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DAICO - Responsible Decentralized Fund Raising

This project is and example implementation for launching an ICO with a DAO.

Notice: the code here was not profesionally audited, please use the code with caution and don't use with real money (unless you are willing to take the assosiated risks)

Project Structure:

In this template, we use: npm, truffle and webpack, as well as DAOstack Arc, Client and Subgraph. The structure is basically as follows:

  • contracts - Contains ICO scheme contract. You can use any Arc contract simply by importing it. For example import "@daostack/arc/contracts/universalSchemes/UniversalScheme.sol"
  • migrations - This is migration scripts folder. We are using @daostack/migration package for deploying new DAO and Custom Schemes and that is required by the DAO.
  • daico-app - This folder is initialized with React App which uses @daostack/client library to interact with contracts and the subgraph. These will be your Dapp front-end files. In development environment we have a webpack server running which looks for the changes made in peepeth-app/src folder and compiles them into client side JS files. You can can find the starting file App.js which you can use for your project. -data - This folder contains the daicoSpec.json, which is the file used to specify details for the new DAO to be deployed, feel free to change it according to your project needs. It also contains an example.env, which has example environment variables set, copy this file to your project root i.e. daico folder as .env and edit the variables accordingly. Lastly, there is a migration.json file which will contain the output after running the migration

How to use?

  • Enter the project folder from the terminal and Install package
npm install
npm install -g nps
npm install -g npx
  • Update the .env file with your SEED_PHRASE or PRIVATE_KEY, PROVIDER, CUSTOM_ABI_LOCATION and NETWORK. Use data/example.env for reference

Running your project on private network (Using docker)

NOTE: It takes sometime to sync subgraph so please let it sync and then refresh the app. You can check sync status at localhost:8000

After downloading the docker:

You can run/start project via single command

npm run start


Follow the steps below:

  • Launch Docker
npm run launch:docker

This will start the docker container for ganache, graph-node for indexing blockchain events, ipfs where subgraph mappings reside and postgres database where blockchain events are stored as described by the schema

  • Build and Migrate Contracts
npm run compile
npm run migrate
  • Deploy new subgraph for indexing DAO
npm run deploy-graph
  • After deploying the graph and getting it synced you can start playing/developing your app with webpack watcher running:
npm run launch:app
  • Open your web browser and type http://localhost:3000/ This is your react Dapp. You can edit the peepeth-app code to modify frontend and the webpack watcher will rebuild the app

  • In another browser window/tab type http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/<subgraph_name_from_example.env>/graphql or http://localhost:8000/ This is an interface to the subgraph and you can type graphQL queries here to fetch data from the postgres database

Stop docker containers

npm run stop

Running your project on private network (Without docker)

If you not using the Ganache docker image provided by DAOstack, then you will have to update the migrations/DeployDAO.js to migrate the base contract.

npm run ganache
npm run migrate

Make sure all the base contracts and the DAO contracts are deployed.

Running graph-node without docker would be difficult but, you can refer Graph Protocol to see how to.

Once you have graph-node running same subgraph-deploy script would work.

npm run deploy-graph

After deploying the graph and getting it synced you can start playing/developing your app with webpack watcher running:

npm run launch:app
  • Open your web browser and type http://localhost:3000/ This is your react Dapp. You can edit the peepeth-app code to modify frontend and the webpack watcher will rebuild the app

  • In another browser window/tab type http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/<subgraph_name_from_example.env>/graphql or http://localhost:8000/ This is an interface to the subgraph and you can type graphQL queries here to fetch data from the postgres database

Deploy and use on Test network:

  • Update the .env file with your PRIVATE_KEY PROVIDER and NETWORK in project directory. Use data/example.env for reference

  • Open terminal at the project folder and run the following commands:

    npm run compile
    npm run migrate
    • Update docker-compose.yml for testnet if running graph-node locally.
    • Update App.tsx to use testnet settings and launch.
    npm run launch:app

Use the web interface:

Using MetaMask with ganache:

  • Open metamask and import using private key
  • You can find the private keys from ganache logs by running docker container logs <container_name>
  • Open your web browser with MetaMask open and connected to your configured network

Please note that the command might take a couple of minutes so be patient.