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News, stories and media buzz related to SMART LIVING TIPS

  • TIP! Most web hosts have various add-ons for their packages, however, the features offered varies host by host. When comparing hosts, be sure you are including the features that you need. Utilizing a web host that is unreliable means, that there will...

  • 400+ Free Resources for DevOps & Sysadmins
    via freepythontips.wordpress

    As an Python advocate and educator, I’m always looking for ways to make my job (and yours) easier. This list put together by Morpheus Data offers a ton of great resources for Python users (more than 25 tools specific to Python) and other DevOps and Sysadmins...

  • It's easier than ever to get published. As Seth Godin would say, you just need to choose yourself - just decide you want to be a published writer, and boom you can be published. It really is that simple these days. It doesn't take anything fancy to...

  • A website is becoming an essential part of marketing for every small business. “How to choose the best small business web hosting service?” is a question that every business owner needs to answer before setting up a website for the first...

  • If you knew everything about getting all the money you could out of your business, you would be wealthy. Well, no one knows that answer for sure, but you can start by reviewing all of your business costs, such as how much you pay for your monthly web...

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    We are here to make your life simple by providing answers for all the questions you are facing time shortage for finding solutions.

  • About | SMART LIVING TIPS is an informative website that publishes articles that are useful and provide practical tips on smart living. We spend quality time in researching through various topics before w...

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