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This small API downloads and exposes access to NeuML's txtai-wikipedia and full wikipedia datasets, taking in a query and returning full article text


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Offline Wikipedia Text API

Welcome to the Offline Wikipedia Text API! This project provides a simple way to search and retrieve Wikipedia articles from an offline dataset using the txtai library. The API offers three endpoints to get full articles by title, full articles by search prompt, and summary snippets of articles by search prompt.


  • Offline Access: All Wikipedia article texts are stored offline, allowing for fast and private access.
  • Search Functionality: Uses the powerful txtai library to search for articles by prompts.


Important Notes

There ARE scripts for Mac and Windows, but they are in the "Untested" folder because of two reasons:

  • A) On Mac, I ran into an issue with the XCode supplied git that it doesn't handle large files well. The result is that I can't download the wikipedia datasets cleanly in that script. Once the sets are in their respective locations, the script works great. You can find more in the "Untested" folder readme.
  • B) I don't have a Linux machine to test with. I've had a couple of people tell me it works fine, so I have an expectation that it will.

During first run, the app will first download about 60GB worth of datasets (see above), and then will take about 10-15 minutes to do some indexing. This will only occur on first run; just let it do its thing. If, for any reason, you kill the process halfway through and need to redo it, you can simply delete the "title_to_index.json" file and it will be recreated. You can also delete the "wiki-dataset" and "txtai-wikipedia" folders to redownload.

If you're dataset savvy and want to make new, more up to date, datasets to use with this- NeuML's Hugging Face repos give instructions on how.

This project relies heavily on txtai, which uses various libraries to download and utilize small models itself for searching. Please see that project for an understanding of what gets downloaded and where.

  1. Clone the Repository
    git clone
    cd OfflineWikipediaTextApi

Installation via Scripts

  1. Run the API
    • For Windows:

      To run with the default configuration (current directory as the base for datasets):


      To run with a custom directory for the wiki data (parent of wiki-dataset and txtai-wikipedia):

      run_windows.bat --database_dir path\to\datadirs
    • For Linux or MacOS:

      To run with the default configuration (current directory as the base for datasets):


      Or with custom directory for the wiki data (parent of wiki-dataset and txtai-wikipedia):

      ./ --database_dir path/to/datadirs
      • The script was tested on Linux and it might work on MacOS.
      • There are currently scripts within "Untested", though there is a known issue for MacOS related to git. A workaround is presented in the README for that folder.

Manual Installation

  1. Pull down the code from git clone
  2. Open command prompt and navigate to the folder containing the code cd OfflineWikipediaTextApi
  3. Optional: create a python virtual environment.
    1. Windows: python -m venv venv
    2. MacOS: python3 -m venv venv
    3. Linux: python -m venv venv
  4. Optional: activate python virtual environment.
    1. Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
    2. MacOS/Linux: venv/bin/activate
    3. Fish shell: venv/bin/
  5. Pip install the requirements from requirements.txt
    1. Windows: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    2. MacOS: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    3. Linux: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Pull down the two needed datasets into the following folders within the project folder:
    1. wiki-dataset folder: You would need git-lfs installed to clone it Windows: Mac: or brew install git-lfs Linux Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt install git-lfs Then run: git lfs install git clone The dataset requieres to be called wiki-dataset so rename it: mv wikipedia-20240901 wiki-dataset
    2. txtai-wikipedia folder: git clone
    3. See project structure below to make sure you did it right
  7. Run
    1. Windows: python
    2. MacOS/Linux: python3

Step 7 will take between 10-15 minutes on the first run only. This is to index some stuff for future runs. After that it should be fast.

Your project should look like this:

- OfflineWikipediaTextApi/
   - wiki-dataset/
       - train/
           - data-00000-of-00044.arrow
           - data-00001-of-00044.arrow
           - ...
       - pageviews.sqlite
   - txtai-wikipedia
       - config.json
       - documents
       - embeddings
   - ...


The API configuration is managed through the config.json file:

    "host": "",
    "port": 5728,
    "verbose": false

The "verbose" is for changing whether the API library uvicorn outputs all logs vs just warning logs. Set to warning by default.


1. Get Top Article by Prompt Query

Endpoint: /top_article

Example cURL Command

curl -G "http://localhost:5728/top_article" --data-urlencode "prompt=Quantum Physics" --data-urlencode "percentile=0.5" --data-urlencode "num_results=10"

NOTE: The num_results for top_article is the number of results to compare to find the top article. This endpoint always returns a single result, but the higher your num_results the more articles it will compare in an attempt to find the top scoring

2. Get Top N Articles by Prompt Query

Endpoint: /top_n_articles

Example cURL Command

curl -G "http://localhost:5728/top_n_articles" --data-urlencode "prompt=quantum physics and gravity" --data-urlencode "percentile=0.4" --data-urlencode "num_results=80" --data-urlencode "num_top_articles=6"

NOTE: The num_results for top_n_articles is the number of results to compare to find the top N articles, where num_top_articles is N. The output articles are given in order of score, where largest scored article is first by default (descending). If percentile, num_results, and num_top_articles are not specified, then default values of 0.5, 20, and 8 will be used respectively. num_top_articles can also be negative, where a negative number will give the results as ascending score rather then descending - this is useful when context is truncated by LLM.

3. Get Full Article by Title

Endpoint: /articles/{title}

Example cURL Command

curl -X GET "http://localhost:5728/articles/Applications%20of%20quantum%20mechanics"

4. Get Wiki Summaries by Prompt Query

Endpoint: /summaries

Example cURL Command

curl -G "http://localhost:5728/summaries" --data-urlencode "prompt=Quantum Physics" --data-urlencode "percentile=0.5" --data-urlencode "num_results=1"

5. Get Full Wiki Articles by Prompt Query

Endpoint: /articles

Example cURL Command

curl -G "http://localhost:5728/articles" --data-urlencode "prompt=Artificial Intelligence" --data-urlencode "percentile=0.5" --data-urlencode "num_results=1"


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Third-Party Licenses

This project imports dependencies in the requirements.txt:

Please see ThirdParty-Licenses directory for details on their licenses.

License and Copyright

Copyright (C) 2024 Christopher Smith


This small API downloads and exposes access to NeuML's txtai-wikipedia and full wikipedia datasets, taking in a query and returning full article text





