const axios = require('axios'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); const fs = require('fs'); const sharp = require('sharp'); const readFileAsync = (fileName) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(fileName, (err, data) => { if (err) reject(err); resolve(data); }); }); } const dataToJsonFile = (data) => { fs.writeFile("data.json", data, "binary", (err) => { if (err) throw err; console.log("Data saved in data.json"); }); } const getWeaponDatas = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { axios.get(``) .then(req => { const data = {}; const $ = cheerio.load(; const weaponCategoryList = $("div.tabs__content"); weaponCategoryList.each(function (_, category) { const title = []; const img = []; const tCategory = $(category).find("span.title").text(); data[tCategory] = []; const weaponList = $(category).find("div.weapon-list div.weapon-list__list div.left"); weaponList.find("").each(function (_, e) { title.push($(e).text()); }) weaponList.find("div.image-cont img").each(function (_, e) { img.push($(e).attr('src')) }) if (title == undefined || img == undefined) { reject("Error occured title or image"); } for (let index = 0; index < title.length; index++) { let isi = { "title": title[index], "img": img[index] } data[tCategory].push(isi); } }); if (data == undefined) { reject("No result :("); } else { resolve(data); } }); }); }; async function fetchServerData() { const output = await getWeaponDatas(); var result = JSON.stringify(output, null, 2); dataToJsonFile(result); } async function saveImgFromJsonFile() { const rawData = await readFileAsync("data.json"); const data = JSON.parse(rawData.toString()); for (const key in data) { if (, key)) { const arrData = data[key]; for (const jWeapon in arrData) { if (, jWeapon)) { const element = arrData[jWeapon]; const imageRaw = await axios.get(element["img"], { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }); const imageExtensionRaw = element["img"].split("."); const imageExtension = imageExtensionRaw[imageExtensionRaw.length - 1]; const imageNameRaw = element["title"].replaceAll(" ", "-"); const imageName = imageNameRaw + "." + imageExtension; fs.mkdir("IconHD", (err) => { }); fs.writeFile(`IconHD/${imageName}`,, "binary", (err) => { if (err) throw err; console.log("Download: ", imageName); }); } } } } } async function resizeDownloadImage() { const rawData = await readFileAsync("data.json"); const data = JSON.parse(rawData.toString()); for (const key in data) { if (, key)) { const arrData = data[key]; for (const jWeapon in arrData) { const element = arrData[jWeapon]; const imageExtensionRaw = element["img"].split("."); const imageExtension = imageExtensionRaw[imageExtensionRaw.length - 1]; const imageNameRaw = element["title"].replaceAll(" ", "-"); const imageName = imageNameRaw + "." + imageExtension; fs.mkdir("Icon", (err) => { }); sharp(`IconHD/${imageName}`) .resize(60) .toFile(`Icon/${imageName}`, (err, info) => { if (err) console.error(err); else console.log("Resize: ", imageName); }) } } } } /** * If you want to fetch data from server use : * main(); * * If you want to save image data from server use : * saveImgFromJsonFile(); * * If you want to resize all the image use : * resizeDownloadImage(); * */ async function main() { await fetchServerData(); await saveImgFromJsonFile(); await resizeDownloadImage(); } main();