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Web Notes


The web platform is now supported, but some testing is welcome. Please note that filters for single sounds are not supported on the web.

How to use

To add the plugin to a web app, add the following line to the <body> section of web/index.html:

<script src="a/" defer></script>
<script src="a/" defer></script>

loadUrl() may produce the following error when the app is run:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 200.

This is due for the default beavior of http servers which don't allow to make requests outside their domain. Refer here to learn how to enable your server to handle this situation. Instead, if you run the app locally, you could run the app with something like the following command:

flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer canvaskit --web-browser-flag '--disable-web-security' -t lib/main.dart --release

It is not possible to read a local audio file directly on the web. For this reason, loadMem() has been added, which requires the Uint8List byte buffer of the audio file. IMPORTANT: loadMem() with mode LoadMode.memory used on web platform will freeze the UI for the time needed to decompress the audio file. Please use it with mode LoadMode.disk or load your sound when the app starts.

For developers

In the web directory, there is a script that generates the .js and .wasm files for the native C code located in the src dir. Run it after installing emscripten. There is also a to compile the web worker needed by native code to communicate with Dart and the init_module.dart which initializes the WASM module. The default Module name is Module_soloud instead of the default Module to prevent some other WASM plugins from conflicting.

The generated files are already provided, but if it is needed to modify C/C++ code or the web/worker.dart code, the scripts must be run to reflect the changes.

The script uses the -O3 code optimization flag. To see a better errors logs, use -O0 -g -s ASSERTIONS=1 in

The AudioIsolate has been removed and all the logic has been implemented natively. Events like voice ended are sent from C back to Dart. However, since it is not possible to call Dart from a native thread (the audio thread), a new web worker is created using the WASM EM_ASM directive. This allows sending the voice ended event back to Dart via the worker.

Here a sketch to show the step used: sketch

#1. This function is called while initializing the player with FlutterSoLoudWeb.setDartEventCallbacks(). It creates a Web Worker in the WASM Module using the compiled web/worker.dart. After calling this, the WASM Module will have a new variable called Module_soloud.wasmWorker which will be used in Dart to receive messages. By doing this it will be easy to use the Worker to send messages from within the CPP code.

#2. This function, like #1, uses EM_ASM to inline JS. This JS code uses the Module_soloud.wasmWorker created in #1 to send a message.

#3. This is the JS used and created in #1. Every messages sent by #2 are managed here and sent to #4.

#4. Here when the event message has been received, a new event is added to a Stream. This Stream is listened by the SoLoud API.

#5. Here we listen to the event messages coming from the WorkerController stream. Currently, only the "voice ended" event is supported. The Stream is listened in SoLoud._initializeNativeCallbacks().