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(1 edit) (+1)

Tips I should’ve included in a txt with the game but forgot:

  • You can hold down the Z key to shoot. You don’t have to tap it.
  • Those cyan/white things are snowflakes you oughta collect to increase the “Aura of Ice.”
  • Fire projectiles, the orange ones, will collide with the aura and decrease its size.
  • Sawblade projectiles will slow upon entering the aura, and gradually come to a stop if kept in it.
  • Once sawblade projectiles have been frozen, they can be collided with to send them flying upwards towards the boss, ideally landing a hit for good damage.
  • Your basic attack hardly does any damage so you really gotta make good use of the sawblades.
  • There’s this super annoying blue fire projectile in phase 3 or so that will destroy your entire aura when it collides with it. Learning the pattern/timing as to when it fires is key to beating that phase.
  • Have fun! (Ideally.)

Some tips for myself, for next time I use Godot:

  • If the scripts straight up ain’t running, it’s ‘cos there’s a mismatch between what node type a script extends and the type of node it’s attached to.
  • If an object’s position seems weird and offset, it probably really is offset. Check its local position.
  • Don’t make the silly mistake again where you fed an object a sprite instead of a prefab thanks to quickload.
  • Have fun! (Ideally…)