| 1 | +LANG_DISPLAY_LABEL: 'English' |
| 2 | +ABOUT: About |
| 3 | +OPEN_MAIN_WINDOW: Open Main Window |
| 4 | +CHOOSE_DEFAULT_PICBED: Choose Default Picbed |
| 5 | +OPEN_UPDATE_HELPER: Open Update Helper |
| 6 | +PRIVACY_AGREEMENT: Privacy Agreement |
| 7 | +RELOAD_APP: Reload App |
| 8 | +UPLOAD_FAILED: Upload Failed |
| 9 | +UPLOAD_SUCCEED: Upload Succeed |
| 10 | +UPLOAD_PROGRESS: Upload Progress |
| 11 | +OPERATION_FAILED: Operation Failed |
| 12 | +OPERATION_SUCCEED: Operation Succeed |
| 13 | +UPLOADING: Uploading |
| 14 | +QUICK_UPLOAD: Quick Upload |
| 15 | +UPLOAD_BY_CLIPBOARD: Upload by Clipboard |
| 16 | +HIDE_WINDOW: Hide Window |
| 17 | +SPONSOR_PICGO: Sponsor PicGo |
| 18 | +SHOW_PICBED_QRCODE: Show Picbed Qrcode |
| 19 | +PICBED_QRCODE: Picbed Qrcode |
| 20 | +ENABLE: Enable |
| 21 | +DISABLE: Disable |
| 22 | +CONFIG_THING: Config ${c} |
| 23 | +FIND_NEW_VERSION: Find New Version |
| 24 | +NO_MORE_NOTICE: No More Notice |
| 25 | +SHOW_DEVTOOLS: Show Devtools |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | +# ---renderer i18n begin--- |
| 28 | + |
| 29 | +CHOOSE_YOUR_DEFAULT_PICBED: 'Choose ${d} as your default picbed:' |
| 30 | +UPLOAD_AREA: Upload Area |
| 31 | +GALLERY: Gallery |
| 32 | +PICBEDS_SETTINGS: Picbeds Settings |
| 33 | +PICGO_SETTINGS: PicGo Settings |
| 34 | +PLUGIN_SETTINGS: Plugins Settings |
| 35 | +PICGO_SPONSOR_TEXT: PicGo is a free software, if you like it, please don't forget to buy me a cup of coffee. |
| 36 | +ALIPAY: Alipay |
| 37 | +WECHATPAY: Wechat Pay |
| 38 | +CHOOSE_PICBED: Choose Picbed |
| 39 | +COPY_PICBED_CONFIG: Copy Picbed Config |
| 40 | +COPY_PICBED_CONFIG_SUCCEED: Copy Picbed Config Succeed |
| 41 | +INPUT: Input |
| 42 | +CANCEL: Cancel |
| 43 | +CONFIRM: Confirm |
| 44 | +CHOOSE_SHOWED_PICBED: Choose Showed Picbed |
| 45 | +CHOOSE_PASTE_FORMAT: Choose Paste Format |
| 46 | +SEARCH: Search |
| 47 | +COPY: Copy |
| 48 | +DELETE: Delete |
| 49 | +SELECT_ALL: Select All |
| 50 | +CHANGE_IMAGE_URL: Change Image URL |
| 51 | +CHANGE_IMAGE_URL_SUCCEED: Change Image URL Succeed |
| 52 | +COPY_LINK_SUCCEED: Copy Link Succeed |
| 53 | +BATCH_COPY_LINK_SUCCEED: Batch Copy Link Succeed |
| 54 | +FILE_RENAME: File Rename |
| 55 | + |
| 56 | +# settings |
| 57 | + |
| 58 | +SETTINGS: Settings |
| 59 | +SETTINGS_OPEN_CONFIG_FILE: Open Config File |
| 60 | +SETTINGS_CLICK_TO_OPEN: Click to Open |
| 61 | +SETTINGS_SET_LOG_FILE: Set Log File |
| 62 | +SETTINGS_CLICK_TO_SET: Click to Set |
| 63 | +SETTINGS_CLICK_TO_CHECK: Click to Check |
| 64 | +SETTINGS_SET_SHORTCUT: Set Shortcut |
| 65 | +SETTINGS_CUSTOM_LINK_FORMAT: Custom Link Format |
| 66 | +SETTINGS_SET_PROXY_AND_MIRROR: Set Proxy and Mirror |
| 67 | +SETTINGS_SET_SERVER: Set Server |
| 68 | +SETTINGS_CHECK_UPDATE: Check Update |
| 69 | +SETTINGS_OPEN_UPDATE_HELPER: Open Update Helper |
| 70 | +SETTINGS_OPEN: Open |
| 71 | +SETTINGS_CLOSE: Close |
| 72 | +SETTINGS_ACCEPT_BETA_UPDATE: Accept Beta Update |
| 73 | +SETTINGS_LAUNCH_ON_BOOT: Launch On Boot |
| 74 | +SETTINGS_RENAME_BEFORE_UPLOAD: Rename Before Upload |
| 75 | +SETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_RENAME: Timestamp Rename |
| 76 | +SETTINGS_OPEN_UPLOAD_TIPS: Open Upload Tips |
| 77 | +SETTINGS_MINI_WINDOW_ON_TOP: Mini Window On Top |
| 79 | +SETTINGS_TIPS_PLACEHOLDER_URL: Use $url to represent url position |
| 80 | +SETTINGS_TIPS_PLACEHOLDER_FILENAME: Use $fileName to represent file name position |
| 81 | +SETTINGS_TIPS_SUCH_AS: 'Such as: $url/$fileName' |
| 82 | +SETTINGS_UPLOAD_PROXY: Upload Proxy |
| 83 | +SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INSTALL_PROXY: Proxy for Plugin Install |
| 84 | +SETTINGS_PLUGIN_INSTALL_MIRROR: Mirror for Plugin Install |
| 85 | +SETTINGS_CURRENT_VERSION: Current Version |
| 86 | +SETTINGS_NEWEST_VERSION: Newest Version |
| 87 | +SETTINGS_GETING: Getting... |
| 88 | +SETTINGS_TIPS_HAS_NEW_VERSION: PicGo has a new version, please click confirm to open download page |
| 89 | +SETTINGS_LOG_FILE: Log File |
| 90 | +SETTINGS_LOG_LEVEL: Log Level |
| 91 | +SETTINGS_LOG_FILE_SIZE: Log File Size |
| 92 | +SETTINGS_SET_PICGO_SERVER: Set PicGo Server |
| 93 | +SETTINGS_TIPS_SERVER_NOTICE: If you don't know what is the server's function, please read the document, or don't modify the configuration. |
| 94 | +SETTINGS_ENABLE_SERVER: Enable Server |
| 95 | +SETTINGS_SET_SERVER_HOST: Set Server Host |
| 96 | +SETTINGS_SET_SERVER_PORT: Set Server Port |
| 98 | +SETTINGS_TIP_PLACEHOLDER_PORT: Default:36677 |
| 105 | +SETTINGS_RESULT: Result |
| 106 | +SETTINGS_DEFAULT_PICBED: Default Picbed |
| 107 | +SETTINGS_SET_DEFAULT_PICBED: Set Default Picbed |
| 108 | +SETTINGS_NOT_CONFIG_OPTIONS: Not Config Options |
| 109 | +SETTINGS_USE_BUILTIN_CLIPBOARD_UPLOAD: Use Builtin Clipboard to Upload |
| 110 | +SETTINGS_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE: Choose Language |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | +# shortcut-page |
| 113 | + |
| 114 | +BUILTIN_CLIPBOARD_TIPS: Use builtin clipboard function to upload instead of using scripts |
| 115 | +SHORTCUT_NAME: Shortcut Name |
| 116 | +SHORTCUT_BIND: Shortcut Binding |
| 117 | +SHORTCUT_STATUS: Status |
| 118 | +SHORTCUT_ENABLED: Enabled |
| 119 | +SHORTCUT_DISABLED: Disabled |
| 120 | +SHORTCUT_SOURCE: Source |
| 121 | +SHORTCUT_HANDLE: Handle |
| 122 | +SHORTCUT_ENABLE: Enable |
| 123 | +SHORTCUT_DISABLE: Disable |
| 124 | +SHORTCUT_EDIT: Edit |
| 125 | +SHORTCUT_CHANGE_UPLOAD: Change Upload Shortcut |
| 126 | + |
| 127 | +# tray-page |
| 128 | + |
| 129 | +WAIT_TO_UPLOAD: Wait to Upload |
| 130 | +ALREADY_UPLOAD: Already Upload |
| 131 | + |
| 132 | +# upload-page |
| 133 | + |
| 134 | +PICTURE_UPLOAD: Picture Upload |
| 135 | +DRAG_FILE_TO_HERE: Drag file to here, or |
| 136 | +CLICK_TO_UPLOAD: click to upload |
| 137 | +LINK_FORMAT: Link Format |
| 138 | +CUSTOM: Custom |
| 139 | +CLIPBOARD_PICTURE: Clipboard |
| 140 | +TIPS_DRAG_VALID_PICTURE_OR_URL: Drag valid picture or url to here |
| 141 | +TIPS_INPUT_URL: Input URL |
| 142 | +TIPS_HTTP_PREFIX: http:// or https:// |
| 143 | +TIPS_INPUT_VALID_URL: Input valid URL |
| 144 | + |
| 145 | +# plugins |
| 146 | + |
| 147 | +PLUGIN_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER: Search picgo plugins on npm, or click the button to view the awesome plugins list |
| 148 | +PLUGIN_INSTALL: Install |
| 149 | +PLUGIN_INSTALLING: Installing... |
| 150 | +PLUGIN_INSTALLED: Installed |
| 151 | +PLUGIN_DOING_SOMETHING: Doing... |
| 152 | +PLUGIN_LIST: Plugin List |
| 153 | +PLUGIN_IMPORT_LOCAL: Import Local Plugins |
| 154 | + |
| 155 | +# tips |
| 156 | + |
| 157 | +TIPS_REMOVE_LINK: This operation will remove the picture from the album, continue? |
| 158 | +TIPS_WILL_REMOVE_CHOOSED_IMAGES: This operation will remove the picture from the album, continue? |
| 159 | +TIPS_MUST_CONTAINS_URL: Must contains $url |
| 160 | +TIPS_NETWORK_ERROR: Network Error |
| 161 | +TIPS_NEED_RELOAD: Need Reload App |
| 162 | +TIPS_PLEASE_CHOOSE_LOG_LEVEL: Please choose log level |
| 163 | +TIPS_SET_SUCCEED: Set successfully |
| 164 | +TIPS_PLUGIN_NOT_GUI_IMPLEMENT: This plugin is not optimized for the GUI, continue? |
| 165 | +TIPS_CLICK_NOTIFICATION_TO_RELOAD: Click notification to reload app |
| 166 | +TIPS_GET_PLUGIN_LIST_FAILED: Get plugin list failed |
| 167 | + |
| 168 | +# ---renderer i18n end--- |
| 169 | + |
| 170 | +# plugins |
| 171 | +PLUGIN_INSTALL_SUCCEED: Plugin install succeed |
| 172 | +PLUGIN_INSTALL_FAILED: Plugin install failed |
| 173 | +PLUGIN_UNINSTALL_SUCCEED: Plugin uninstall succeed |
| 174 | +PLUGIN_UNINSTALL_FAILED: Plugin uninstall failed |
| 175 | +PLUGIN_UPDATE_SUCCEED: Plugin update succeed |
| 176 | +PLUGIN_UPDATE_FAILED: Plugin update failed |
| 177 | +PLUGIN_IMPORT_SUCCEED: Plugin import succeed |
| 178 | +PLUGIN_IMPORT_FAILED: Plugin import failed |
| 179 | +ENABLE_PLUGIN: Enable Plugin |
| 180 | +DISABLE_PLUGIN: Disable Plugin |
| 181 | +UNINSTALL_PLUGIN: Uninstall Plugin |
| 182 | +UPDATE_PLUGIN: Update Plugin |
| 183 | + |
| 184 | +# tips |
| 185 | +TIPS_NOTICE: Tips |
| 186 | +TIPS_WARNING: Warning |
| 187 | +TIPS_ERROR: Error |
| 188 | +TIPS_INSTALL_NODE_AND_RELOAD_PICGO: Please install Node.js and restart PicGo to continue |
| 189 | +TIPS_PLUGIN_REMOVE_GALLERY_ITEM: Plugin is trying to remove some images from the album gallery, continue? |
| 190 | +TIPS_PLUGIN_OVERWRITE_GALLERY: Plugin is trying to overwrite the album gallery, continue? |
| 191 | +TIPS_UPLOAD_NOT_PICTURES: The latest clipboard item is not a picture |
| 192 | +TIPS_PICGO_CONFIG_FILE_BROKEN_WITH_DEFAULT: PicGo config file broken, has been restored to default |
