Customisable and editable time table grid for showing midi or audio related data with a measure.
- Swift 3+
- iOS 9.0+
pod 'MIDITimeTableView'
Create a MIDITimeTableView
either programmatically or from storyboard and implement its MIDITimeTableViewDataSource
and MIDITimeTableViewDelegate
You need a data object to store each row and its cells data.
var rowData: [MIDITimeTableRowData] = [
cells: [
MIDITimeTableCellData(data: "C7", position: 0, duration: 4),
MIDITimeTableCellData(data: "Dm7", position: 4, duration: 4),
MIDITimeTableCellData(data: "G7b5", position: 8, duration: 4),
MIDITimeTableCellData(data: "C7", position: 12, duration: 4),
headerCellView: HeaderCellView(title: "Chords"),
cellView: { cellData in
let title = as? String ?? ""
return CellView(title: title)
is very likely to UITableViewDataSource
or UICollectionViewDataSource
API. Just feed the row data, number of rows, time signature and you are ready to go.
func numberOfRows(in midiTimeTableView: MIDITimeTableView) -> Int {
return rowData.count
func timeSignature(of midiTimeTableView: MIDITimeTableView) -> MIDITimeTableTimeSignature {
return MIDITimeTableTimeSignature(beats: 4, noteValue: .quarter)
func midiTimeTableView(_ midiTimeTableView: MIDITimeTableView, rowAt index: Int) -> MIDITimeTableRowData {
let row = rowData[index]
return row
You can customise the measure bar, the grid, each header and data cell. Check out the example project.
's are editable, you can move around them on the grid, resize their duration or long press to open a delete menu. Also, you need to subclass yourself to present your own data on it.
You can set the minMeasureWidth
and maxMeasureWidth
to set zoom levels of the time table.
This library used in my app ChordBud, check it out!