Urika. Urika all the things that inspire you Join Urika for FREE and explore cutting edge innovationsfrom around the globe with our unique...
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This is a Guest Post by Naomi Esterly Through economic hard times of 2012 entrepreneurs have become creative and are able to shine through it all. These creative entrepreneurs introduced 5 ground-breaking startup companies that resulted in changing...
Leo Burnett Solutions Inc., (LBSI) recently held a review of 2014 to reflect the success of the last year and to gear itself for the challenges of 2015. Leo Burnett marked the end of yet another successful year in Sri Lanka, celebrating its 15th anniversary...
Cheryl Hunter (shelflife at marklives.com)’s weekly pick of all things new — product, packaging, design, insight, food, décor and more! Helix brings back the cork A Corner Bakery on every street Meandering the midlands on mobile An unexpected twist...
LOS ANGELES, June 4, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The thinkLA IDEA Awards Gala presented by NBCUniversal will take place tonight, June 4th, 6pm to midnight at the Beverly Hilton International Ballroom. The awards are a celebration of creativity in the LA advertising...
GMIC Tel-Aviv is excited to announce its first list of speakers for the conference on March 22, 2016 at the Fair Center, Tel-Aviv. Opportunities to innovate abound in mobile internet industry, especially in Israel. GMIC Tel-Aviv will focus on two important...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
Making Innovations Discoverable using a Smart Associative Search Startup Review & Video - Urika
Urika all the things that inspire you Join Urika for FREE and explore cutting edge innovationsfrom around the globe with our unique associative search Search our hand-curated database of 10K+ Innovat...
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