You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
The class of red text in the chart:You can use them directly
The drop-down refresh control types
The pull to refresh control types
Auto refresh
Auto Back
The class of non-red text in the chart:For inheritance,to use DIY the control of refresh
About how to DIY the control of refresh,You can refer the Class in below Chart
/** The Base Class of refresh control */@interfaceMJRefreshComponent : UIView
#pragma mark - Control the state of Refresh
/** BeginRefreshing */
- (void)beginRefreshing;
/** EndRefreshing */
- (void)endRefreshing;
/** IsRefreshing */
- (BOOL)isRefreshing;
#pragma mark - Other
/** According to the drag ratio to change alpha automatically */@property (assign, nonatomic, getter=isAutomaticallyChangeAlpha) BOOL automaticallyChangeAlpha;
@interfaceMJRefreshHeader : MJRefreshComponent/** Creat header */
+ (instancetype)headerWithRefreshingBlock:(MJRefreshComponentRefreshingBlock)refreshingBlock;
/** Creat header */
+ (instancetype)headerWithRefreshingTarget:(id)targetrefreshingAction:(SEL)action;
/** This key is used to storage the time that the last time of drown-down successfully */@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *lastUpdatedTimeKey;
/** The last time of drown-down successfully */@property (strong, nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *lastUpdatedTime;
/** Ignored scrollView contentInset top */@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat ignoredScrollViewContentInsetTop;
@interfaceMJRefreshFooter : MJRefreshComponent/** Creat footer */
+ (instancetype)footerWithRefreshingBlock:(MJRefreshComponentRefreshingBlock)refreshingBlock;
/** Creat footer */
+ (instancetype)footerWithRefreshingTarget:(id)targetrefreshingAction:(SEL)action;
/** NoticeNoMoreData */
- (void)noticeNoMoreData;
/** ResetNoMoreData(Clear the status of NoMoreData ) */
- (void)resetNoMoreData;
/** Ignored scrollView contentInset bottom */@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat ignoredScrollViewContentInsetBottom;
@interfaceMJRefreshAutoFooter : MJRefreshFooter/** Is Automatically Refresh(Default is Yes) */@property (assign, nonatomic, getter=isAutomaticallyRefresh) BOOL automaticallyRefresh;
/** When there is much at the bottom of the control is automatically refresh(Default is 1.0,Is at the bottom of the control appears in full, will refresh automatically) */@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat triggerAutomaticallyRefreshPercent;
* Due to there are more functions of this framework,Don't write specific text describe its usage* You can directly reference examples MJTableViewController、MJCollectionViewController、MJWebViewController,More intuitive and fast.
The drop-down refresh 01-Default
self.tableView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically
// Set the callback(Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadNewData])
self.tableView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingTarget:selfrefreshingAction:@selector(loadNewData)];
// Enter the refresh status immediately
[self.tableView.mj_header beginRefreshing];
The drop-down refresh 02-Animation image
// Set the callback(一Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadNewData])
MJRefreshGifHeader *header = [MJRefreshGifHeader headerWithRefreshingTarget:selfrefreshingAction:@selector(loadNewData)];
// Set the ordinary state of animated images
[header setImages:idleImages forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
// Set the pulling state of animated images(Enter the status of refreshing as soon as loosen)
[header setImages:pullingImages forState:MJRefreshStatePulling];
// Set the refreshing state of animated images
[header setImages:refreshingImages forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
// Set header
self.tableView.mj_header = header;
The drop-down refresh 03-Hide the time
// Hide the time
header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.hidden = YES;
The drop-down refresh 04-Hide status and time
// Hide the time
header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.hidden = YES;
// Hide the status
header.stateLabel.hidden = YES;
The drop-down refresh 05-DIY title
// Set title
[header setTitle:@"Pull down to refresh"forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
[header setTitle:@"Release to refresh"forState:MJRefreshStatePulling];
[header setTitle:@"Loading ..."forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
// Set font
header.stateLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15];
header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14];
// Set textColor
header.stateLabel.textColor = [UIColor redColor];
header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];
The drop-down refresh 06-DIY the control of refresh
self.tableView.mj_header = [MJDIYHeader headerWithRefreshingTarget:selfrefreshingAction:@selector(loadNewData)];
// Implementation reference to MJDIYHeader.h和MJDIYHeader.m
The pull to refresh 01-Default
self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshAutoNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically
// Set the callback(Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadMoreData])
self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshAutoNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:selfrefreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
The pull to refresh 02-Animation image
// Set the callback(Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadMoreData])
MJRefreshAutoGifFooter *footer = [MJRefreshAutoGifFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:selfrefreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
// Set the refresh image
[footer setImages:refreshingImages forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
// Set footer
self.tableView.mj_footer = footer;
The pull to refresh 03-Hide the title of refresh status
// Hide the title of refresh status
footer.refreshingTitleHidden = YES;
// If does have not above method,then use footer.stateLabel.hidden = YES;
The pull to refresh 04-All loaded
//Become the status of NoMoreData
[footer noticeNoMoreData];
The pull to refresh 05-DIY title
// Set title
[footer setTitle:@"Click or drag up to refresh"forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
[footer setTitle:@"Loading more ..."forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
[footer setTitle:@"No more data"forState:MJRefreshStateNoMoreData];
// Set font
footer.stateLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17];
// Set textColor
footer.stateLabel.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];
The pull to refresh 06-Hidden After loaded
//Hidden current control of the pull to refresh
self.tableView.mj_footer.hidden = YES;
The pull to refresh 07-Automatic back of the pull01
The pull to refresh 08-Automatic back of the pull02
MJRefreshBackGifFooter *footer = [MJRefreshBackGifFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:selfrefreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
// Set the normal state of the animated image
[footer setImages:idleImages forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
// Set the pulling state of animated images(Enter the status of refreshing as soon as loosen)
[footer setImages:pullingImages forState:MJRefreshStatePulling];
// Set the refreshing state of animated images
[footer setImages:refreshingImages forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
// Set footer
self.tableView.mj_footer = footer;
The pull to refresh 09-DIY the control of refresh(Automatic refresh)
self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJDIYAutoFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:selfrefreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
// Implementation reference to MJDIYAutoFooter.h和MJDIYAutoFooter.m
The pull to refresh 10-DIY the control of refresh(Automatic back)
self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJDIYBackFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:selfrefreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
// Implementation reference to MJDIYBackFooter.h和MJDIYBackFooter.m
UICollectionView01-The pull and drop-down refresh
// The drop-down refresh
self.collectionView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically
// The pull to refresh
self.collectionView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshAutoNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically
UIWebView01-The drop-down refresh
//Add the control of The drop-down refresh
self.webView.scrollView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically