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Ansible role for install and configure Kibana on Linux operating system.


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Please note that the original design goal of this role was more concerned with the initial installation and bootstrapping environment, which currently does not involve performing continuous maintenance, and therefore are only suitable for testing and development purposes, should not be used in production environments. The author does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability, and availability of the role content. Under no circumstances will the author be held responsible or liable in any way for any claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs or liabilities whatsoever, including, without limitation, any direct or indirect damages for loss of profits, business interruption or loss of information.


Table of Contents


Kibana is the 'K' in the ELK Stack, the world’s most popular open-source log analysis platform, and provides users with a tool for exploring, visualizing, and building dashboards on top of the log data stored in Elasticsearch clusters. Kibana’s core feature is data querying and analysis. Using various methods, users can search the data indexed in Elasticsearch for specific events or strings within their data for root cause analysis and diagnostics. Based on these queries, users can use Kibana’s visualization features which allow users to visualize data in a variety of different ways, using charts, tables, geographical maps and other types of visualizations.

Logging vs Monitoring

The key difference between the Grafana and Kibana. Grafana is designed for analyzing and visualizing metrics such as system CPU, memory, disk and I/O utilization. Grafana does not allow full-text data querying. Kibana, on the other hand, runs on top of Elasticsearch and is used primarily for analyzing log messages. If you are building a monitoring system, both can do the job pretty well, though there are still some differences that will be outlined below. If it’s logs you’re after, for any of the use cases that logs support troubleshooting, forensics, development, security, Kibana is your choice.


Operating systems

This Ansible role installs Kibana on Linux operating system, including establishing a filesystem structure and server configuration with some common operational features, Will works on the following operating systems:

  • CentOS 7

Kibana versions

The following list of supported the kibana releases:

  • Kibana 6.8+, 7.1+

Role variables

Main parameters

There are some variables in defaults/main.yml which can (Or needs to) be overridden:

General parameters
  • kibana_version: Specify the Kibana version.
  • kibana_auth: A boolean to determine whether or not enable authentication.
  • kibana_user: Authorization user name, do not modify it.
  • kibana_pass: Authorization user password.
  • kibana_https: A boolean to determine whether or not Encrypting HTTP client communications.
  • kibana_proxy: A boolean to determine whether or not running behind a proxy.
Role dependencies
  • kibana_elastic_dept: A boolean to determine whether or not use ElasticSearch at the same environment.
  • kibana_ngx_dept: A boolean to determine whether or not proxy web interface and API traffic using NGinx.
Listen port
  • kibana_port_server: Kibana server port.
Elasticsearch parameters
  • kibana_elastic_host: Elasticsearch instances.
  • kibana_elastic_port: Elasticsearch REST port.
NGinx parameters
  • kibana_ngx_block_agents: Enables or disables block unsafe User Agents.
  • kibana_ngx_block_string: Enables or disables block includes Exploits / File injections / Spam / SQL injections.
  • kibana_ngx_compress: Enables or disables compression.
  • kibana_ngx_domain: Defines domain name.
  • kibana_ngx_port_http: NGinx HTTP listen port.
  • kibana_ngx_port_https: NGinx HTTPs listen port.
  • kibana_ngx_ssl_protocols: intermediate or modern, defines SSL protocol profile.
  • kibana_ngx_site_path: Specify the NGinx site directory.
  • kibana_ngx_logs_path: Specify the NGinx logs directory.
Elastic parameters
  • kibana_elastic_https: A boolean value, whether Encrypting HTTP client communications.
  • kibana_elastic_cluster: Specify name for your Elastic cluster name.
  • kibana_elastic_path: Specify the ElasticSearch data directory.
  • kibana_elastic_port_rest: Elasticsearch REST port.
  • kibana_elastic_node_type: Type of nodes: default, master, data, ingest and coordinat.
  • kibana_elastic_heap_size: Specify the maximum memory allocation pool for a Java virtual machine.
  • kibana_elastic_memory_lock: A boolean value, whether lock the process address space into memory on startup.
  • kibana_plugins: Plug-in List.
Service Mesh
  • environments: Define the service environment.
  • datacenter: Define the DataCenter.
  • domain: Define the Domain.
  • customer: Define the customer name.
  • tags: Define the service custom label.
  • exporter_is_install: Whether to install prometheus exporter.
  • consul_public_register: Whether register a exporter service with public consul client.
  • consul_public_exporter_token: Public Consul client ACL token.
  • consul_public_http_prot: The consul Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
  • consul_public_clients: List of public consul clients.
  • consul_public_http_port: The consul HTTP API port.

Other parameters

There are some variables in vars/main.yml:



Hosts inventory file

See tests/inventory for an example.

node01 ansible_host=''

Vars in role configuration

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: all
     - role: ansible-role-linux-kibana
       kibana_version: '7.11.2'

Combination of group vars and playbook

You can also use the group_vars or the host_vars files for setting the variables needed for this role. File you should change: group_vars/all or host_vars/group_name.

kibana_version: '7.11.2'
kibana_proxy: false
kibana_auth: true
kibana_user: 'elastic'
kibana_pass: 'changeme'
kibana_https: true
kibana_elastic_dept: false
kibana_ngx_dept: false
kibana_port_server: '5601'
kibana_elastic_host: '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}'
kibana_elastic_port: '9200'
kibana_ngx_block_agents: false
kibana_ngx_block_string: false
kibana_ngx_compress: false
kibana_ngx_domain: ''
kibana_ngx_port_http: '80'
kibana_ngx_port_https: '443'
kibana_ngx_ssl_protocols: 'modern'
kibana_ngx_site_path: '/data/nginx_site'
kibana_ngx_logs_path: '/data/nginx_logs'
kibana_elastic_https: true
kibana_elastic_cluster: 'ossec'
kibana_elastic_path: '/data'
kibana_elastic_port_rest: '9200'
kibana_elastic_node_type: 'default'
kibana_elastic_heap_size: '3g'
kibana_elastic_memory_lock: false
  - '{{ kibana_version }}.zip'
environments: 'prd'
datacenter: 'dc01'
domain: 'local'
customer: 'demo'
  subscription: 'default'
  owner: 'nobody'
  department: 'Infrastructure'
  organization: 'The Company'
  region: 'China'
exporter_is_install: false
consul_public_register: false
consul_public_exporter_token: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
consul_public_http_prot: 'https'
consul_public_http_port: '8500'
  - ''


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Ansible role for install and configure Kibana on Linux operating system.






