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About Server Statistics
You can use {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} to analyze your own aggregate data from {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %}, and help us improve {% data variables.product.company_short %} products.
Enterprise owners can enable {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %}.

About the benefits of {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %}

{% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} can help you anticipate the needs of your organization, understand how your team works, and show the value you get from {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %}.

Once enabled, {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} collects aggregate data on how much certain features are used on your instance over time. Unlike other Admin Stats API endpoints, which only return data for the last day, {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} provides historical data of all {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} metrics collected since the day you enabled the feature. For more information, see AUTOTITLE.

When you enable {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %}, you're helping to build a better {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}. The aggregated data you'll provide gives us insights into how {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} adds value to our customers. This information allows {% data variables.product.company_short %} to make better and more informed product decisions, ultimately benefiting you.

About data security

We respect your data. We will never transmit data from {% data variables.location.product_location %} unless you have first given us permission to do so.

We collect no personal data. We also don't collect any {% data variables.product.company_short %} content, such as code, issues, comments, or pull request content.

Only owners of the connected enterprise account or organization on {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_cloud %} can access the data.

Only certain aggregate metrics are collected on repositories, issues, pull requests, and other features. To see the list of aggregate metrics collected, see {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} data collected.

Any updates to the collected metrics will happen in future feature releases of {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} and will be described in the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} release notes. In addition, we will update this article with all metric updates.

For a better understanding of how we store and secure {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} data, see GitHub Security.

About data retention and deletion

{% data variables.product.company_short %} collects {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} data for as long as your {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} license is active and the {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} feature is enabled.

If you would like to delete your data, you may do so by contacting GitHub Support, your {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} account representative, or your Customer Success Manager. Generally, we delete data in the timeframe specified in our privacy statement. For more information, see {% data variables.product.company_short %}'s privacy statement in the {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom_the_website %} documentation.

About data portability

As an organization owner or enterprise owner on {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_cloud %}, you can access {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} data by exporting the data in a CSV or JSON file or through the {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} REST API. For more information, see AUTOTITLE or AUTOTITLE.

About disabling data collection

You can disable the {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} feature at any time. For more information, see AUTOTITLE.

{% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} data collected

After you enable {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %}, metrics are collected through a daily job that runs on {% data variables.location.product_location %}. The aggregate metrics are stored on your organization or enterprise account on {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_cloud %} and are not stored on {% data variables.location.product_location %}.

The following aggregate metrics will be collected and transmitted on a daily basis and represent the total counts for the day.

