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Current Status of Windows Server support for kubernetes on Azure

kubernetes on Windows is in GA stage.

k8s windows cluster could be created by two ways:

1. azure portal

Create "Azure Conatiner Service" (not AKS) in azure portal, select Windows OS, if k8s cluster is created successfully, the master node would be still Ubuntu OS, agent node would be Windows Server 2016 DataCenter.

Note: azure disk & azure file mount feature is not enabled on this because it's using Windows Server 2016 DataCenter OS, only Windows Server version 1803 is supported for these two features.

By latest acs-engine v0.9.2 or above, you could deploy a Windows Server version 1803 (codename RS3) based k8s cluster which would support azure disk & azure file mount feature on Windows node.

You could check Windows version by following command, below is an example using Windows Server version 1803:

kubectl exec -it WINDOWS-PODNAME -- cmd
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.48]  (or above)

Find more details about Supported Windows versions

k8s volume support on Windows Server 1803

Note: value of Support on Windows is empty means I don't have a chance to validate it on Windows

Volume Support on Windows Example Notes
azure disk Yes azuredisk Available from v1.7.2
azure file Yes azurefile Available from v1.7.2
cephfs No No official support for cephfs support on windows, could use NFS instead
csi on progress csi details could be found in Enable CSI hostpath example on windows
downwardAPI Yes downwardapi
emptyDir Yes emptydir tmpfs is not supported on Windows Server
fc (fibre channel)
flexvolume Yes flexvolume available from v1.8.6, v1.9.1
gitRepo No gitrepo git is not built-in on Windows host now: Enable gitRepo Volume on Windows
glusterfs No Windows doesn't have a native GlusterFS client, could use NFS instead
hostpath Yes hostpath
iscsi No Windows container does not support iSCSI symbolic link: Enable iSCSI volume on Windows
local Yes local Available from 1.10.3
nfs No Pending: there is no NFSv4 client support on Windows now, see: add NFS volume support for windows
rbd No
secret Yes secret
subPath Yes subpath

other k8s feature support on Windows Server 1803

Feature Support on Windows Example Notes
ConfigMap Yes configmap
cAdvisor Yes cadvisor from Azure/kubernetes v1.8.6 and k8s upstream v1.9.0
  1. breaking change for Windows container running on Windows Server version 1803, only image tag with 1803 keyword could run on Windows Server version 1803, e.g.

You may get following error if you try to run a legacy image on Windows Server version 1803

C:\k>docker run -d --name iis microsoft/iis
docker: Error response from daemon: container b08d4e031b8203446aedf7cc81ea110ac55009293ded373dfab2271505f6ee75 encountered an error during CreateContainer: failure in a Windows system call: The operating system of the container does not match the operating system of the host. (0xc0370101) extra info:
  1. "Azure Conatiner Service - AKS" does not support Windows yet.

  2. About k8s version on Windows node (deployed by acs-engine).

Windows agent node set up by acs-engine uses, which contains more features than upstream, e.g. azure disk & file on Windows features are available from v1.7.2, while these two features are avaiable from v1.9.0 in upstream, while all Linux nodes(including master) use upstream.

  1. How to check windows version in acs-engine template

open file _output/dnsPrefix/azuredeploy.json under acs-engine:

              "agentWindowsPublisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
              "agentWindowsOffer": "WindowsServerSemiAnnual",
              "agentWindowsSku": "Datacenter-Core-1803-with-Containers-smalldisk"
Known bugs

Fixed in Windows Server 1809

mountPath translation for Windows pod