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Therealasset. You can save, spend and send tally just like pounds using the app and TallyMoney Debit Mastercard.
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Diwali, Gold and India – Is the Love Affair Over? I live in Dubai where Diwali has been the focus for many this weekend. With Diwali comes not just fantastic light displays and celebrations but also huge adverts for Hindus to buy gold for their loved...
France has prohibited the sending of currency, “coins and precious metals” by mail. In new legislation which was enacted May 23rd, the French government decreed that it is forbidden to send all forms of currency - coins and cash and all...
Gold $1255.00 up $3.10 Silver 17.41 DOWN 5 cent In the access market 5:15 pm Gold: 1258.00 Silver: 17.50 THE DAILY GOLD FIX REPORT FROM SHANGHAI AND LONDON . The Shanghai fix is at 10:15 pm est and 2:15 am est The fix for London is at 5:30 ... DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE Posted on April 13, 2014 by V.K. Durham Leave a comment LOOKING DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE By: V.K. Durham, CEO America’s Secret Government Program to Hire Nazi War...
Update: Silver just exploded above $21 – up almost 8% – its biggest single day surge since September 2013. Silver is limit up on SHFE as Gold is also surging back towards Brexit highs near $1360… China’s CFETS Renminbi basket just hit a record low.....
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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