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Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop keyboard firmware

Ergonomic keyboard by Microsoft modified to work with Teensy 2.0.

Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop keyboard resources


Move to this directory and run make:

$ make


Only keyboard with US/UK layout was traced. The US matrix ribbon cable had the following writing:

SN5822 US 852-41441-00A V0.4 GODA-3 130601

The US/UK controller PCB had the following writing:

SK3360 V1.1 2013/03/18




Original US/UK layout keyboard matrix

Original US layout keboard matrix is 8 rows and 18 columns with UK extra keys in () brackets:

      A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I
1        PAUS         DEL     0     9           8  BSPC  -->
2        PGUP         F12  LBRC  MINS        RBRC   INS  -->
3        HOME        CALC     P     O           I        -->
4        SLCK         ENT  SCLN     L           K  BSLS  -->
5                     APP  SLSH  QUOT  RALT        LEFT  -->
6        END   RSFT  PGDN (NUHS)  DOT        COMM        --> 
7  LCTL  RGHT          UP  DOWN                    RSPC  -->
8        PSCR         F11   EQL    F9          F8   F10  -->

                      J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R
              -->     7   TAB     Q     2     1                          1
              -->     Y    F5    F3     W     4          F6              2
              -->     U     R     E  CAPS     3           T              3
              -->     J     F     D (NUBS)    A        LGUI              4
              -->     H     G    F4     S   ESC              LALT        5
              -->     M     V     C     X     Z  LSFT                    6
              -->     N     B  LSPC                                RCTL  7
              -->    F7     5    F2    F1   GRV           6              8

Note that original matrix requires 8+18=26 pins on micro-controller and will not work verbatim on Teensy 2.0 because it only has 25 pins.

Original US/UK layout flex cable pinout

There are 30 pins on the US layout Sculpt flex cable. Pin 1 is the outermost pin (closest to the rounded corner with the writing) and lines up with the pin marked "1" underneath a triangle on the US controller PCB.

Pin Matrix Connection
1 Fn Switch
2 row 1
3 row 2
4 row 3
5 row 4
6 row 5
7 row 6
8 row 7
9 row 8
10 col A
11 col B
12 col C
13 col D
14 col E
15 col F
16 col G
17 col H
18 col I
19 col J
20 col K
21 col L
22 col M
23 col N
24 col O
25 col P
26 col Q
27 col R
28 n/a (Q2 LED)
29 n/a (Q1 LED)
30 GND (LEDs and fn switch)

Modified US/UK layout keyboard matrix

To make all keys work on Teensy 2.0 it is best to merge keys on column C and G of orininal matrix (see above). To achieve that simply connect colums C and G to the same pin on Teensy.

Modified matrix will have 8 rows and 17 columns and will require 25 pins:

      A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H
1        PAUS         DEL     0     9     8  BSPC  -->
2        PGUP         F12  LBRC  MINS  RBRC   INS  -->
3        HOME        CALC     P     O     I        -->
4        SLCK         ENT  SCLN     L     K  BSLS  -->
5              RALT   APP  SLSH  QUOT        LEFT  -->
6        END   RSFT  PGDN (NUHS)  DOT  COMM        --> 
7  LCTL  RGHT          UP  DOWN              RSPC  -->
8        PSCR         F11   EQL    F9    F8   F10  -->

                      I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q
              -->     7   TAB     Q     2     1                          1
              -->     Y    F5    F3     W     4          F6              2
              -->     U     R     E  CAPS     3           T              3
              -->     J     F     D (NUBS)    A        LGUI              4
              -->     H     G    F4     S   ESC              LALT        5
              -->     M     V     C     X     Z  LSFT                    6
              -->     N     B  LSPC                                RCTL  7
              -->    F7     5    F2    F1   GRV           6              8

Note that RALT and RSFT are now sitting on the same column (C).


1 Original Sculpt keymap

keymap.c represents original Sculpt layout

Fn + {F1, F2, F3} = {play/pause, mute, volume down, volume up}
Fn + {left, down, up, right}  = {home, pgdown, pgup, end}

1.0 Default layer US

,---------------------------.    ,-----------------------------------------------.
|Esc| F1| F2| F3| F4| F5| F6|    | F7| F8| F9|F10|F11|F12|PrSc|ScLk|Pau|Calc|    |
|---------------------------|    |-----------------------------------------------|
|  `|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|    |    7|  8|  9|  0|  -|  =|      Bcksp| Del|Home|
|---------------------------|    |-------------------------------------|    |----|
|  Tab|  Q|  W|  E|  R|    T|    |     Y|  U|  I|  O|  P|  [|  ]|     \|    | End|
|---------------------------|    |-----------------------------------------------|
|  Caps|  A|  S|  D|  F|   G|    |      H|  J|  K|  L|  ;|  '|    Enter| Ins|PgUp|
|---------------------------|    |-----------------------------------------------|
|  Shift|  Z|  X|  C|  V|  B|    |       N|  M|  ,|  .|  /|       Shift|  Up|PgDn|
|   Ctrl| Gui| Alt|            |            |  Alt|  Fn|      Ctrl|Left|Down|Righ|

1.1 Default layer UK

,---------------------------.    ,-----------------------------------------------.
|Esc| F1| F2| F3| F4| F5| F6|    | F7| F8| F9|F10|F11|F12|PrSc|ScLk|Pau|Calc|    |
|---------------------------|    |-----------------------------------------------|
|  `|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|    |    7|  8|  9|  0|  -|  =|      Bcksp| Del|Home|
|---------------------------|    |-------------------------------------|    |----|
|  Tab|  Q|  W|  E|  R|    T|    |     Y|  U|  I|  O|  P|  [|  ]| Enter|    | End|
|---------------------------|    |-------------------------------      |---------|
|  Caps|  A|  S|  D|  F|   G|    |      H|  J|  K|  L|  ;|  '|  #|     | Ins|PgUp|
|---------------------------|    |-----------------------------------------------|
|Shft| \|  Z|  X|  C|  V|  B|    |       N|  M|  ,|  .|  /|       Shift|  Up|PgDn|
|   Ctrl| Gui| Alt|            |            |  Alt|  Fn|      Ctrl|Left|Down|Righ|