copyq: Clipboard manager with advanced features
- gnome-browser-connector: Native host messaging connector
- Gpick: Advanced color picker and palette editing tool
- flatpak: Apps for Linux
- LibreOffice: Free Office Suite
- Pinta: Pinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image editing
- Resources: Keep an eye on system resources
- vlc: Open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework
- xclip: Command line interface to the X11 clipboard
- Xournal++: Take handwritten notes with ease
flatpak install flathub com.github.IsmaelMartinez.teams_for_linux
- teams-for-linux: Unofficial Microsoft Teams for Linux client
- Open-Source API Clients:
- Parabolic: Download web video and audio (YouTube Downloader)
- Ticket Booth: Keep track of your favorite shows
- Upscaler: Upscale and enhance a given image
- Warehouse: Manages installed Flatpaks, their user data, and Flatpak remotes
- File sharing:
# aichat installed above
nvim ~/.config/aichat/config.yaml
model: openai:gpt-4o
stream: true
keybindings: vim
editor: nvim
wrap: auto
wrap_code: false
- type: openai
api_key: null
- aichat: All-in-one AI CLI tool
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y \
helm \
kubectl \
kubectx \
yay --sync --noconfirm stu tflint
yay --sync --noconfirm opentofu
pipx install awslogs --force
yay --sync --noconfirm awsvpnclient
- aws-cli-v2: Unified tool to manage your AWS services
- awslogs: AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans
- awsvpnclient: AWS VPN Client supporting SSO
- kubectl: Kubernetes command-line tool
- kubectx (includes kubens): Faster way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl
- opentofu: The open source infrastructure as code tool
- stu: TUI (Terminal/Text UI) application for AWS S3 Bucket
- terraform: Infrastructure automation to provision and manage resources in any cloud or data center
- tflint: A Pluggable Terraform Linter
- helm: Package manager for Kubernetes
Containers using podman:
sudo pacman --sync \
podman \
buildah \
Docker runtime:
sudo pacman -S docker docker-compose minikube
# Restart
minikube start
sudo apt remove gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock
sudo snap remove firefox
Install Firefox from here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-firefox-linux