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OpenGL Viewer Project

This project is a simple OpenGL 3D model renderer. It allows .obj and .mtl files to be opened and viewed. The core libraries used are GLEW, GLFW, and GLM.


The project uses CMake to build. Running the CMake GUI application and selecting the project's root directory, ie. <location>/OpenGLWarmup/ as the source code location, and <location>/OpenGLWarmup/build as the build location, and then running configure and generate allows the user to create visual studio project files for the project. After these files are generated, the program can be opened in visual studio by opening the OpenGLWarmup.sln project file. To build the program in visual studio, right click the 'OpenGLWarmup' project inside the solution hierarchy in visual studio and select Set as startup project. Finally, right click the 'OpenGLWarmup' project, select properties, and in the 'Configuration Properties >> Linker >> Input' section, add glew32s.lib to the 'Additional Dependencies' field. Now the project can be recompiled by pressing F7 or selecting 'Build >> Build Solution' in Visual Studio.


The program can be launched on Windows by opening the OpenGLWarmup.exe file in the /bin/ folder. If the program was recompiled in visual studio, make sure that the executable file is in the <location>/OpenGLWarmup/bin/ folder. If this folder does not exist, create the folder and move the executable to that folder. The project structure requires that config.txt is in the root folder /, OpenGLWarmup.exe is in the /bin/ folder, 3D models to be loaded are in the /models/ folder, and vertex and fragment shader source codes are in the /src/ folder. If the program does not run, ensure that the program files follow this exact structure. The program can also be run by opening the visual studio project and launching the application in either Debug or Release mode.


In /config.txt, choose which model to load and options on how to load it. The project comes with several 3D models, but new ones can be placed in the /models/ folder and selected in /config.txt to be loaded.

Options usage:

Which object should be loaded by the program. Should be a '.obj' file object = cube.obj Scale of the object in the program. Should be in range (0, 1] scale = 0.6 Position of the object in the program. Marked as <x, y, z> coordinates position = 0.0 0.0 0.0 Default color of meshes. Marked as <r, g, b> data dcolor = 0.8 0.8 0.8 Vertex model. [0] separate, [1] indexed. Indexed data structure may cause issues with complicated models with non-triangular faces vertexmodel = 0 Should model be drawn in wireframe? [0] No, [1] Yes wireframe = 0 Should the model information be printed in the console? [0] No, [1] Yes print = 0 Should the model be rendered using Gouraud [0] or Phong [1] shading phong = 0

Camera options

cameraStartPos = 0.0 0.0 1.0 Camera look at direction. This is what the camera looks at by default cameraStartLookAt = 0.0 0.0 0.0 Camera up direction. (Only change this if you really know what you're doing) cameraStartUp = 0.0 1.0 0.0 Camera field of view (FOV). Only used for the perspective camera cameraFov = 45.0 Orthographic camera size. Only used for orthographic camera. cameraSize = 10.0 10.0 Camera near clip plane. (Only change this if you know what you're doing) cameraNearClip = 0.1 Camera far clip plane. (Only change this if you know what you're doing) cameraFarClip = 100.0 Should the camera be in perspective? [1] Yes, [0] No perspective = 1

Program usage:

Press [W] to move mesh forward Press [S] to move mesh back Press [D] to move mesh right Press [A] to move mesh left Press [Space] to move mesh up Press [Shift] to move mesh down

Press [Ctrl + W] to move camera forward Press [Ctrl + S] to move camera back Press [Ctrl + D] to move camera right Press [Ctrl + A] to move camera left Press [Ctrl + Space] to move camera up Press [Ctrl + Shift] to move camera down

Press [Q] to scale mesh up Press [E] to scale mesh down Press [Up Arrow] to rotate mesh up Press [Down Arrow] to rotate mesh down Press [Right Arrow] to rotate mesh right Press [Left Arrow] to rotate mesh left

Press [Ctrl + Up Arrow] to rotate camera up Press [Ctrl + Down Arrow] to rotate camera down Press [Ctrl + Right Arrow] to rotate camera right Press [Ctrl + Left Arrow] to rotate camera left Press [F] to focus camera on the mesh

Press [Alt + Left Mouse Button] to rotate camera with the mouse Press [Alt + Right Mouse Button] to move camera with the mouse Press [Esc] to exit the program

Links to libraries: