Jakonrath Blogspot. Though writers can set goals such as "I'll query three agents by July 20th" actually getting an agent is out of our control.
Jakonrath Blogspot. Though writers can set goals such as "I'll query three agents by July 20th" actually getting an agent is out of our control.
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By tweeting this syndicated post, you can earn promotional tweets from me as part of the Amazon Tweet Exchange. Details here. Can bookstores survive in the era of ebooks and ecommerce? Cover links to Amazon.com Dramatic changes in the publishing industry...
When I first wrote a novel in 1991 I remember walking down the road and seeing a pretty girl and thinking, “She might like me now”. I know that a lot of what I write seems to involve whether or not women like me. But that’s what I...
Arlene Hayes I am busy learning about marketing. Okay – hands up – I’ve just started. So don’t ask me anything yet. Marketing is something I never thought I would need to know about, and it’s something that never interested...
One of the opportunities open to a Pal who has written a number of reviews is the equivalent of an author guest post. I reminded those who were eligible about this a few weeks ago and Pete decided to grab the opportunity. Then I had to figure out what...
Kristen Joy is the bestselling author of 26 books including the Author’s Quick Guide to Finding Your Target Market. In 2003 she turned her life-long love of reading and writing into a full-time career she loves, and now she teaches authors and entrepreneurs...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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The Easiest Way For A Complete Beginner To Make Their First $1000 In Passive Income Online
A Newbie's Guide to Publishing
Is it possible to make a living as a genre fiction writer? Yes it is.
A Newbie's Guide to Publishing: Book Country Fail
Okay, I gotta interrupt my blogging hiatus to warn newbie authors against a new program from Penguin that made me throw up in my mouth when ...
Joe sez: If you've missed the previous guest blogs, they've been fascinating and informative. You can read Jeff Schajer talking about ...
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