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News, stories and media buzz related to Ifix Screen S

  • One of the common misinterpretations of jailbreaking is that it means the same as unlocking. Your phone is now free from your carrier, Google, and Motorola. Once jailbroken, you will be able to download all possible applications, extensions and themes...

  • We might have to think about that “secure” line. Photo by Doug Kline on Flickr. You can now sign up to receive each day’s Start Up post by email. You’ll need to click a confirmation link, so no spam. A selection of 11 links for you. Use them wisely...

  • With the entry of smartphones and tablets, internet access is mostly through mobile devices. To get the most out of your device, you need the right if not the best mobile web browser. But it's not that easy and most inbuilt browsers are so unsatisfying...

  • Your phone is now free from your carrier, Google, and Motorola. Since the 360's release back in 2005, Microsoft has stated repeatedly that it was a ten year life cycle on that console. It is reported that untethered jailbreak iPhone 4 iOS 5 has been...

  • The scandal of Hillary Clinton’s “home brew” email server, as it is played out over more than a year and a half, has served as a Rorschach test for her supporters and opponents. In her critics’ eyes it’s just another example of the Clinton family taking...

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