Branch | ![]() |
![]() |
master |
develop |
Work with PLINK and PLINK2 from R.
- Doing the first PLINK example: YouTube download (.ogv)
- Detect an association with one or more quantitative traits: YouTube download (.ogv)
- Detect an association with ideal quantitative traits: YouTube download (.ogv)
- Simulate quantitative traits: YouTube download (.ogv)
- Simulate custom traits: YouTube download (.ogv)
- Detect an association with a binary trait/case-control phenotype: YouTube download (.ogv)
See doc/
can seamlessly run any PLINK
To call a specific version of PLINK:
run_plink(c("--help", "--noweb"), create_plink_v1_7_options())
run_plink("--help", create_plink_v1_9_options())
run_plink("--help", create_plink_v2_0_options())
Of course, you can also call PLINK to detect genetic associations :-) :
# Use the PLINK v1.9 example files
plink_v1_9 <- create_plink_v1_9_options()
ped_filename <- get_plink_example_filename("toy.ped", plink_v1_9)
map_filename <- get_plink_example_filename("", plink_v1_9)
# Do a case-control association
args = c(
"--ped", ped_filename,
"--map", map_filename
- See the vignette
for basic usage of PLINK, as taken from the PLINK website, which shows a quantitative trait analysis - See the vignette
for the same basic usage of PLINK, using theplinkr
interface - See the vignette
for doing a quantitative trait analysis using simulated data and theplinkr
assoc_qt_data <- create_assoc_qt_data(
data = create_plink_text_filenames(
map_filename = get_plinkr_filename(""),
ped_filename = get_plinkr_filename("demo_assoc_qt.ped")
phenotype_data = create_phenotype_data_filename(
phe_filename = get_plinkr_filename("demo_assoc_qt.phe")
assoc_qt_filenames <- assoc_qt(assoc_qt_data = assoc_qt_data)
assoc_qt_data <- create_assoc_qt_data(
data = create_plink_bin_filenames(
bed_filename = get_plinkr_filename("demo_assoc_qt.bed"),
bim_filename = get_plinkr_filename("demo_assoc_qt.bim"),
fam_filename = get_plinkr_filename("demo_assoc_qt.fam")
phenotype_data = create_phenotype_data_filename(
phe_filename = get_plinkr_filename("demo_assoc_qt.phe")
assoc_qt_filenames <- assoc_qt(assoc_qt_data = assoc_qt_data)
can seamlessly use PLINK
in-memory-data or files.
assoc_qt_data <- create_demo_assoc_qt_data()
# Prove that this is PLINK text data
assoc_qt_params <- create_test_assoc_qt_params()
assoc_qt_data = assoc_qt_data,
assoc_qt_params = assoc_qt_params
To convert the in-memory data to PLINK binary format and do the same quantitative trait analysis:
assoc_qt_data$data <- convert_plink_text_data_to_plink_bin_data(
# Prove that this is PLINK binary data
assoc_qt_data = assoc_qt_data,
assoc_qt_params = assoc_qt_params
- See the vignette
for a walk-through of the data that is simulated by default - See the vignette
for many examples how data can be simulated
can read and save many types of PLINK files. Below is an
overview. List from the PLINK file format
File extension | plink read function |
.adjusted |
read_plink_adjusted_file | |
🚧 |
.assoc |
read_plink_assoc_file |
.assoc.adjusted |
read_plink_assoc_adjusted_file |
.assoc.dosage |
🚧 |
.assoc.fisher |
🚧 |
.assoc.linear |
🚧 |
.assoc.logistic |
🚧 |
.auto.R |
🚧 |
.bcf |
🚧 |
.beagle.dat |
🚧 |
.bed |
read_plink_bed_file |
.bim |
read_plink_bin_file |
PLINK binary data | read_plink_bin_data |
PLINK2 binary data | read_plink2_bin_data |
.blocks* |
🚧 |
.chr-*.dat |
🚧 |
.chr-*.map |
🚧 |
.clst |
🚧 |
.clumped* |
🚧 |
.cluster* |
🚧 |
.cmh |
🚧 |
.cmh2 |
🚧 |
.cnv |
🚧 |
.cnv.indiv |
🚧 |
.cnv.overlap |
🚧 |
.cnv.summary |
🚧 |
.cov |
read_plink_cov_file |
.dfam |
🚧 |
.diff |
🚧 |
.dist |
🚧 |
.dupvar |
🚧 |
.eigenvec* |
🚧 |
.epi.* |
🚧 |
.fam |
read_plink_fam_file |
.flipscan |
🚧 |
.frq |
read_plink_frq_file | |
🚧 |
.frq.count |
🚧 |
.frq.strat |
read_plink_frq_strat_file |
.frqx |
🚧 |
.fst |
🚧 |
.gen |
