# foo_scrobble ## Overview foo_scrobble is a foobar2000 component for scrobbling to [https://www.last.fm/](https://www.last.fm/). - Uses the [Scrobbling 2.0 API](https://www.last.fm/api/scrobbling). You authorize the component with last.fm instead of entering your login credentials into foobar2000. - Supports "Now Playing" notifications. - Handles intermittent network outages or reconnects well. No "waiting for handshake" issue. - Manages the scrobble cache automatically. There is no need to manually submit the cache. - Allows custom tags for scrobbled details. To get started, open foobar2000's preferences, navigate to `Tools > Last.fm Scrobbling` and use the top button to authorize your client. The button has a helpful tooltip with detailed instructions. ## Prerequisites You may have to install [Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2022](https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe). Windows 7 also requires [Update for Windows 7 (KB2999226)](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49077) which usually is already installed via Windows Update. ## Building Requires Visual Studio 2022 (17.3.0) with: - Workloads: - Desktop development with C++ - .NET desktop development - .NET Core cross-platform development - Components: - MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.33-17.3) The .NET workloads are not required for the `foo_scrobble` library, but are used by the included test server project and the `build.proj` script assumes those are present. External dependencies are consumed using the `foo_scrobble-deps` NuGet package. Before opening the solution or building from the command-line, run the `eng\Build-Dependencies.ps1` script to build and install the package to the solution. The foobar2000 SDK is already contained in the repository. To build a release version run the following from a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt: ``` msbuild -m build.proj ``` This creates the `foo_scrobble-.fb2k-component` and a `foo_scrobble-.zip` archive (containing both DLL and symbols) in the `build\publish` directory. ## License Code licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE.txt).