- Album details view. Clicking on an album now expands the tracklist below.
- Playback rate. Drag the control below the seekbar to adjust the playback rate from 0.3x to 3.0x (doesn't maintain pitch yet). Double-click to reset back to 1.0x.
- LRC synced lyrics. Lyrics tab now shows synced lyrics if available - using lrclib.net. Auto-scroll is enabled by default, option to disable.
- Tagger: delete encoded artwork.
- New themes - Zokugun Obsidium (dark) by @daiyam, fruitOS (light and dark)
- Full support for macOS Now Playing center, with media keys. Thanks to @daiyam.
- Simplified queue behaviour. The queue now gets automatically reset to the tracks in the current view when playing a track.
- Panels (queue / waveform) visibility is now restored on startup.
- Deleting all tracks from an album in the library now also removes the album.
- Seek position is now restored on startup.
- In the tagger you can now select the origin country from a dropdown as well as by typing.
- You can now edit smart playlists. Thanks to @daiyam.
- You can now drag playlists/smart playlists into the queue, or into other playlists. Thanks to @daiyam.
- The right-click menu is now cleaner, thanks to @daiyam.
- Improved delay when playing album in a large library, by @daiyam
- Windows: Fixed transparent background
- Linux: App crash when
. Thanks to @luxluth.
BREAKING RELEASE.The app identifier has changed, please re-import your library after installation.
- M3U playlist support. Playlists are no longer stored in the database, but are regular .m3u files stored in a configurable directory. Editing the playlist in Musicat will automatically update the M3U file.
- Prune Mode. Sometimes you just need to clean up your junk. The new Prune Mode let's you quickly listen to and mark tracks for deletion with keyboard shortcuts (K to keep, D to delete, Q to quit). Cmd/Ctrl + P or Library -> Prune Mode in menu to open.
- M4A format support thanks to @daiyam.
- Even faster library scrolling. Scrolling the library (especially using the new scrollbar in a library with thousands of tracks) should be significantly faster due to reduction in memory allocation per scroll event.
- More artwork sources - now also using Discogs (API key required), Genius (same API key as for lyrics) and Musicbrainz. Contributed by @daiyam.
- You can now paste image to replace the artwork in the track info popup.
- External drive support. Contributed by @daiyam.
- Logarithmic volume adjustment. This matches human hearing perception much better than linear, since "twice as loud" does not simply mean double the signal.
- Added Album Artist and Compilation tag support. Contributed by @daiyam.
- Fixed a gapless transition bug which caused an audible click 5 seconds before the next track, and sometimes messed up the current display time.
- Various bug fixes in the Wiki view, Internet Archive explorer. Contributed by @daiyam.
- Thanks to @daiyam for many thoughtful contributions and bug fixes!
- Artist's toolkit v2 (WIP). The songbook and scrapbook are now linked to user folders (configurable in settings). The Lyrics editor now includes chord support via the ChordMark format. Click on the lyrics view to toggle edit mode. Read more here.
- macOS Now Playing (WIP). Playback info now shows up in the macOS now playing info center (only play/pause and track info works for now)
- Mini-player updates (macOS). The mini-player is now shown on all workspaces (macOS). Also fixed issue where window controls on macOS were floating above the window after toggling miniplayer off.
- Delete files from library. You can now delete (move to trash/recycle bin) the original files on disk from the right-click track menu.
- Album view options are now persisted
- Fixed playback when using a device with a smaller max buffer size than sample buffer
- Fixed compatibility with audio devices that have the same name but one is for input and another for output
- Fixed Wikipedia article mistmatch. When opening the Wiki panel, you're less likely to see the wrong article now.
- Fixed Memory leak. There was an issue with rapidly climbing memory usage. Sorry about that!
- Tag support. Sometimes playlists just aren't the right tool for the job, so now you can also organize and search your library by tags. Right click a track (or multiple) to edit tags. Click on any tag in the library to open up the new tag cloud. Select between AND/OR as the filter condition.
- Wiki view. Click on the artist name in the sidebar, or use the right-click track menu to open up the new Wikipedia article panel for an artist. The article view also shows connections to other artists/albums in your library.
- Theme support. Musicat now comes with some built-in themes! You can switch between them in settings. If you'd like to contribute a theme, please submit a PR with an updated themes.ts.
- Collapsible sidebar / bottom bar mode. You can now collapse the sidebar, which reveals the transport controls at the bottom in a new horizontal bar.
- Switch audio device. By default, Musicat follows the default system output device, but you can now select a different device to send the audio to. Note: This is still wonky on macOS.
- Performance improvements. Reduced RAM usage during import, and better scrolling response when jumping quickly in the library view.
- Open audio file with Musicat (file association). You can now open any audio file on your system with Musicat, straight from your file explorer.
- Tauri v2. Migrated to Tauri v2.
BREAKING RELEASE. The storage of Smart Playlists has been updated. Please re-install.
- New Internet Archive view. A built-in browser for archive.org where you can browse collections, listen to tracks, and download to your library for free. When playing in Internet Archive view, the offline library player is disabled. You can configure the download location in settings. Hint: If you download to the same location as your set "Folder to watch", it will be automatically imported to your library and you can jump straight to the track from the download popup.