CSV column Name Description
A github_connect.features_enabled Array of {% data variables.product.prodname_github_connect %} features that are enabled for your instance (see AUTOTITLE )
B host_name The hostname for your instance
C dormant_users.dormancy_threshold The length of time a user must be inactive to be considered dormant
D dormant_users.total_dormant_users Number of dormant user accounts
E ghes_version The version of {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} that your instance is running
F server_id The UUID generated for your instance
G collection_date The date the metrics were collected
H schema_version The version of the database schema used to store this data
I ghe_stats.comments.total_commit_comments Number of comments on commits
J ghe_stats.comments.total_gist_comments Number of comments on gists
K ghe_stats.comments.total_issue_comments Number of comments on issues
L ghe_stats.comments.total_pull_request_comments Number of comments on pull requests
M ghe_stats.gists.total_gists Number of gists (both secret and public)
N ghe_stats.gists.private_gists Number of secret gists
O ghe_stats.gists.public_gists Number of public gists
P ghe_stats.hooks.total_hooks Number of pre-receive hooks (both active and inactive)
Q ghe_stats.hooks.active_hooks Number of active pre-receive hooks
R ghe_stats.hooks.inactive_hooks Number of inactive pre-receive hooks
S ghe_stats.issues.total_issues Number of issues (both open and closed)
T ghe_stats.issues.open_issues Number of open issues
U ghe_stats.issues.closed_issues Number of closed issues
V ghe_stats.milestones.total_milestones Number of milestones (both open and closed)
W ghe_stats.milestones.open_milestones Number of open milestones
X ghe_stats.milestones.closed_milestones Number of closed milestones
Y ghe_stats.orgs.total_orgs Number of organizations (both enabled and disabled)
Z ghe_stats.orgs.disabled_orgs Number of disabled organizations
AA ghe_stats.orgs.total_teams Number of teams
AB ghe_stats.orgs.total_team_members Number of team members
AC ghe_stats.pages.total_pages Number of {% data variables.product.prodname_pages %} sites
AD ghe_stats.pulls.total_pulls Number of pull requests
AE ghe_stats.pulls.merged_pulls Number of merged pull requests
AF ghe_stats.pulls.mergeable_pulls Number of pull requests that are currently mergeable
AG ghe_stats.pulls.unmergeable_pulls Number of pull requests that are currently unmergeable
AH ghe_stats.repos.total_repos Number of repositories (both upstream repositories and forks)
AI ghe_stats.repos.root_repos Number of upstream repositories
AJ ghe_stats.repos.fork_repos Number of forks
AK ghe_stats.repos.org_repos Number of repositories owned by organizations
AL ghe_stats.repos.total_pushes Number of pushes to repositories
AM ghe_stats.repos.total_wikis Number of wikis
AN ghe_stats.users.total_users Number of user accounts
AO ghe_stats.users.admin_users Number of user accounts that are site administrators
AP ghe_stats.users.suspended_users Number of user accounts that are suspended
AQ actions_stats.number_of_repos_using_actions Number of repositories using {% data variables.product.prodname_actions %}
AR actions_stats.percentage_of_repos_using_actions Percentage of repositories using {% data variables.product.prodname_actions %}
AS packages_stats.registry_enabled Whether {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} with repository-scoped packages is enabled for {% data variables.location.product_location %}
AT packages_stats.registry_v2_enabled Whether {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} with granular permissions is enabled for {% data variables.location.product_location %}
AU packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.registry_enabled Whether Docker is enabled for {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %}
AV packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.published_packages_count Number of published Docker images (private, public, and internal)
AW packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.private_packages_count Number of private Docker images
AX packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.public_packages_count Number of public Docker images
AY packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.internal_packages_count Number of internal Docker images
AZ packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.user_packages_count Number of Docker images owned by users
BA packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.organization_packages_count Number of Docker images owned by organizations
BB packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.daily_download_count Number of downloads of Docker images
BC packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.daily_update_count Number of Docker images updated
BD packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.daily_delete_count Number of Docker images deleted
BE packages_stats.ecosystems.docker.daily_create_count Number of Docker images created
BF packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.registry_enabled Whether Maven is enabled for {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %}
BG packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.published_packages_count Number of published Maven packages (private, public, and internal)
BH packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.private_packages_count Number of private Maven packages
BI packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.public_packages_count Number of public Maven packages
BJ packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.internal_packages_count Number of internal Maven packages
BK packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.user_packages_count Number of Maven packages owned by user accounts
BL packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.organization_packages_count Number of Maven packages owned by organizations
BM packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.daily_download_count Number of downloads of Maven packages
BN packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.daily_update_count Number of Maven packages updated
BO packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.daily_delete_count Number of Maven packages deleted
BP packages_stats.ecosystems.maven.daily_create_count Number of Maven packages created
BQ packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.registry_enabled Whether npm is enabled for {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %}
BR packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.published_packages_count Number of published npm packages (private, public, and internal)
BS packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.private_packages_count Number of private npm packages
BT packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.public_packages_count Number of public npm packages
BU packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.internal_packages_count Number of internal npm packages
BV packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.user_packages_count Number of npm packages owned by user accounts
BW packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.organization_packages_count Number of npm packages owned by organizations
BX packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.daily_download_count Number of downloads of npm packages
BY packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.daily_update_count Number of npm packages updated
BZ packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.daily_delete_count Number of npm packages deleted
CA packages_stats.ecosystems.npm.daily_create_count Number of npm packages created
CB packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.registry_enabled Whether NuGet is enabled for {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %}
CC packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.published_packages_count Number of published NuGet packages (private, public, and internal)
CD packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.private_packages_count Number of private NuGet packages
CE packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.public_packages_count Number of public NuGet packages
CF packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.internal_packages_count Number of internal NuGet packages
CG packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.user_packages_count Number of NuGet packages owned by user accounts
CH packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.organization_packages_count Number of NuGet packages owned by organizations
CI packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.daily_download_count Number of downloads of NuGet packages
CJ packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.daily_update_count Number of NuGet packages updated
CK packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.daily_delete_count Number of NuGet packages deleted
CL packages_stats.ecosystems.nuget.daily_create_count Number of NuGet packages created
CM packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.registry_enabled Whether Rubygems is enabled for {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %}
CN packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.published_packages_count Number of published Rubygems packages (private, public, and internal)
CO packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.private_packages_count Number of private Rubygems packages
CP packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.public_packages_count Number of public Rubygems packages
CQ packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.internal_packages_count Number of internal Rubygems packages
CR packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.user_packages_count Number of Rubygems packages owned by user accounts
CS packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.organization_packages_count Number of Rubygems packages owned by organizations
CT packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.daily_download_count Number of downloads of Rubygems packages
CU packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.daily_update_count Number of Rubygems packages updated
CV packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.daily_delete_count Number of Rubygems packages deleted
CW packages_stats.ecosystems.ruby_gems.daily_create_count Number of Rubygems packages created
CX packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.registry_enabled Whether {% data variables.product.prodname_container_registry %} is enabled for {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %}
CY packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.published_packages_count Number of published container images (private, public, and internal)
CZ packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.private_packages_count Number of private container images
DA packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.public_packages_count Number of public container images
DB packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.internal_packages_count Number of internal container images
DC packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.user_packages_count Number of container images owned by user accounts
DD packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.organization_packages_count Number of container images owned by organizations
DE packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.daily_download_count Number of downloads of container images
DF packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.daily_update_count Number of container images updated
DG packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.daily_delete_count Number of container images deleted
DH packages_stats.ecosystems.containers.daily_create_count Number of container images created

{% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} data examples

To see an example of the headings included in the CSV export for {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %}, download the {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} CSV example.

To see an example of the response payload for the {% data variables.product.prodname_server_statistics %} API, see AUTOTITLE.