All notable changes to the Pony compiler and standard library will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a CHANGELOG.
- OpenFile and CreateFile primitives to return well-typed errors.
- Improved realloc behaviour after heap_alloc_large.
- Set-based upper bounds for generic constraints.
- Moved the position of a default capability in a type specification.
- Replaced '&' with 'addressof' for taking address in FFI calls.
- Check shallow marking in heap_ismarked.
- Platform indicators for LP64, LLP64, ILP32.
- Compile and link with LTO.
- Use Pointer[None] for void* in FFI.
- Root authority capability in Env.
- Fine grained capabilities for files and directories.
- Use Capsicum on FreeBSD.
- Apply can be sugared with type arguments.
- Search pony_packages directories for use commands.
- Buffer peek functions (@jemc)
- collections/Ring
- Promises package
- Renamed some builtin types.
- abs() now returns an unsigned integer.
- Improved memory allocation speed.
- Reduced memory pressure.
- Scheduler steals when only the CD is on a scheduler thread queue.
- use commands searches ../pony_packages recursively similar to Node.js
- Readline uses a Promise to handle async reponses.
- Handle internal pointers and recursion.
- Allow recursing through non-pony alloc'd memory in GC.
- Set an LLVM triple with no version stamp to prevent XCode 7 link warnings.
- use "path:" adds link paths only for the current build.
- Handle null characters in Strings and string literals.
- Pass Pony function pointers to C FFI.
- The pony runtime now uses the same option parser as ponyc. A pony program exits if bad runtime args are provided.
- Output directory now created if it doesn't already exist.
- Improvements to automatic documentation generator.
- Union type for result.
- Viewpoint adaptation with a type expression on the left-hand side.
- Automatic documentation generator in the compiler.
- FreeBSD 10.1 support, thanks to Ben Laurie.
- Allow method calls on union types when the signatures are compatible.
- Subtyping of polymorphic methods.
- Primitive
for C library initialisation and shutdown. - collections.Flags
- lambda sugar.
- Separated the FFI '&' operator from the identityof operator.
- Operators on Set and Map are now persistent.
- use "file:..." becomes use "package:..."
- Allow "s at the end of triple-quoted strings.
- Allow behaviours and functions to be subtypes of each other.
- ANSI stripping on zero length writes to stdout/stderr.
- More OS X 10.8 compatibility.
- SSL multithreading support.
- Nested tuple code generation.
- Only finalise blocked actors when detecting quiescence.
- URL parse error.
- OS X 10.8 compatibility.
- When using a package without a package identifier (eg.
use "foo"
as opposed touse f = "foo"
), aMain
type in the package will not be imported. This allows all packages to include unit tests that are run from their includedMain
actor without causing name conflicts. - The
sugar now wraps thenext()
call in a try expression that does acontinue
if an error is raised.
- ANSI terminal handling on all platforms, including Windows.
- The lexer now allows underscore characters in numeric literals. This allows long numeric literals to be broken up for human readability.
- "Did you mean?" support when the compiler doesn't recognise a name but something similar is in scope.
- Garbage collection and cycle detection parameters can now be set from the command line.
- Added a FileStream wrapper to the file package.
- Check whether parameters to behaviours, actor constructors and isolated constructors are sendable after flattening, to allow sendable type parameters to be used as parameters.
- Eliminate spurious "control expression" errors when another compile error has occurred.
- Handle circular package dependencies.
- Fixed ponyc options issue related to named long options with no arguments
- Cycle detector view_t structures are now reference counted.