🚧 |
.genome |
🚧 |
.grm |
🚧 |
.grm.N.bin |
🚧 |
.grm.bin |
🚧 |
.gvar |
🚧 |
.het |
🚧 |
.hh |
🚧 |
.hom |
🚧 |
.hom.indiv |
🚧 |
.hom.overlap* |
🚧 |
.hom.summary |
🚧 |
.homog |
🚧 |
.hwe |
🚧 |
.ibc |
🚧 |
.imiss |
read_plink_imiss_file |
.info |
🚧 |
.lasso |
🚧 |
.ld |
read_plink_ld_file |
.ldset |
🚧 |
.lgen |
🚧 |
.list |
🚧 |
.lmiss |
read_plink_lmiss_file |
.log |
read_plink_log_file |
.map |
read_plink_map_file |
.mdist |
🚧 |
.mdist.missing |
🚧 |
.mds |
🚧 |
.*mendel |
🚧 |
.meta |
🚧 |
.mibs |
🚧 |
.missing |
🚧 |
.missing.hap |
🚧 |
.model |
🚧 |
.mperm |
🚧 |
.nearest |
🚧 |
.occur.dosage |
🚧 |
.out.dosage |
🚧 |
.ped |
read_plink_ped_file |
.perm |
🚧 |
.phe |
read_plink_phe_file |
.pphe |
🚧 |
.prob |
🚧 |
.profile |
🚧 |
.qassoc |
read_plink_qassoc_file |
.qassoc.gxe |
🚧 |
.qassoc.means |
🚧 |
.qfam.* |
🚧 | |
🚧 |
.raw |
🚧 |
.recode.*.txt |
🚧 |
.recode.phase.inp |
🚧 |
.recode.strct_in |
🚧 |
.ref |
🚧 |
.rel |
🚧 |
.rlist |
🚧 |
.sample |
🚧 |
.set |
🚧 |
.set.{perm,mperm} |
🚧 |
.set.table |
🚧 |
.sexcheck |
🚧 |
.simfreq |
read_plink_simfreq_file |
.tags.list |
🚧 |
.tdt |
🚧 |
.tdt.poo |
🚧 |
PLINK text data | read_plink_text_data |
.tfam |
🚧 |
.tped |
🚧 |
.traw |
🚧 |
.twolocus |
🚧 |
.var.ranges |
🚧 |
.vcf |
🚧 |
Association type | Data type | General function | Specialized function |
Case-control | PLINK1 text data | assoc |
assoc_on_plink_text_data |
Case-control | PLINK1 bin data | assoc |
assoc_on_plink_bin_data |
Case-control | PLINK2 bin data | assoc |
assoc_on_plink2_bin_data |
Case-control | PLINK1 text files | assoc 🚧 |
assoc_on_plink_text_files 🚧 |
Case-control | PLINK1 bin files | assoc 🚧 |
assoc_on_plink_bin_files 🚧 |
Case-control | PLINK2 bin files | assoc 🚧 |
assoc_on_plink2_bin_files 🚧 |
Quantitative | PLINK1 text data | assoc_qt |
assoc_qt_on_plink_text_data |
Quantitative | PLINK1 bin data | assoc_qt |
assoc_qt_on_plink_bin_data |
Quantitative | PLINK2 bin data | assoc_qt |
assoc_qt_on_plink2_bin_data |
Quantitative | PLINK1 text files | assoc_qt 🚧 |
assoc_qt_on_plink_text_files 🚧 |
Quantitative | PLINK1 bin files | assoc_qt 🚧 |
assoc_qt_on_plink_bin_files 🚧 |
Quantitative | PLINK2 bin files | assoc_qt 🚧 |
assoc_qt_on_plink2_bin_files 🚧 |
allows to convert between any PLINK and PLINK2 files.
From | To | Function name |
PLINK1 text files | PLINK1 binary files | convert_plink_text_files_to_plink_bin_files |
PLINK1 text files | PLINK2 binary files | convert_plink_text_files_to_plink2_bin_files |
PLINK1 binary files | PLINK text files | convert_plink_bin_files_to_plink_text_files |
PLINK1 binary files | PLINK2 binary files | convert_plink_bin_files_to_plink2_bin_files |
PLINK2 binary files | PLINK text files | convert_plink2_bin_files_to_plink_text_files 🚧 |
PLINK2 binary files | PLINK binary files | convert_plink2_bin_files_to_plink_bin_files |
🚧 | 🚧 | 🚧 |
any type of files | PLINK text files | convert_files_to_plink_text_files 🚧 |
any type of files | PLINK1 binary files | convert_files_to_plink_bin_files 🚧 |
any type of files | PLINK2 binary files | convert_files_to_plink2_bin_files 🚧 |
PLINK1 binary files | SAIGE files | create_bgen_files_for_saige 🚧 |
PLINK1 binary files | PLINK2 VCF files | convert_plink_bin_files_to_plink_vcf_files 🚧 |
allows to convert between any PLINK and PLINK2 data.
From | To | Function name |
PLINK1 text data | PLINK1 binary data | convert_plink_text_data_to_plink_bin_data |
PLINK1 text data | PLINK2 binary data | convert_plink_text_data_to_plink2_bin_data |
PLINK1 binary data | PLINK text data | convert_plink_bin_data_to_plink_text_data 🚧 |
PLINK1 binary data | PLINK2 binary data | convert_plink_bin_data_to_plink2_bin_data |
PLINK2 binary data | PLINK text data | convert_plink2_bin_data_to_plink_text_data 🚧 |
PLINK2 binary data | PLINK binary data | convert_plink2_bin_data_to_plink_bin_data |
See doc/