| 193 | +TIPS_PICGO_CONFIG_FILE_BROKEN_WITH_BACKUP: PicGo config file broken, has been restored to backup |
| 194 | +TIPS_PICGO_BACKUP_FILE_VERSION: 'Backup file version: ${v}' |
| 195 | +TIPS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE_PATH_ERROR: Custom config file parse error, please check the path content |
| 196 | +TIPS_SHORTCUT_MODIFIED_SUCCEED: Shortcut modified successfully |
| 197 | +TIPS_SHORTCUT_MODIFIED_CONFLICT: Shortcut conflict, please reset |
| 198 | +TIPS_CUSTOM_LINK_STYLE_MODIFIED_SUCCEED: Custom link style modified successfully |
| 199 | +TIPS_FIND_NEW_VERSION: Find new version ${v},update many new features, do you want to download the latest version? |
| 200 | + |
| 201 | +# privacy |
| 202 | +PRIVACY: > |
| 203 | +
| 204 | + This software respects and protects the personal privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and better services, this software will use and collect some of your behavioral information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. When you agree to the software service use agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of the software service use agreement, and it will not be used if you do not agree. |
| 205 | + This Agreement will be updated periodically. |
| 206 | +
| 207 | + 1. Scope of application |
| 208 | +
| 209 | +
| 210 | + a) When you use this software, this software will record some information about your operation behavior of this software, including but not limited to the time-consuming, type, quantity and other information of your use of this software to upload files. |
| 211 | +
| 212 | +
| 213 | + 2. Use of Information |
| 214 | +
| 215 | +
| 216 | + a) After obtaining your usage data, the software will upload it to the data analysis server so as to provide you with better services after analyzing the data. |
| 217 | +
| 218 | +
| 219 | + 3. Information disclosure |
| 220 | +
| 221 | +
| 222 | + a) This software will not disclose your information to untrusted third parties. |
| 223 | +
| 224 | +
| 225 | + b) In accordance with the relevant provisions of the law, or the requirements of administrative or judicial institutions, disclose to third parties or administrative or judicial institutions; |
| 226 | +
| 227 | +
| 228 | + c) If you violate relevant Chinese laws, regulations or relevant rules, you need to disclose it to a third party; |
| 229 | +
| 230 | +
| 231 | + 4. Information Security |
| 232 | +
| 233 | +
| 234 | + a) This software does not collect your personal information, key information and other private information, and the collected information is only used for improving the software, optimizing the experience, and understanding the daily activities of the software. |
| 235 | +PRIVACY_TIPS: Please agree the privacy policy to upload |
| 236 | +QUIT: Quit |
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