- Written in Rust (-> Fast and memory efficient)
- Relies on Arrow for Memory Mapping and column oriented data storage and access
- Offers a Python wrapper (pip installable, everything can be done in python)
- Easy to get started and use (does not require additional components like PySpark or Dask do)
- Multi-threaded compared to single-threaded numpy and pandas (Dask attempts to parallelize single threaded operations)
- (Semi-) Lazy execution
- Query optimizations (e.g. predicate pushdown, projection pushdown, …)
- Operations run in parallelizable contexts -> each column operation runs in parallel
- Proper NaN dtypes (unlike pandas where pd.NA is float)
- Distributes the work locally. For very big datasets this might be a limitation
=> Runs 5x-20x faster than pandas at 50%-75% lower memory consumption
H2O Database-like ops benchmark
Dota 2 Datensatz von Kaggle im format .csv
(2.6MB) - Information about the played matches (50K matches)
match_id start_time duration tower_status_radiant ...
0 0 1446750112 2375 1982 ...
1 1 1446753078 2582 0 ...
2 2 1446764586 2716 256 ...
3 3 1446765723 3085 4 ...
(1KB) - Information about the clusters (geographic regions)
cluster region
0 111 US WEST
1 112 US WEST
2 113 US WEST
3 121 US EAST
(289.8MB) - Informations about bought items (~18Mio transactions)
│ item_id ┆ time ┆ player_slot ┆ match_id │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 │
│ 44 ┆ -81 ┆ 0 ┆ 0 │
│ 29 ┆ -63 ┆ 0 ┆ 0 │
│ 43 ┆ 6 ┆ 0 ┆ 0 │
(3KB) - Informations about item names and mappings
item_id item_name
0 1 blink
1 2 blades_of_attack
2 3 broadsword
3 4 chainmail
(126.9MB) - Informations about the players (500K entries, 10 for each match)
match_id account_id hero_id player_slot gold gold_spent ...
0 0 0 86 0 3261 10960 ...
1 0 1 51 1 2954 17760 ...
2 0 0 83 2 110 12195 ...
3 0 2 11 3 1179 22505 ...
Note: Anonymous users have the value of 0 for account_id
Compare polars and pandas using a set of typical operations (read data, join, groupby, filter, select, ...)
# API in some cases equal/similar to pandas
pl_match = pl.read_csv(f"{DATA_DIR}/match.csv")
match_with_region = pl_match.join(pl_cluster_regions, how="left", on="cluster").drop(
# Polars
purchases_with_item_names = (
pl_purchase_log.join(pl_item_id_names, how="left", on="item_id")
.groupby(["match_id", "player_slot", "item_name"])
.agg(pl.col("time").list().keep_name()) # In other cases close to pyspark
# Pandas
purchases_with_item_names = (
pd.merge(pd_purchase_log, pd_item_id_names, how="left", on="item_id")
.groupby(["match_id", "player_slot", "item_name"])["time"]
σ -> predicate pushdown (filter etc. on scan level)
π -> projection pushdown (column selection on scan level)
aggregate pushdown (aggregations on scan level)
# fetch takes a number of rows from the initial files and run the code
# Example: 18Mio entries in the largest file 'purchase_log'
# -> 100 Mio limit fetches all data
# -> 1 Mio limit fetches a fraction of the data
pl_final_fetch = pl_final_lazy.fetch(n_rows=int(1_000_000))
>>> (15305, 86)
│ nrs ┆ names ┆ random ┆ random2 ┆ groups │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ str ┆ f64 ┆ f64 ┆ str │
│ 1 ┆ foo ┆ 0.154163 ┆ 0.900715 ┆ A │
│ 2 ┆ ham ┆ 0.74 ┆ 0.033421 ┆ A │
│ 3 ┆ spam ┆ 0.263315 ┆ 0.956949 ┆ B │
│ null ┆ foo ┆ 0.533739 ┆ 0.137209 ┆ C │
│ 5 ┆ foo ┆ 0.014575 ┆ 0.283828 ┆ A │
│ 6 ┆ spam ┆ 0.918747 ┆ 0.606083 ┆ A │
│ count_method ┆ count_function │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ u32 ┆ u32 │
│ 6 ┆ 6 │
Polars expressions such as sum() can be used in three different contexts.
- selection: df.select([..])
- groupby / aggregation: df.groupby(..).agg([..])
- hstack / add columns: df.with_columns([..])
# in any case there are multiple ways to select columns
# pl.sum("^random.*$")
# pl.all().exclude(["nrs", "names", "groups"]).sum()
│ sum_function ┆ random ┆ random2 │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ f64 ┆ f64 ┆ f64 │
│ 2.624589 ┆ 2.624589 ┆ 2.918206 │
pl.when(pl.col("random") > 0.5)
.otherwise(pl.col("random") * pl.sum("nrs"))
│ binary_function │
│ --- │
│ f64 │
│ 2.620768 │
│ 0.0 │
│ 4.476355 │
│ 0.0 │
│ 0.247774 │
│ 0.0 │
pl.when(pl.col("names") == "foo")
.when(pl.col("names") == "spam")
│ nrs ┆ names ┆ random ┆ random2 ┆ groups ┆ name_category │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ str ┆ f64 ┆ f64 ┆ str ┆ str │
│ 1 ┆ foo ┆ 0.154163 ┆ 0.900715 ┆ A ┆ cat_1 │
│ 2 ┆ ham ┆ 0.74 ┆ 0.033421 ┆ A ┆ other │
│ 3 ┆ spam ┆ 0.263315 ┆ 0.956949 ┆ B ┆ cat_2 │
│ null ┆ foo ┆ 0.533739 ┆ 0.137209 ┆ C ┆ cat_1 │
│ 5 ┆ foo ┆ 0.014575 ┆ 0.283828 ┆ A ┆ cat_1 │
│ 6 ┆ spam ┆ 0.918747 ┆ 0.606083 ┆ A ┆ cat_2 │
pl.col("*").exclude("^random.*$"), # alternatively: pl.all().exclude(...)
│ nrs ┆ names ┆ groups ┆ names/groups ┆ unique_names/groups │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ str ┆ str ┆ list [str] ┆ list [str] │
│ 1 ┆ foo ┆ A ┆ ["foo", "ham", "foo" "spam"] ┆ ["ham", "spam", "foo"] │
│ 2 ┆ ham ┆ A ┆ ["foo", "ham", "foo" "spam"] ┆ ["ham", "spam", "foo"] │
│ 3 ┆ spam ┆ B ┆ ["spam"] ┆ ["spam"] │
│ null ┆ foo ┆ C ┆ ["foo"] ┆ ["foo"] │
│ 5 ┆ foo ┆ A ┆ ["foo", "ham", "foo" "spam"] ┆ ["ham", "spam", "foo"] │
│ 6 ┆ spam ┆ A ┆ ["foo", "ham", "foo" "spam"] ┆ ["ham", "spam", "foo"] │