175 | 175 | { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "url": "https://cdn.proj.org/nl_nsgi_nlgeo2018.tif", "name": "nl_nsgi_nlgeo2018.tif", "area_of_use": "European Netherlands including EEZ of the North Sea", "type": "VERTICAL_OFFSET_GEOGRAPHIC_TO_VERTICAL", "source_crs_code": "EPSG:7931", "source_crs_name": "ETRF2000", "target_crs_code": "EPSG:5709", "target_crs_name": "NAP height", "source": "Nederlandse Samenwerking Geodetische Infrastructuur (NSGI)", "source_country": "Netherlands", "source_id": "nl_nsgi", "source_url": "https://www.nsgi.nl/", "description": "ETRF2000 (EPSG:7931) to NAP height (EPSG:5709) for RDNAPTRANS2018 implementation variant 1", "file_size": 246181, "sha256sum": "f8e32c56bf8940fc3fefbc0e413eb4546633ed598b669c63856cddf8328992c0" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 2.0, 50.0 ], [ 8.0, 50.0 ], [ 8.0, 56.0 ], [ 2.0, 56.0 ], [ 2.0, 50.0 ] ] ] } },
176 | 176 | { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "url": "https://cdn.proj.org/nl_nsgi_rdcorr2018.tif", "name": "nl_nsgi_rdcorr2018.tif", "area_of_use": "European Netherlands including EEZ of the North Sea", "type": "HORIZONTAL_OFFSET", "source_crs_code": "EPSG:4289", "source_crs_name": "Amersfoort", "target_crs_name": "Pseudo Amersfoort, alias pseudo RD Bessel", "source": "Nederlandse Samenwerking Geodetische Infrastructuur (NSGI)", "source_country": "Netherlands", "source_id": "nl_nsgi", "source_url": "https://www.nsgi.nl/", "description": "Amersfoort, alias RD Bessel, (EPSG:4289) to pseudo Amersfoort, alias pseudo RD Bessel, for RDNAPTRANS2018 implementation variant 1. To transform to ETRF2000 (EPSG:9067), first use rdcorr2018.tif and then the 7-parameter datum transformation with fixed height from Amersfoort, alias RD Bessel, (EPSG:4289) to ETRS89 (EPSG:4258)", "file_size": 369848, "sha256sum": "978fb0caf0026a4ddd65eb211f797d7240a7dc6810462a66f60b61d5df615bab" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 2.0, 56.0 ], [ 2.0, 50.0 ], [ 2.5, 50.0 ], [ 8.0, 50.0 ], [ 8.0, 54.0 ], [ 8.0, 56.0 ], [ 2.0, 56.0 ] ] ] } },
177 | 177 | { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "url": "https://cdn.proj.org/nl_nsgi_rdtrans2018.tif", "name": "nl_nsgi_rdtrans2018.tif", "area_of_use": "European Netherlands including EEZ of the North Sea", "type": "HORIZONTAL_OFFSET", "source_crs_code": "EPSG:4289", "source_crs_name": "Amersfoort", "target_crs_code": "EPSG:9067", "target_crs_name": "ETRF2000", "source": "Nederlandse Samenwerking Geodetische Infrastructuur (NSGI)", "source_country": "Netherlands", "source_id": "nl_nsgi", "source_url": "https://www.nsgi.nl/", "description": "Amersfoort, alias RD Bessel, (EPSG:4289) to ETRF2000 (EPSG:9067) for RDNAPTRANS2018 implementation variant 2", "file_size": 278218, "sha256sum": "7653831191b424e715a906468962fc60071cfb71a3186b2a58f098bab8bf41de" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 2.0, 56.0 ], [ 2.0, 50.0 ], [ 2.5, 50.0 ], [ 8.0, 50.0 ], [ 8.0, 54.0 ], [ 8.0, 56.0 ], [ 2.0, 56.0 ] ] ] } },
178 |
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179 | 179 | { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "url": "https://cdn.proj.org/no_kv_CD_above_Ell_ETRS89_v2021a.tif", "name": "no_kv_CD_above_Ell_ETRS89_v2021a.tif", "area_of_use": "Norway - onshore", "type": "VERTICAL_OFFSET_VERTICAL_TO_VERTICAL", "source_crs_code": "EPSG:4937", "source_crs_name": "ETRS89", "target_crs_code": "EPSG:9672", "target_crs_name": "CD Norway depth", "source": "Kartverket (SK)", "source_country": "Norway", "source_id": "no_kv", "source_url": "https://www.kartverket.no/", "description": "ETRS89 height (EPSG:4937) to CD Norway height (EPSG:9672)", "file_size": 1726217, "sha256sum": "dfdd67509636636435a72628782be0c8818a3b417f6da8668e73377fbb8ed843", "version_added": "1.9" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 4.0, 57.0 ], [ 32.0, 57.0 ], [ 32.0, 72.0 ], [ 4.0, 72.0 ], [ 4.0, 57.0 ] ] ] } },
180 | 180 | { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "url": "https://cdn.proj.org/no_kv_ETRS89NO_NGO48_TIN.json", "name": "no_kv_ETRS89NO_NGO48_TIN.json", "area_of_use": "Norway - onshore", "type": "TRIANGULATION", "source": "Kartverket (SK)", "source_country": "Norway", "source_id": "no_kv", "source_url": "https://www.kartverket.no/", "description": "Triangulation to transform coordinates from EUREF89 (EPSG:4258) to NGO1948 (EPSG:4273), with longitude/latitude order. (version 1.2)", "file_size": 2449994, "sha256sum": "9b2c376f8ff0c91400015d84b0158e16a86f270cb2b5af03f3d50260da39b1e9" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 4.68, 57.93 ], [ 31.22, 57.93 ], [ 31.22, 71.21 ], [ 4.68, 71.21 ], [ 4.68, 57.93 ] ] ] } },
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182 | 182 | { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "url": "https://cdn.proj.org/no_kv_NKGETRF14_EPSG7922_2000.tif", "name": "no_kv_NKGETRF14_EPSG7922_2000.tif", "area_of_use": "Norway - onshore", "type": "GEOCENTRIC_TRANSLATION", "source_crs_name": "NKG_ETRF14", "target_crs_code": "EPSG:7922", "target_crs_name": "ETRF93", "source": "Kartverket (SK)", "source_country": "Norway", "source_id": "no_kv", "source_url": "https://www.kartverket.no/", "description": "Geocentric translations from NKG:ETRF14 to EPSG:7922. Helmert parameters: Tx: -0.09936 m, Ty: 0.05528 m, Tz: 0.00208 m, Rx: 0.000079211'', Ry: 0.004968272'', Rz: -0.000401427'', Scale: 0.004542683 ppm, Rms: 0.004675 m. LSC parameters: C0: 0.00040 m2, CL: 100 km, Sn: 0.02500 m", "file_size": 2026550, "sha256sum": "4f198074a4940171e130edbd7ec59cb1a3ba024c39f18a94404a13f285ef35c6" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 4.0, 57.0 ], [ 32.76, 57.0 ], [ 32.76, 71.78 ], [ 4.0, 71.78 ], [ 4.0, 57.0 ] ] ] } },
183 |
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