# zj-quit A [zellij](https://zellij.dev/) plugin that prompts for confirmation before killing the current session. ![image](https://github.com/cristiand391/zj-quit/assets/6853656/0b2537c4-6872-402b-aa5d-f0713c46c32b) This has been requested multiple times by users: * https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/issues/467 * https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/issues/1229 * https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/issues/3147 so I decided go the *zellij way* ™️ and made a plugin for this :) ## Usage Download the last release available at https://github.com/cristiand391/zj-quit/releases/ and set up an alias for it: ```kdl plugins { zj-quit location="file:/path/to/zj-quit.wasm" } ``` https://zellij.dev/documentation/plugin-aliases You can also configure the keybindings within the plugin: ```kdl plugins { zj-quit location="file:/path/to/zj-quit.wasm" { confirm_key "q" cancel_key "Esc" } } ``` Keys are referenced from: [zellij doc](https://docs.rs/zellij-tile/latest/zellij_tile/prelude/enum.Key.html) Then set a keybind to launch it in a floating window: ```kdl keybinds clear-defaults=true { shared_except "locked" { bind "Ctrl q" { LaunchOrFocusPlugin "zj-quit" { floating true } } } ```