Highlights from Game Off 2020
Game Off is our annual month-long game jam. This year’s theme was “moonshot,” and there were more than 500 tre-moon-dous submissions! 🌛 Here are some of the top-rated games as…
Explore open source games on GitHub and the growing community of developers who leverage open source principles to create, share, and collaborate on game projects. Find out what open source games are trending and how they’re developed.
Game Off is our annual month-long game jam. This year’s theme was “moonshot,” and there were more than 500 tre-moon-dous submissions! 🌛 Here are some of the top-rated games as…
The theme for this year’s Game Off is MOONSHOT. moonshot – noun an extremely ambitious and innovative project the act of launching a spacecraft to the moon a hit or…
WARNING: This post contains zombies, werewolves, extra dimensional beings, mummies, and more! Proceed at your own risk. Trick or treat yourself to some fangtastic Halloween-themed games this weekend. These were…
Game Off, our annual game jam (a hackathon for building games) returns this weekend. Participants will be given a secret theme on November 1 and will have the entire month…
The ninth annual js13kGames competition wrapped up last weekend with over 220 games submitted. All created in a month and in less than 13kB of JavaScript. For anyone not in…
The fourth annual GMTK Game Jam has broken it’s previous year’s record! GMTK Game Jam is a 48-hour game-making competition focused on design, mechanics, and clever ideas. The competition has just…
10 games from Ludum Dare 46 for your entertainment and source code-viewing pleasure.
Thousands of game developers from all over the world participated in Game Off, our annual game jam celebrating open source. Let’s take a look at 2019’s winners.
The 2019 theme for Game Off, our annual month-long game jam and hackathon for building games is LEAPS AND BOUNDS. Join now!
Make a pillow fort and grab some candy (and a friend) before you play and hack your way through 13 of the spookiest game jam games.
Join us for Game Off on November 1, where you can create your own game, learn a new technology, and even collaborate on something over the weekends with friends.
We take a look at the top 10 games as voted on by the community in the 8th annual JS13K competition.
Join us for a chat with Kevin Savetz and Steve Meretzky about developing video games for Infocom in the 1980s.
You created over 300 great games during November—here are a few of our winners and favorites for you to enjoy.
Build a game this November in our annual month-long game jam
Build what’s next on GitHub, the place for anyone from anywhere to build anything.