- Date Added column. You can now sort your library by Date Added column (requires re-import)
- Smart Playlists v2. The Smart Playlists feature is now easier to use - with playlists appearing in the sidebar just like regular playlists. There are two built-in smart playlists: Favorites and Recently Added, and your user-created Smart Playlists appear below. You can delete or rename Smart Playlists you created.
- The Genre tag is now available for edit in bulk tagging mode
- Dragging albums to the queue or playlists is supported now
- Fixed Map View not loading properly in some cases
- ID3: Fixed track number not written correctly
- Reduced app size. The app size is now is a reasonable 35MB, down significantly from a whopping 200MB 😬 which was due to asset bloat (unused icons, uncompressed images).
BREAKING RELEASE. The way albums are stored internally has changed, please delete and re-import your library.
- Gapless playback. The audio playback component has been re-built to support gapless playback (between files of the same sample rate), resampling (automatically switches on when the audio device doesn't support the file sample rate), and better performance than the previous web-based version.
- New: Queue. Press "Q" to open up the new queue panel. You can drag and drop tracks from the library, re-arrange tracks in the queue, and create a new playlist from the current queue. Multi-select works via Shift/Cmd + click. The queue has two modes: Custom and Same as Library. When in "Same as library" mode, playing a track from the library will reset the queue to library order.
- Waveform View. Click on the wave icon next to the volume to open up the Waveform view. Here you can drag to create loop regions, or Cmd/Ctrl + Click to set markers of your favourite song moments. You can scroll to zoom in and pan around the waveform.
- Metadata fixes. Parsing and writing metadata should be more stable now, as well as album artwork scanning for the Album grid.
- Library columns state is saved. The order of columns, and which columns are visible is now remembered between app restarts.
- Lots of many things. Revised UI panel layout. Fuzzier search. New release notes. Remember window size and position. Smoother oscilloscope. Folder watcher now detects new folder additions.
- Library v2. The library is now rendered on a canvas, only rendering the visible rows. Scrolling through large libraries is much faster and more responsive, as is resizing the window.
- Faster and sleeker import UX. Import is now almost 10x faster, enabled by multithreading the metadata parsing in the Rust backend. Also, a nice cassete animation while you wait :)
- Lyrics view. You can now view lyrics for the current song (requires Genius API key in settings).
- Spectroscope visualizer The visualizer is now positioned in the bottom bar (when enough space is available)
- Pick up where you left off. The player remembers the last song and seek position when opening the app.
- Add country data to your entire library at once. When you don't have any origin country data, add it in bulk from the map view.
- Drag and drop library columns to re-order.
- Auto-watch folders for changes. Configure the paths to watch in settings.
- ID3v1 is now supported in the tagger (will be upgraded to ID3v2.4 on write)
- You can now Fetch album art from Wikipedia from the track info overlay.
- A brand new Map view! Click on the "MAP" view to display your library as a map 🗺 Click on countries to play
- Assign Origin Country. For the map to be useful, enrich your library with country data (right click track → "Origin country"), and it will be added to all songs by that artist.
- Stats view with AI model support. 📊 The stats view shows you insights into your library. Play count, popular genre and countries, as well as a timeline view that shows albums by release date. 🤖 Get insights via an AI model. Musicat is now integrated with two APIs - Open AI's and Ollama (local), which analyse your music library and provide further insights. At the moment, it asks the model for sentiment analysis, a brief summary and some fun facts about your library. To configure AI, open settings.
- Shuffle. You can finally shuffle the current play queue.
- Sticky artists + albums As you scroll, the artist and album acts as a sticky header.
- Button to scroll to Now Playing track
- Column picker. Right-click on the column header to open the column picker.
- Introducing the Artist's Toolkit - helping you write songs and organize musical ideas inside your music player. How cool is that! You can use the Scrapbook to keep your "messy" ideas, tag them and easily find them later. You can create new songs, attach audio, video, image files (or just drag ideas from the scrapbook), and even write lyrics!
- Album View! Browse and play albums in your library, with all the artwork on display, and beautifully animated CD covers.
- The default sort in the Library is now the 'discography' sort. As you scroll, you see Artists in alphabetical order, albums in release date order, and tracks in the right order
- The default visualizer is now an oscilloscope, with a full screen option. More visualizers will be added in later releases.
- The new Smart Query section allows you to create powerful query chains, made up of condition blocks such as "where genre is x" and "released between year1 and year2".
- Right-click on track -> "Info & metadata" to view and edit the metadata tags from the source file.
- You can update any existing tag, add or replace an image encoded in the file.
- Search for tracks in the sidebar! Or press Cmd/Ctr + F.
Note: this only works for tracks/artists/albums that "start with" the query (words in the middle don't match, yet)
- Music player with support MP3, FLAC, WAV, AAC, OGG
- Library database that links to original file location
- Reading ID3, ID3v2 and Vorbis (FLAC) tags
- Sorting by title, artist, album, genre or year