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Teachers we have heard your feedback! The GitHub Classroom team is excited to announce that now in addition to reusing a single assignment you can reuse multiple assignments across Classrooms and/or from semester-to-semester. You no longer have to manually and repeatedly create new assignments using the same template repo.

Using 'Reuse assignment' on the Classroom level you can copy single / multiple assignments and associated template repo across Classrooms and organizations. The copied assignment will include the Assignment details such as name, source repository, autograding and preferred editor.



These changes will be gradually rolling out over the next week. For more information on how to use this new experience, check out our documentation. Your feedback is welcome at our Education Community Forum.

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You can now enable Visual Studio Code as a preferred editor for all Assignments in GitHub Classroom. To do so, select “Visual Studio Code” as a supported editor during Assignment creation. Once enabled, all accepted Assignments will include an “Open in VS Code” badge in the Assignment repository READMEs. This badge will open the assignment in Visual Studio Code with the new GitHub Classroom extension auto-installed. You can also independently install the extension from the Visual Code Marketplace

Get started with the Visual Studio Code integration
Add a Supported Editor section of Assignment Creation now shows Visual Studio Code as a dropdown option

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