Rferl. We operate where a free press is banned by the government or not fully established and provide what many people cannot get...


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News, stories and media buzz related to Rferl

  • putin’s last stand
    via forums.musculardevelopment

    How Vladimir Putin’s desperate hold on power is fuelling the next revolution by Michael Petrou Illustration by Adrian Lee I. In late April, the forests surrounding Pikalyovo, an industrial city 250 km east of St. Petersburg, are still blanketed...

  • Introduction Following the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, two American contingents appeared to stand ascendant in the U.S.: white nationalists and the Religious Right. The former, ideological descendants of the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow...

  • February 27-28
    via publicdiplomacypressandblogreview.blogspot

    "The blog is mightier than the sword." --Headline for article by journalist Amit Lewinthal, israelhayom.com (2012), perhaps relevant eons ago (by social-media standards); image from PDCAST [LISTEN] On Culinary Diplomacy: Culinary diplomacy utilizes...

  • Headlines: Pols, lies, eCons, and polluters
    via richardbrenneman.wordpress

    Today’s tales from the worlds of economics, politics and the environment — plus added Fukusihmapocalypse Now! — opens with hope for modest relief for some via the Guardian: Sallie Mae and Justice Department in $60m deal over military...

  • By Michael Roberts – Dr. Michael Roberts A friend in Adelaide recently directed me towards an article in a prestigious world media outlet by Kenneth Roth, the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch. In this essay entitled “What Trump Should Do in...

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  • New Fighting Flares In Southeastern Ukraine

    Fresh clashes broke out overnight as Ukrainian troops battled Russia-backed separatists in Talakivka, near the city of Mariupol. The fighting was the latest in a recent flare-up of hostilities in the ...

  • Rio Results

    Here are some quick facts and figures from Rio 2016.

  • Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

    RFE/RL has more than 700 full-time journalists and 1,300 freelancers reporting the news in 27 languages in 23 countries. We operate where a free press is banned by the government or not fully establis...

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