Survey on Crypto Trading and Taxation in India
We are conducting a survey to understand your perspectives on the current tax structure and regulations surrounding cryptocurrency trading and investments in India. Your insights will help us identify key concerns and potential improvements in this space. The survey is anonymous and will take only a few minutes to complete. Thank you for your participation!  
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Which of the following do you find most discouraging about crypto trading or investing in India? *
⁠Do you feel the current tax structure for crypto (e.g., 30% tax on gains and 1% TDS) should be revised in the upcoming budget?
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What do you think is a fair tax rate for gains from crypto investments?

Do you think crypto investments should be taxed under the short-term and long-term capital gains framework? *
Do you believe this Union Budget should allow the offsetting of losses and gains for crypto trading, similar to equity trading? *
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